require 'optparse' require 'fig/command/option_error' module Fig; end class Fig::Command; end class Fig::Command::Options; end # Command-line processing. class Fig::Command::Options::Parser # This class knows way too much about how OptionParser works. SHORT_USAGE = <<-'END_SHORT_USAGE' Short usage summary (use --help-long for everything): Running under Fig: fig [...] [DESCRIPTOR] [-- COMMAND] fig [...] [DESCRIPTOR] --command-extra-args VALUES fig [...] [DESCRIPTOR] --run-command-statement Publishing packages: fig {--publish | --publish-local} [--force] DESCRIPTOR [...] Querying: fig {-g | --get} VARIABLE [DESCRIPTOR] [...] fig --list-dependencies [--list-tree] [--list-all-configs] [DESCRIPTOR] [...] fig --list-variables [--list-tree] [--list-all-configs] [DESCRIPTOR] [...] Standard options (represented as "[...]" above): [--update | --update-if-missing] [--set VARIABLE=VALUE] [--append VARIABLE=VALUE] [--resource PATH] [--archive PATH] [--include DESCRIPTOR] [--include-file PATH:CONFIG] [--override DESCRIPTOR] [--file PATH] [--no-file] (--options for full option list; --help-long for everything) END_SHORT_USAGE FULL_USAGE = <<-'END_FULL_USAGE' Running under Fig: fig [...] [DESCRIPTOR] [-- COMMAND] fig [...] [DESCRIPTOR] --command-extra-args VALUES fig [...] [DESCRIPTOR] --run-command-statement Publishing packages: fig {--publish | --publish-local} [--force] DESCRIPTOR [...] Local repository maintenance: fig --clean DESCRIPTOR [...] Querying: fig {--list-local | --list-remote} [...] fig {-g | --get} VARIABLE [DESCRIPTOR] [...] fig --list-dependencies [...list options...] [DESCRIPTOR] [...] fig --list-variables [...list options...] [DESCRIPTOR] [...] fig --list-configs [DESCRIPTOR] [...] fig --source-package FILE [DESCRIPTOR] [...] fig {-T | --dump-package-definition-text} [DESCRIPTOR] [...] fig --dump-package-definition-parsed [DESCRIPTOR] [...] fig --dump-package-definition-for-command-line [DESCRIPTOR] [...] List options (represented as "[...list options...]" above): [--list-tree | --graphviz] [--list-all-configs] Standard options (represented as "[...]" above): [-u | --update | -m | --update-if-missing] --update-lock-response {wait | fail | ignore} [{-s | --set} VARIABLE=VALUE] [{-p | --append} VARIABLE=VALUE] [--resource PATH] [--archive PATH] [{-i | --include} DESCRIPTOR] [--include-file PATH:CONFIG] [--override DESCRIPTOR] [-R | --suppress-retrieves] [--suppress-cleanup-of-retrieves] [--suppress-all-includes] [--suppress-cross-package-includes] [--file PATH] [--no-file] [{-c | --config} CONFIG] [-l | --login] [--log-level LEVEL] [--log-config PATH | --log-to-stdout] [--figrc PATH] [--no-figrc] [--suppress-vcs-comments-in-published-packages] [--suppress-warning-include-statement-missing-version] [--suppress-warning-unused-retrieve] Information: fig --help fig --help-long fig --options fig {-v | --version | --version-plain} A DESCRIPTOR looks like <package name>[/<version>][:<config>] e.g. "foo", "foo/1.2.3", and "foo/1.2.3:default". Whether ":<config>" and "/<version>" are required or allowed is dependent upon what your are doing. Environment variables: FIG_REMOTE_URL location of remote repository, required for remote operations FIG_HOME path to local repository, defaults to $HOME/.fighome FIG_SVN_EXECUTABLE path to svn executable, set to empty string to suppress use of Subversion FIG_GIT_EXECUTABLE path to git executable, set to empty string to suppress use of Git END_FULL_USAGE def initialize() @switches = {} @argument_description = {} @parser = @parser.banner = "#{FULL_USAGE}\nAll options:\n\n" end def add_argument_description(options, description) if options.is_a? Array options.each do |option| @argument_description[option] = description end else @argument_description[options] = description end return end def on_head(*arguments, &block) switch_array = make_switch_array(arguments, block) return if not switch_array*switch_array) return end def on(*arguments, &block) switch_array = make_switch_array(arguments, block) return if not switch_array*switch_array) return end def on_tail(*arguments, &block) switch_array = make_switch_array(arguments, block) return if not switch_array @parser.base.append(*switch_array) return end def short_help() return SHORT_USAGE end def full_help() return end def options_message() return @parser.summarize('') end def parse!(argv) begin @parser.parse!(argv) rescue OptionParser::InvalidArgument => error raise_invalid_argument(error.args[0], error.args[1]) rescue OptionParser::MissingArgument => error raise_missing_argument(error.args[0]) rescue OptionParser::InvalidOption => error raise "Unknown option #{error.args[0]}.\n\n#{SHORT_USAGE}" ) rescue OptionParser::ParseError => error raise end return end def raise_invalid_argument(option, value, description = nil) # *sigh* OptionParser does not raise MissingArgument for the case of an # option with a required value being followed by another option. It # assigns the next option as the value instead. E.g. for # # fig --set --get FOO # # it assigns "--get" as the value of the "--set" option. if @switches.has_key? value raise_missing_argument(option) end description ||= @argument_description[option] if description.nil? description = '' else description = ' ' + description end raise %Q<Invalid value for #{option}: "#{value}"#{description}> ) end private def make_switch_array(arguments, block) # This method is a means of interjecting ourselves between the creation of # a Switch object and putting it into the list of actual switches. # # From the OptionParser code, the contents of the array: # # +switch+:: OptionParser::Switch instance to be inserted. # +short_opts+:: List of short style options. # +long_opts+:: List of long style options. # +nolong_opts+:: List of long style options with "no-" prefix. # # Why returning this data separate from the Switch object is necessary, I # do not understand. switch_array = @parser.make_switch(arguments, block) switch = switch_array[0] options = [switch.long, switch.short].flatten return if options.any? {|option| @switches.has_key? option} options.each {|option| @switches[option] = switch} return switch_array end def raise_missing_argument(option) raise "Please provide a value for #{option}." ) end end