describe Daru::Core::GroupBy do before do @df ={ a: %w{foo bar foo bar foo bar foo foo}, b: %w{one one two three two two one three}, c: [1 ,2 ,3 ,1 ,3 ,6 ,3 ,8], d: [11 ,22 ,33 ,44 ,55 ,66 ,77 ,88] }, order: [:a, :b, :c, :d]) @sl_group = @df.group_by(:a) @dl_group = @df.group_by([:a, :b]) @tl_group = @df.group_by([:a,:b,:c]) @sl_index =['bar', 'foo']) @dl_multi_index = Daru::MultiIndex.from_tuples([ ['bar', 'one'], ['bar', 'three'], ['bar', 'two'], ['foo', 'one'], ['foo', 'three'], ['foo', 'two'] ]) @tl_multi_index = Daru::MultiIndex.from_tuples([ ['bar', 'one' , 2], ['bar', 'three', 1], ['bar', 'two' , 6], ['foo', 'one' , 1], ['foo', 'one' , 3], ['foo', 'three', 8], ['foo', 'two' , 3] ]) end context 'with nil values' do before do @df[:w_nils] =[11 ,nil ,33 ,nil ,nil ,66 ,77 ,88]) end it 'groups by nil values' do expect(@df.group_by(:w_nils).groups[[nil]]).to eq([1,3,4]) end it "uses a multi-index when nils are part of the grouping keys" do expect(@df.group_by(:a, :w_nils).send(:multi_indexed_grouping?)).to be true end end context "#initialize" do let(:df_emp) { employee: %w[John Jane Mark John Jane Mark], month: %w[June June June July July July], salary: [1000, 500, 700, 1200, 600, 600] ) } let(:employee_grp) { df_emp.group_by(:employee).df } let(:mi_single) { Daru::MultiIndex.from_tuples([ ['Jane', 1], ['Jane', 4], ['John', 0], ['John', 3], ['Mark', 2], ['Mark', 5] ] )} let(:emp_month_grp) { df_emp.group_by([:employee, :month]).df } let(:mi_double) { Daru::MultiIndex.from_tuples([ ['Jane', 'July', 4], ['Jane', 'June', 1], ['John', 'July', 3], ['John', 'June', 0], ['Mark', 'July', 5], ['Mark', 'June', 2] ] )} let(:emp_month_salary_grp) { df_emp.group_by([:employee, :month, :salary]).df } let(:mi_triple) { Daru::MultiIndex.from_tuples([ ['Jane', 'July', 600, 4], ['Jane', 'June', 500, 1], ['John', 'July', 1200, 3], ['John', 'June', 1000, 0], ['Mark', 'July', 600, 5], ['Mark', 'June', 700, 2] ] )} it "groups by a single tuple" do expect(@sl_group.groups).to eq({ ['bar'] => [1,3,5], ['foo'] => [0,2,4,6,7] }) end it "returns dataframe with MultiIndex, groups by single layer hierarchy" do expect(employee_grp).to eq({ month: ["June", "July", "June", "July", "June", "July"], salary: [500, 600, 1000, 1200, 700, 600] }, index: mi_single)) end it "returns dataframe with MultiIndex, groups by double layer hierarchy" do expect(emp_month_grp).to eq({ salary: [600, 500, 1200, 1000, 600, 700] }, index: mi_double)) end it "returns dataframe with MultiIndex, groups by triple layer hierarchy" do expect(emp_month_salary_grp).to eq({ }, index: mi_triple)) end it "groups by a double layer hierarchy" do expect(@dl_group.groups).to eq({ ['foo', 'one'] => [0,6], ['bar', 'one'] => [1], ['foo', 'two'] => [2,4], ['bar', 'three'] => [3], ['bar', 'two'] => [5], ['foo', 'three'] => [7] }) end it "groups by a triple layer hierarchy" do expect(@tl_group.groups).to eq({ ['bar', 'one' , 2] => [1], ['bar', 'three', 1] => [3], ['bar', 'two' , 6] => [5], ['foo', 'one' , 1] => [0], ['foo', 'one' , 3] => [6], ['foo', 'three', 8] => [7], ['foo', 'two' , 3] => [2,4] }) end it "raises error if a non-existent vector is passed as args" do expect { @df.group_by([:a, :ted]) }.to raise_error end end context "#size" do it "returns a vector containing the size of each group" do expect(@dl_group.size).to eq([1,1,1,2,1,2], index: @dl_multi_index)) end it "returns an empty vector if given an empty dataframe" do df ={ a: [], b: [] }) expect(df.group_by(:a).size).to eq([])) end end context "#get_group" do it "returns the whole sub-group for single layer grouping" do expect(@sl_group.get_group(['bar'])).to eq({ a: ['bar', 'bar', 'bar'], b: ['one', 'three', 'two'], c: [2,1,6], d: [22,44,66] }, index: [1,3,5] )) end it "returns the whole sub-group for double layer grouping" do expect(@dl_group.get_group(['bar', 'one'])).to eq({ a: ['bar'], b: ['one'], c: [2], d: [22] }, index: [1] )) end it "returns the whole sub-group for triple layer grouping" do expect(@tl_group.get_group(['foo','two',3])).to eq({ a: ['foo', 'foo'], b: ['two', 'two'], c: [3,3], d: [33,55] }, index: [2,4] )) end it "raises error for incomplete specification" do expect { @tl_group.get_group(['foo']) }.to raise_error end it "raises error for over specification" do expect { @sl_group.get_group(['bar', 'one']) }.to raise_error end end context '#each_group' do it 'enumerates groups' do ret = [] @dl_group.each_group { |g| ret << g } expect(ret.count).to eq 6 expect(ret).to all be_a(Daru::DataFrame) expect(ret.first).to eq({ a: ['bar'], b: ['one'], c: [2], d: [22] }, index: [1] )) end end context '#each_group without block' do it 'enumerates groups' do enum = @dl_group.each_group expect(enum.count).to eq 6 expect(enum).to all be_a(Daru::DataFrame) expect(enum.to_a.last).to eq({ a: ['foo', 'foo'], b: ['two', 'two'], c: [3, 3], d: [33, 55] }, index: [2, 4] )) end end context '#first' do it 'gets the first row from each group' do expect(@dl_group.first).to eq({ a: %w{bar bar bar foo foo foo }, b: %w{one three two one three two }, c: [2 ,1 ,6 ,1 ,8 ,3 ], d: [22 ,44 ,66 ,11 ,88 ,33 ] }, index: [1,3,5,0,7,2])) end end context '#last' do it 'gets the last row from each group' do expect(@dl_group.last).to eq({ a: %w{bar bar bar foo foo foo }, b: %w{one three two one three two }, c: [2 ,1 ,6 ,3 ,8 ,3 ], d: [22 ,44 ,66 ,77 ,88 ,55 ] }, index: [1,3,5,6,7,4])) end end context "#mean" do it "computes mean of the numeric columns of a single layer group" do expect(@sl_group.mean).to eq({ :c => [3.0, 3.6], :d => [44.0, 52.8] }, index: @sl_index )) end it "computes mean of the numeric columns of a double layer group" do expect(@dl_group.mean).to eq({ c: [2,1,6,2,8,3], d: [22,44,66,44,88,44] }, index: @dl_multi_index)) end it "computes mean of the numeric columns of a triple layer group" do expect(@tl_group.mean).to eq({ d: [22,44,66,11,77,88,44] }, index: @tl_multi_index )) end end context "#sum" do it "calculates the sum of the numeric columns of a single layer group" do expect(@sl_group.sum).to eq({ c: [9, 18], d: [132, 264] }, index: @sl_index )) end it "calculates the sum of the numeric columns of a double layer group" do expect(@dl_group.sum).to eq({ c: [2,1,6,4,8,6], d: [22,44,66,88,88,88] }, index: @dl_multi_index)) end it "calculates the sum of the numeric columns of a triple layer group" do expect(@tl_group.sum).to eq({ d: [22,44,66,11,77,88,88] }, index: @tl_multi_index)) end end [:median, :std, :max, :min].each do |numeric_method| it "works somehow" do expect(@sl_group.send(numeric_method).index).to eq @sl_index expect(@dl_group.send(numeric_method).index).to eq @dl_multi_index expect(@tl_group.send(numeric_method).index).to eq @tl_multi_index end end context "#product" do it "calculates product for single layer groups" do # TODO end it "calculates product for double layer groups" do # TODO end it "calculates product for triple layer groups" do # TODO end end context "#count" do it "counts the number of elements in a single layer group" do expect(@sl_group.count).to eq({ b: [3,5], c: [3,5], d: [3,5] }, index: @sl_index)) end it "counts the number of elements in a double layer group" do expect(@dl_group.count).to eq({ c: [1,1,1,2,1,2], d: [1,1,1,2,1,2] }, index: @dl_multi_index)) end it "counts the number of elements in a triple layer group" do expect(@tl_group.count).to eq({ d: [1,1,1,1,1,1,2] }, index: @tl_multi_index)) end end context "#std" do it "calculates sample standard deviation for single layer groups" do # TODO end it "calculates sample standard deviation for double layer groups" do # TODO end it "calculates sample standard deviation for triple layer groups" do # TODO end end context "#max" do it "calculates max value for single layer groups" do # TODO end it "calculates max value for double layer groups" do # TODO end it "calculates max value for triple layer groups" do # TODO end end context "#min" do it "calculates min value for single layer groups" do # TODO end it "calculates min value for double layer groups" do # TODO end it "calculates min value for triple layer groups" do # TODO end end context "#median" do it "calculates median for single layer groups" do # TODO end it "calculates median for double layer groups" do # TODO end it "calculates median for triple layer groups" do # TODO end end context "#head" do it "returns first n rows of each single layer group" do expect(@sl_group.head(2)).to eq({ a: ['bar', 'bar','foo','foo'], b: ['one', 'three','one', 'two'], c: [2, 1, 1, 3], d: [22, 44, 11, 33] }, index: [1,3,0,2])) end it "returns first n rows of each double layer group" do expect(@dl_group.head(2)).to eq({ a: ['bar','bar','bar','foo','foo','foo','foo','foo'], b: ['one','three','two','one','one','three','two','two'], c: [2,1,6,1,3,8,3,3], d: [22,44,66,11,77,88,33,55] }, index: [1,3,5,0,6,7,2,4])) end it "returns first n rows of each triple layer group" do expect(@tl_group.head(1)).to eq({ a: ['bar','bar','bar','foo','foo','foo','foo'], b: ['one','three','two','one','one','three','two'], c: [2,1,6,1,3,8,3], d: [22,44,66,11,77,88,33] }, index: [1,3,5,0,6,7,2])) end end context "#tail" do it "returns last n rows of each single layer group" do expect(@sl_group.tail(1)).to eq({ a: ['bar','foo'], b: ['two', 'three'], c: [6,8], d: [66,88] }, index: [5,7])) end it "returns last n rows of each double layer group" do expect(@dl_group.tail(2)).to eq({ a: ['bar','bar','bar','foo','foo','foo','foo','foo'], b: ['one','three','two','one','one','three','two','two'], c: [2,1,6,1,3,8,3,3], d: [22,44,66,11,77,88,33,55] }, index: [1,3,5,0,6,7,2,4])) end it "returns last n rows of each triple layer group" do expect(@tl_group.tail(1)).to eq({ a: ['bar','bar','bar','foo','foo','foo','foo'], b: ['one','three','two','one','one','three','two'], c: [2,1,6,1,3,8,3], d: [22,44,66,11,77,88,55] }, index: [1,3,5,0,6,7,4])) end end context "#[]" do pending end context "#reduce" do it "returns a vector that concatenates strings in a group" do string_concat = lambda { |result, row| result += row[:b] } expect(@sl_group.reduce('', &string_concat)).to eq(['onethreetwo', 'onetwotwoonethree'], index: @sl_index)) end it "works with multi-indexes" do string_concat = lambda { |result, row| result += row[:b] } expect(@dl_group.reduce('', &string_concat)).to eq \['one', 'three', 'two', 'oneone', 'three', 'twotwo'], index: @dl_multi_index) end end context 'groups by first vector if no vector mentioned' do subject { @df.group_by } it { be_a Daru::Core::GroupBy } its(:groups) { eq @sl_group.groups } its(:size) { eq @sl_group.size } end context 'group and sum with numeric indices' do let(:df) {{ g: ['a','a','a'], num: [1,2,3]}, index: [2,12,23]) } subject { df.group_by([:g]).sum } it { eq{num: [6]}, index: ['a']) } end context 'when dataframe tuples contain nils in mismatching positions' do let(:df){ { 'string1' => ["Color", "Color", "Color", "Color", nil, "Color", "Color", " Black and White"], 'string2' => ["Test", "test2", nil, "test3", nil, "test", "test3", "test5"], 'num' => [1, nil, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, nil] } ) } it 'groups by without errors' do expect { df.group_by( }.to_not raise_error(ArgumentError) end end context '#aggregate' do let(:dataframe) {{ employee: %w[John Jane Mark John Jane Mark], month: %w[June June June July July July], salary: [1000, 500, 700, 1200, 600, 600]}) } context 'group and aggregate sum for particular single vector' do subject { dataframe.group_by([:employee]).aggregate(salary: :sum) } it { eq{ salary: [1100, 2200, 1300]}, index: ['Jane', 'John', 'Mark']) } end context 'group and aggregate sum and lambda function for vectors' do subject { dataframe.group_by([:employee]).aggregate( salary: :sum, month: ->(vec) { vec.to_a.join('/') }) } it { eq{ salary: [1100, 2200, 1300], month: ['June/July', 'June/July', 'June/July']}, index: ['Jane', 'John', 'Mark'], order: [:salary, :month]) } end context 'group and aggregate sum and lambda functions on dataframe' do subject { dataframe.group_by([:employee]).aggregate( salary: :sum, month: ->(vec) { vec.to_a.join('/') }, mean_salary: ->(df) { df.salary.mean }, periods: ->(df) { df.size } )} it { eq{ salary: [1100, 2200, 1300], month: ['June/July', 'June/July', 'June/July'], mean_salary: [550.0, 1100.0, 650.0], periods: [2, 2, 2]}, index: ['Jane', 'John', 'Mark'], order: [:salary, :month, :mean_salary, :periods]) } end context 'group_by and aggregate on mixed MultiIndex' do let(:df) { name: ['Ram','Krishna','Ram','Krishna','Krishna'], visited: [ 'Hyderabad', 'Delhi', 'Mumbai', 'Raipur', 'Banglore'] ) } let(:df_mixed) { name: ['Krishna','Ram','Krishna','Krishna'], visited: [ 'Delhi', 'Mumbai', 'Raipur', 'Banglore'] ) } it 'group_by' do expect(df.group_by(:name).df).to eq({ visited: ['Delhi', 'Raipur', 'Banglore', 'Hyderabad', 'Mumbai']}, index: Daru::MultiIndex.from_tuples( [['Krishna', 1], ['Krishna', 3], ['Krishna', 4], ['Ram', 0], ['Ram', 2]] ) ) ) end it 'group_by and aggregate' do expect( df.group_by(:name).aggregate( visited: -> (vec){vec.to_a.join(',')})).to eq({ visited: ['Delhi,Raipur,Banglore', 'Hyderabad,Mumbai']}, index: ['Krishna', 'Ram'] ) ) end it 'group_by and aggregate when anyone index is not multiple times' do expect( df_mixed.group_by(:name).aggregate( visited: -> (vec){vec.to_a.join(',')})).to eq({ visited: ['Delhi,Raipur,Banglore', 'Mumbai']}, index: ['Krishna', 'Ram'] ) ) end end let(:spending_df) { Daru::DataFrame.rows([ [2010, 'dev', 50, 1], [2010, 'dev', 150, 1], [2010, 'dev', 200, 1], [2011, 'dev', 50, 1], [2012, 'dev', 150, 1], [2011, 'office', 300, 1], [2010, 'market', 50, 1], [2011, 'market', 500, 1], [2012, 'market', 500, 1], [2012, 'market', 300, 1], [2012, 'R&D', 10, 1],], order: [:year, :category, :spending, :nb_spending]) } let(:multi_index_year_category) { Daru::MultiIndex.from_tuples([ [2010, "dev"], [2010, "market"], [2011, "dev"], [2011, "market"], [2011, "office"], [2012, "R&D"], [2012, "dev"], [2012, "market"]]) } context 'group_by and aggregate on multiple elements' do it 'does aggregate' do expect(spending_df.group_by([:year, :category]).aggregate(spending: :sum)).to eq({spending: [400, 50, 50, 500, 300, 10, 150, 800]}, index: multi_index_year_category)) end it 'works as older methods' do older_way = spending_df.group_by([:year, :category]).sum newer_way = spending_df.group_by([:year, :category]).aggregate(spending: :sum, nb_spending: :sum) expect(newer_way).to eq(older_way) contrived_way = spending_df.group_by([:year, :category]).aggregate(spending: :sum, nb_spending_lambda: ->(df) { df[:nb_spending].sum }) contrived_way.rename_vectors(nb_spending_lambda: :nb_spending) expect(contrived_way).to eq(older_way) end context 'can aggregate on MultiIndex' do let(:multi_indexed_aggregated_df) { spending_df.group_by([:year, :category]).aggregate(spending: :sum) } let(:index_year) {[2010, 2011, 2012]) } let(:index_category) {["dev", "market", "office", "R&D"]) } it 'aggregates by default on the last layer of MultiIndex' do expect(multi_indexed_aggregated_df.aggregate(spending: :sum)).to eq({spending: [450, 850, 960]}, index: index_year)) end it 'can aggregate on the first layer of MultiIndex' do expect(multi_indexed_aggregated_df.aggregate({spending: :sum},0)).to eq({spending: [600, 1350, 300, 10]}, index: index_category)) end it 'does coercion: when one layer is remaining, MultiIndex is coerced in Index that does not aggregate anymore' do df_with_simple_index = multi_indexed_aggregated_df.aggregate(spending: :sum) expect(df_with_simple_index.aggregate(spending: :sum)).to eq(df_with_simple_index) end end end end end