= RSpactor RSpactor allows to automatically & intelligently launch your specs when your files are modified. Version 0.7.x is a complete rewrite, RubyCocoa is no more needed, FSEvents are supported from scratch. == Features * FSEvent support (without RubyCocoa!) * RSpec 2.0 support (from beta.14) * Bundler support * Super fast change detection * Automatic _spec.rb files detection (even new file created, unlike watchr) * Growl notification (please install {growlnotify}[http://growl.info/documentation/growlnotify.php]) == Install At the moment, only Mac OS X (10.5+) is supported. Tested on ruby 1.8.7 & 1.9.2dev. Install the gem: gem install rspactor If you are using Bundler, please add it to your Gemfile (inside test group): gem 'rspactor', '>= 0.7.beta.1' == Usage Just launch RSpactor inside your ruby/rails project with: rspactor Options list is available with: rspactor -h Signal handlers are now used to interact with RSpactor: * Ctrl-C => Quit RSpactor or quick abort running spec(s) * Ctrl-/ => Running all specs == TODO * Specific files (spec_helper, factories, fixtures...) inspections * RSpec 1.3 support * Inotify support (linux) * Spork support (when {this issue}[http://github.com/timcharper/spork/issues#issue/37] will be resolved) * Cucumber support (if really needed? {Steak}[http://github.com/cavalle/steak] works fine.) * Other ideas? == Development * Source hosted at {GitHub}[http://github.com/thibaudgg/rspactor]. * Report issues/Questions/Feature requests on {GitHub Issues}[http://github.com/thibaudgg/rspactor/issues] Pull requests are very welcome! Make sure your patches are well tested. Please create a topic branch for every separate change you make. == Authors From version 0.7.x was completely rewritten by {Thibaud Guillaume-Gentil}[http://github.com/thibaudgg]. Older versions authors are: * {Mislav Marohnić}[http://github.com/mislav] * {Andreas Wolff}[http://github.com/phunkwork] * {Pelle Braendgaard}[http://github.com/pelle] * {Thibaud Guillaume-Gentil}[http://github.com/thibaudgg] Thanks to {Giovanni Cangiani}[http://github.com/multiscan] for the IO.open/FSEvent trick & {Rémy Coutable}[http://github.com/rymai] for beta testing.