# Contributing The release of Bootstrap 4 and Rails 5.1 have implications for the future direction of `bootstrap_form`. Don't worry. We plan to move this gem forward to Bootstrap 4 and to support Rails 5.1 and beyond. If you're thinking of contributing to `bootstrap_form`, please read [issue #361](https://github.com/bootstrap-ruby/bootstrap_form/issues/361). Your comments are welcome. Thanks so much for considering a contribution to bootstrap_form. We love pull requests! Here's a quick guide for contributing: ### 1. Check if issue or feature is available to work on Make sure no one else is working on the same issue or feature. Search the issues and pull requests for anything that looks like the issue or feature you want to address. If no one else is working on your issue or feature, carry on with the following steps. ### 2. Fork the repo For the project. Optionally, create a branch you want to work on ### 3. Get it running locally - Install the required dependencies with `bundle install` - Run tests via: `bundle exec rake` ### 4. Hack away - Try to keep your changes small. Consider making several smaller pull requests. - Don't forget to add necessary tests. - Update the README if necessary. - Add a line to the CHANGELOG for your bug fix or feature. You may find using demo application useful for development and debugging. - `cd demo` - `rake db:schema:load` - `rails s` - Navigate to http://localhost:3000 ### 5. Make a Pull Request - If you never done it before read this: https://help.github.com/articles/about-pull-requests/ - When PR is submitted check if TravisCI ran all tests successfully didn't raise any issues ### 6. Done! Somebody will shortly review your pull request and if everything is good will be merged into master branch. Eventually gem will be published with your changes. --- Thanks to all the great contributors over the years: https://github.com/bootstrap-ruby/bootstrap_form/graphs/contributors