module SolusVM class ServerCLI < BaseCLI desc "status VSERVERID", "Checks the status of a server" def status(vserverid) output api.status(vserverid) end desc "info VSERVERID", "Retrieves information from a server" def info(vserverid) output end desc "vnc VSERVERID", "Retrieves vnc information from a server" def vnc(vserverid) output api.vnc(vserverid) end desc "console VSERVERID", "Retrieves console information from a server" def console(vserverid) output api.console(vserverid) end desc "info-all VSERVERID", "Retrieves all availavle information from a server" def info_all(vserverid) output api.info_all(vserverid) end desc "change-plan VSERVERID NEWPLAN", "Changes the plan of a server" def change_plan(vserverid, newplan) output api.change_plan(vserverid, newplan) end desc "change-owner VSERVERID CLIENTID", "Changes the owner of a server" def change_owner(vserverid, clientid) output api.change_owner(vserverid, clientid) end desc "change-consolepass VSERVERID NEWPASSWORD", "Changes the console password of a server" def change_consolepass(vserverid, newpassword) output api.change_consolepass(vserverid, newpassword) end desc "change-vncpass VSERVERID NEWPASSWORD", "Changes the vnc password of a server" def change_vncpass(vserverid, newpassword) output api.change_vncpass(vserverid, newpassword) end desc "change-rootpass VSERVERID NEWPASSWORD", "Changes the root password of a server" def change_rootpass(vserverid, newpassword) output api.change_rootpassword(vserverid, newpassword) end desc "change-bootorder VSERVERID BOOTORDER", "Changes the boot order of a server [cd(Hard Disk CDROM)|dc(CDROM Hard Disk)|c(Hard Disk)|d(CDROM)]" def change_bootorder(vserverid, newbootorder) output api.change_bootorder(vserverid, newbootorder) end desc "change-hostname VSERVERID HOSTNAME", "Changes the hostname of a server" def change_hostname(vserverid, newhostname) output api.change_hostname(vserverid, newhostname) end desc "addip VSERVERID", "Adds an ip to the server" def addip(vserverid) output api.add_ip(vserverid) end desc "boot VSERVERID", "Boots up a server" def boot(vserverid) output api.boot(vserverid) end desc "reboot VSERVERID", "Reboots a server" def reboot(vserverid) output api.reboot(vserverid) end desc "shutdown VSERVERID", "Shuts down a server" def shutdown(vserverid) output api.shutdown(vserverid) end desc "suspend VSERVERID", "Suspends a server" def suspend(vserverid) output api.suspend(vserverid) end desc "resume VSERVERID", "Resumes a server" def resume(vserverid) output api.resume(vserverid) end desc "check-exists VSERVERID", "Checks if a server exists" def check_exists(vserverid) output api.exists?(vserverid) end desc "terminate VSERVERID", "Terminates a server" def terminate(vserverid) output api.terminate(vserverid) end desc "rebuild VSERVERID", "Rebuilds a server" method_option :template, type: :string, desc: "VPS template to boot from", aliases: ["-t", "--template"] def rebuild(vserverid) output api.rebuild(vserverid, {template: options[:template]}) end desc "tun-switcher VSERVERID SWITCH(on|off)", "Enable/Disable TUN/TAP" def tun_switcher(vserverid, switch) output switch(vserverid, switch, :tun_enable, :tun_disable) end desc "network-switcher VSERVERID SWITCH(on|off)", "Enable/Disable Network mode" def network_switcher(vserverid, switch) output switch(vserverid, switch, :network_enable, :network_disable) end desc "pae-switcher VSERVERID SWITCH(on|off)", "Enable/Disable PAE" def pae_switcher(vserverid, switch) output switch(vserverid, switch, :pae_enable, :pae_disable) end desc "mountiso VSERVERID ISO", "Mounts an iso" def mountiso(vserverid, iso) output api.mountiso(vserverid, iso) end desc "unmountiso VSERVERID", "Unmounts an iso" def unmountiso(vserverid) output api.unmountiso(vserverid) end desc "create HOSTNAME PASSWORD", "Creates a new server" method_option :plan, type: :string, desc: "Plan to use", aliases: ["-p", "--plan"] method_option :ips, type: :string, desc: "Number of ips to add to the vps", aliases: ["-i", "--ips"] method_option :kind, type: :string, desc: "Type of VPS (#{SolusVM::Server::VALID_SERVER_TYPES.join(',')})", aliases: ["-k", "--kind"] method_option :username, type: :string, desc: "The client to put the VPS under", aliases: ["-u", "--username"] method_option :template, type: :string, desc: "VPS template to boot from", aliases: ["-t", "--template"] method_option :node, type: :string, desc: "Node to provision on", aliases: ["-n", "--node"] def create(hostname, password) output api.create(hostname, password, { plan: options[:plan], ips: options[:ips], type: options[:kind], username: options[:username], template: options[:template], node: options[:node] }) end private def api @server ||= end def switch(vserverid, switch_value, on_method, off_method) if switch_value == "on" api.send(on_method, vserverid) elsif switch_value == "off" api.send(off_method, vserverid) else "Invalid switch value. Valid values are on|off" end end end end