require 'rake' # I haven't updated to the latest version of rspec yet gem 'rspec', "= 1.3.1" require 'spec/rake/spectask' # Debian forces the installation of a very old version of rdoc # in /usr/lib/ruby if you install rubygems. So I need to override # it here. gem 'rdoc', ">= 2.2" require 'rake/rdoctask' require 'rake/testtask' require 'rubygems' require 'rake/gempackagetask' require 'webgen/webgentask' require 'lib/jldrill/Version' require 'fileutils' #======================== Setup ================================ # Current release directory release_dir = "jldrill-#{JLDrill::VERSION}" # Revision of the gem file. Increment this every time you release a gem file. gem_revision ="7" # Rubyforge details rubyforge_project = "jldrill" rubyforge_maintainer = "" # Files that will be packaged pkg_files = FileList[ 'Rakefile.rb', 'bin/**/*', 'lib/**/*.rb', 'spec/**/*.rb', 'doc/**/*', 'web/**/*', 'data/**/*', 'coverage/**/*', 'test_results.html' ] # The fonts are really big and you have to install it by hand anyway pkg_files.exclude('data/jldrill/fonts/*.ttf') # Spec options spec_opts = ['-f html:test_results.html -f profile:profile.txt'] spec_files = FileList[ 'spec/**/*_spec.rb', 'spec/**/*_story.rb' ] # Options for running the application ruby_opts = ["-KO", "-I./lib", "-rrubygems"] task :default => [:spec] desc "Run the tests (default). Output goes to test_results.html" do |t, args| t.spec_files = spec_files t.ruby_opts = ruby_opts t.spec_opts = spec_opts end desc "Run the tests and find the code coverage. Test results are in test_results.html. Coverage is in coverage/index.html" do |t| t.spec_files = spec_files t.rcov = true t.rcov_opts = ["--exclude rspec", "--exclude rcov", "--exclude syntax", "--exclude _spec", "--exclude _story", "--exclude cairo", "--exclude pango", "--exclude gtk2", "--exclude atk", "--exclude glib", "--exclude gdk"] t.spec_opts = spec_opts t.ruby_opts = ruby_opts end desc "Runs rcov but excludes the source files instead of the test files. This is how I determine how many lines of test code I have. Output goes to coverage/index.html" do |t| t.spec_files = spec_files t.rcov = true t.rcov_opts = ["--exclude rspec", "--exclude rcov", "--exclude syntax", "--exclude /lib/Context/", "--exclude lib/jldrill/", "--exclude cairo", "--exclude pango", "--exclude gtk2", "--exclude atk", "--exclude glib", "--exclude gdk"] t.spec_opts = spec_opts t.ruby_opts = ruby_opts end desc "Run the application that's in the development directory (rather than one that might be installed somewhere else)." do |t| t.test_files = FileList['bin/jldrill'] t.ruby_opts = ruby_opts end desc "Build the RDOC development documentation. output goes to doc/index.html" rd = do |t| t.rdoc_dir = 'doc' t.title = "JLDrill -- Japanese Language Drill program" t.options << '--main' << 'README' << '--title' << 'JLDrill -- Japanese Language Drill program' t.rdoc_files.include('README', 'COPYING', 'AUTHORS', 'data/jldrill/COPYING') t.rdoc_files.include('lib/**/*.rb') end gem_spec = do |s| #### Basic information. = 'jldrill' s.version = JLDrill::VERSION + "." + gem_revision s.summary = "Japanese Language Drill Program" s.description = <<-EOF JLDrill is a program for helping people drill aspects of the Japanese language using spaced repetition. It features a dictionary cross reference tool, a pop-up kanji/vocabulary reference (inspired by rikaichan for Firefox), and the ability to import EDICT format files (EUC or UTF8 encoded). Included drills: kana, JLPT, and grammar. EOF s.licenses = ['GPL-3'] s.required_ruby_version = '~> 1.8.7' #### Which files are to be included in this gem? s.files = pkg_files.to_a #### Load-time details: library and application (you will need one or both). # Use these for libraries. s.require_path = 'lib' # Use these for applications. s.bindir = "bin" s.executables = ["jldrill"] s.default_executable = "jldrill" #### Dependencies s.add_dependency("gtk2") #### Documentation and testing. s.has_rdoc = true s.extra_rdoc_files = rd.rdoc_files.reject { |fn| fn =~ /\.rb$/ }.to_a s.rdoc_options = rd.options #### Author and project details. = "Mike Charlton" = "" s.homepage = "" s.rubyforge_project = rubyforge_project end desc "Creates the gem files for jldrill. Packages are placed in pkg and called jldrill-.gem." package_task = do |pkg| pkg.need_zip = false pkg.need_tar = false end desc "Clean the web directory." task :clean_web do FileUtils.rm_rf('webgen.cache') FileUtils.rm_rf('web/output') FileUtils.rm_rf('web/webgen.cache') end desc "Create the web html files. Files are placed in web/output" webgen_task ='web') do |site| site.clobber_outdir = true site.config_block = lambda do |config| config['sources'] = [['/', "Webgen::Source::FileSystem", 'web/src']] config['output'] = ['Webgen::Output::FileSystem', 'web/output'] end end desc "Build the web page and upload it to Rubyforge." task :publish => [:clean_web, :web] do sh "scp web/output/*.html web/output/*.css " + rubyforge_maintainer + ":/var/www/gforge-projects/" + rubyforge_project sh "scp web/output/images/* " + rubyforge_maintainer + ":/var/www/gforge-projects/" + rubyforge_project + "/images/" end desc "Cleans the debian tree." task :clean_debian do FileUtils.rm_rf('debian/jldrill') FileUtils.rm_rf(Dir.glob('debian/*debhelper*')) FileUtils.rm_rf('debian/files') FileUtils.rm_rf('configure-stamp') FileUtils.rm_rf('build-stamp') end desc "Cleans everything for a pristine source directory." task :clean => [:clobber_package, :clobber_rcov, :clobber_rdoc, :clobber_web, :clean_debian] do FileUtils.rm_rf release_dir end desc "Create the debian source tree and copy the required files over. The files will end up in debian/jldrill" task :debian_dir => [:clean_debian, :clean_web, :web] do # Create the new directory structure FileUtils.mkdir_p "debian/jldrill/usr/bin" FileUtils.mkdir_p "debian/jldrill/usr/lib/ruby/1.8" FileUtils.mkdir_p "debian/jldrill/usr/share/jldrill/dict" FileUtils.mkdir_p "debian/jldrill/usr/share/applications" FileUtils.mkdir_p "debian/jldrill/usr/share/app-install/icons" FileUtils.mkdir_p "debian/jldrill/usr/share/app-install/desktop" FileUtils.mkdir_p "debian/jldrill/usr/share/doc/jldrill/html" FileUtils.mkdir_p "debian/jldrill/usr/share/jldrill/Tanaka" # Copy the jldrill source files FileUtils.cp_r "bin/jldrill", "debian/jldrill/usr/bin" FileUtils.cp_r Dir.glob("lib/*"), "debian/jldrill/usr/lib/ruby/1.8" # Copy the jldrill data files FileUtils.cp_r "data/jldrill/COPYING", "debian/jldrill/usr/share/jldrill" FileUtils.cp_r "data/jldrill/quiz", "debian/jldrill/usr/share/jldrill" FileUtils.cp_r "data/jldrill/dict/Kana", "debian/jldrill/usr/share/jldrill/dict" FileUtils.cp_r "data/jldrill/dict/rikaichan", "debian/jldrill/usr/share/jldrill/dict" FileUtils.cp_r Dir.glob("data/jldrill/icon.*"), "debian/jldrill/usr/share/jldrill" FileUtils.cp_r "data/jldrill/Tanaka/examples.utf", "debian/jldrill/usr/share/jldrill/Tanaka" # Copy the desktop and icon files FileUtils.cp_r "data/jldrill/jldrill.desktop", "debian/jldrill/usr/share/applications" FileUtils.cp_r "data/jldrill/jldrill.desktop", "debian/jldrill/usr/share/app-install/desktop" FileUtils.cp_r "data/jldrill/icon.svg", "debian/jldrill/usr/share/app-install/icons/jldrill-icon.svg" # Copy the manual FileUtils.cp_r Dir.glob("web/output/*"), "debian/jldrill/usr/share/doc/jldrill/html" # Overwrite the Config file with the Debian version. FileUtils.cp_r "config/DebianConfig.rb", "debian/jldrill/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/jldrill/model/Config.rb" end desc "Build a debian package. Note: This will *not* make a source package. Also, the .deb and .changes file will be put in the parent directory." task :deb => [:clean_debian] do sh "dpkg-buildpackage -b -tc -rfakeroot -i.bzr" end desc "Clean everything, run tests, and build all the documentation." task :build => [:clean, :rcov, :rdoc, :web] desc "Build everything and create the JLDrill gems." task :gems => [:build, :package] desc "Build the JLDrill deb files." task :debs => [:deb] desc "Rebuild everything, create gems and debs for JLDrill, place all distributable files in the jldrill- directory. Used for creating a new release of JLDrill. Note: it does not publish the web page." task :release => [:build, :debs, :gems] do FileUtils.mkdir release_dir FileUtils.cp "pkg/jldrill-#{JLDrill::VERSION}.#{gem_revision}.gem", release_dir FileUtils.cp Dir.glob("data/jldrill/fonts/*.ttf"), release_dir Dir.glob("../jldrill_#{JLDrill::VERSION}-*.*"), release_dir end desc "Alias for release. Run this after doing a bzr update so that everything is rebuilt." task :update => [:release]