module Spider # The includer of this module has to define a method dispatched_object, which must # return a child object given the class, the next action, and the route parameters module Dispatcher attr_accessor :dispatch_previous def self.included(klass) klass.extend(ClassMethods) end # Defined routes. def routes @routes ||= [] end # Adds one or more routes to the dispatcher. # Also accepts an Hash containing path/destination couples # # ==== Parameters # path:: # When a string is passed, a path matches if it matches exactly # When a regular expression is passed, it is used to match the path # dest:: # The route destination def route(path, dest=nil, options=nil) @routes ||= [] self.class.add_route(@routes, path, dest, options) end # Given a method and an action, returns a triplet containing # - the object on which to call the method # - the new action # - the new arguments def dispatch(method, action='', *arguments) return nil unless can_dispatch?(method, action) route = @dispatch_next[action] if (!route.obj) obj = dispatched_object(route) obj.dispatch_previous = self if obj.respond_to?(:dispatch_previous=) && obj != self route.obj = obj if (route.options[:do]) obj.instance_exec(*(route.params || []).slice(0, route.options[:do].arity), &route.options[:do]) end end obj = route.obj new_arguments = arguments new_arguments += route.params unless route.options[:remove_params] return [obj, route.action, new_arguments] # return obj.send(method, route.action, *(new_arguments)) end # Dispatches the given method and action: # will get an object and new action and arguments from #dispatch, # and then call the method on the object, with new action and new arguments as params. # # If #dispatch_methods are defined, will call them *before* calling method. # After calling method, will call a method called "#{method}_{new_action.downcase}", if it exists # # Example: # do_dispatch(:before, 'section_b/news/list') # will get obj (in the example, the 'section_b' controller) and call # # any method configured in dispatch_methods # obj.before('news/list') # obj.before_news def do_dispatch(method, action='', *arguments) obj, route_action, new_arguments = dispatch(method, action, *arguments) return nil unless obj meth_action = route_action.length > 0 ? route_action : obj.class.default_action begin if (obj.class.dispatch_methods && obj.class.dispatch_methods[method]) obj.class.dispatch_methods[method].each do |dm| conditions, d_method, params = dm test = check_action(route_action, conditions) test = !test if params[:unless] obj.send(d_method, route_action, *new_arguments) if (test) end end res = obj.send(method, route_action, *(new_arguments)) unless meth_action.empty? meth_action = meth_action[0..-2] if meth_action[-1].chr == '/' meth_action = meth_action.split('/', 2)[0] try_meth = "#{method}_#{meth_action.downcase}" res = obj.send(try_meth, *new_arguments) if obj.respond_to?(try_meth) end return res rescue StandardError, SecurityError => exc if (obj.respond_to?(:try_rescue)) obj.send(:try_rescue, exc) else raise end end end # Returns true if there is a route for action, and the routed object responds to method. def can_dispatch?(method, action) d_next = dispatch_next(action) return false unless d_next if (d_next.dest.is_a?(Class)) return false unless d_next.dest.method_defined?(method) else return false unless d_next.dest.respond_to?(method) end return true end # Returns the (possibly cached) route for path. def dispatch_next(path) @dispatch_next ||= {} @dispatch_next[path] ||= get_route(path) end # Looks in defined routes, and returns the first matching Route for path. def get_route(path) path ||= '' r = routes + self.class.routes r.each do |route| try, dest, options = route action = nil case try when true action = path matched = '' when String test_path = path if (options[:ignore_case]) test_path = path.downcase try.downcase! end if (test_path[0..(try.length-1)] == try) action = path[(try.length)..-1] matched = try end when Regexp action_index = options[:action_match] match = try.match(path) if (match) action = action_index ? match[action_index] : match.post_match action = action[0..-2] if action.length > 0 && action[-1].chr == '/' params = match[1..(match.length-1)] matched = match[0] end when Proc res =, self) if (res) if (res.is_a?(Array)) action = res[0] params = res[1] matched = res[1] else action = res end end end if (action) if (options[:prepend]) action = options[:prepend] + action end if (dest.class == Symbol) # route to self new_params = [] new_params << action if action && !action.empty? new_params += (params || []) params = new_params action = dest.to_s dest = self end params ||= [] action.sub!(/^\/+/, '') # no leading slash return => path, :dest => dest, :action => action, :matched => matched, :params => params, :options => options) end end return nil end def add_chain_item(method, proc, params) @dispatch_chains ||= {} @dispatch_chains[method] ||= [] @dispatch_chain_index ||= {} @dispatch_chains[method] << [proc, params] end def run_chain(method, action='', *params) chain = dispatch_chain(method) return unless chain.length > 0 @dispatch_chain_index ||= {} @dispatch_chain_index[method] = @dispatch_chain_index[method] ? @dispatch_chain_index[method]+1 : 0 instance_eval(&chain[@dispatch_chain_index[method]][0]) if chain[@dispatch_chain_index[method]] end def dispatch_chain(method) our_chain = @dispatch_chains && @dispatch_chains[method] ? @dispatch_chains[method] : [] our_chain + self.class.dispatch_chain(method) end module ClassMethods def add_route(routes, path, dest=nil, options=nil) if ( path.is_a? Hash ) path.each {|p,d| add_route(p, d)} else routes << [path, dest, options || {}] end end def route(path, dest=nil, options=nil) add_route(routes, path, dest, options) end def routes @routes ||= [] end def add_chain_item(method, proc, params) @dispatch_chains ||= {} @dispatch_chains[method] ||= [] @dispatch_chains[method] << [proc, params] end def dispatch_chain(method) return [] unless @dispatch_chains && @dispatch_chains[method] @dispatch_chains[method] end def dispatch_methods @dispatch_methods end def check_action(action, check) checks = check.is_a?(Array) ? check : [check] action = action.to_s action = default_action if action == '' action = action[0..-1] if action[-1].chr == '/' checks.each do |check| if check.is_a?(String) return true if (action == check || (action[-1].chr == '/' && action[0..-2] == check)) elsif check.is_a?(Regexp) return true if action =~ check elsif check.is_a?(Proc) return true if elsif (check.is_a?(Symbol)) first, rest = action.split('/', 2) return true if first && first.to_sym == check end end return false end end class Route attr_accessor :path, :dest, :action, :params, :options, :matched, :obj def initialize(args) @path = args[:path] @dest = args[:dest] @action = args[:action] @params = args[:params] || [] @options = args[:options] || {} @matched = args[:matched] @obj = nil end end end end