require 'erubis'
module Mack
module Controller # :nodoc:
# All controllers in a Mack application have to extend this class. I'll be honest, if they don't extend this class
# then, well, things just won't work very well!
# Example:
# class MyAwesomeController < Mack::Controller::Base
# def index
# render(:text, "Hello World!")
# end
# end
class Base
# See Mack::Request for more information.
attr_reader :request
# See Mack::Response for more information.
attr_reader :response
# The 'underscore' version of the controller requested. Example: 'my_awesome_controller'
attr_reader :controller_name
# The name of the action being requested.
attr_reader :action_name
# See Mack::CookieJar for more information.
attr_reader :cookies
def initialize(request, response, cookies)
@request = request
@response = response
@render_options = {}
@render_performed = false
@controller_name = params(:controller)
@action_name = params(:action)
@cookies = cookies
@wants_list = []
# Gives access to all the parameters for this request.
def params(key)
# Gives access to the session. See Mack::Session for more information.
def session
# This does the heavy lifting for controllers. It calls the action, and then completes the rendering
# of the action to a String to send back to Rack.
def run
# check to see if this controller responds to this action.
# only run public methods!
if self.public_methods.include?(self.action_name)
# call the action and capture the results to a variable.
# there is no action on this controller, so call the render method
# which will check the view directory and run action.html.erb if it exists.
render(:action, self.action_name)
# do the work of rendering.
@final_rendered_action = do_render
# This will redirect the request to the specified url. A default status of
# 302, Moved Temporarily, is set if no status is specified. A simple HTML
# page is rendered in case the redirect does not occur. A server side
# redirect is also possible by using the option :server_side => true.
# When a server side redirect occurs the url must be a 'local' url, not an
# external url. The 'original' url of the request will NOT change.
def redirect_to(url, options = {})
options = {:status => 302}.merge(options)
raise if options[:server_side]
response.status = options[:status]
response[:location] = url
render(:text, redirect_html(request.path_info, url, options[:status]))
# In an action wants will run blocks of code based on the content type that has
# been requested.
# Examples:
# class MyAwesomeController < Mack::Controller::Base
# def hello
# wants(:html) do
# render(:text, "Hello World")
# end
# wants(:xml) do
# render(:text, "Hello World")
# end
# end
# end
# If you were to go to: /my_awesome/hello you would get:
# "Hello World"
# If you were to go to: /my_awesome/hello.html you would get:
# "Hello World"
# If you were to go to: /my_awesome/hello.xml you would get:
# "Hello World"
def wants(header_type, &block)
header_type = header_type.to_sym
if header_type == params(:format).to_sym
# Returns true/false depending on whether the render action has been called yet.
def render_performed?
# Gives access to the MACK_DEFAULT_LOGGER.
def logger
# This method can be called from within an action. This 'registers' the render that you
# would like to happen once the action is completed.
# It's important to note that calling render in an action does NOT end the processing of
# the action. The action will continue to process unless you explicity put 'return' before the
# render call.
# If you call render twice in an action then a Mack::Errors::DoubleRender error will be thrown.
# An implicit render will happen if one is not specified in the action.
# Only :action and :text will get layouts wrapped around them.
# You can also specify the response status code as part of the options hash.
# Examples:
# class MyAwesomeController < Mack::Controller::Base
# # This will render the text 'Hello World!' to the screen.
# def index
# render(:text, "Hello World!")
# end
# # This will render Mack::Configuration.root/views/my_awesome_controller/foo.html.erb
# def show
# render(:action, :foo)
# end
# # This will raise a Mack::Errors::DoubleRender error.
# def edit
# render(:text, "Hello World!")
# render(:action, :foo)
# end
# # This will render Mack::Configuration.root/views/my_awesome_controller/delete.html.erb
# def delete
# end
# # This will render the text 'Hello World!' to the screen. Assuming that
# # there is no file: Mack::Configuration.root/views/my_awesome_controller/update.html.erb
# # The reason for this is if the view for the action doesn't exist, and the
# # last thing returned from the action is a String, that string will be returned.
# def update
# "Hello World!"
# end
# # This will raise a Mack::Errors::InvalidRenderType error. Assuming that
# # there is no file: Mack::Configuration.root/views/my_awesome_controller/create.html.erb
# def create
# @user = User.find(1)
# end
# # This will raise a Errno::ENOENT error. Assuming that
# # there is no file: Mack::Configuration.root/views/my_awesome_controller/bar.html.erb
# def bar
# render(:action, "bar")
# end
# # This will render a file from the public directory. Files served from the
# # public directory do NOT get layouts. The default file extension for files
# # served from the public directory is .html. This can be overridden with the
# # :ext => "." option.
# def show_public_file
# render(:public, "my/files/foo")
# end
# # This will render a file from the public directory. Files served from the
# # public directory do NOT get layouts. The default file extension for files
# # served from the public directory is .html. This can be overridden with the
# # :ext => "." option.
# def show_public_xml_file
# render(:public, "my/files/foo", :ext => ".xml")
# end
# # This will render a partial. In this case it will look for:
# # Mack::Configuration.root/views/my_awesome_controller/_latest_news.html.erb
# # Partials do NOT get wrapped in layouts.
# def latest_news
# render(:partial, :latest_news)
# end
# # This will render a partial. In this case it will look for:
# # Mack::Configuration.root/views/some_other/_old_news.html.erb
# # Partials do NOT get wrapped in layouts.
# def latest_news
# render(:partial, "some_other/old_news")
# end
# # This will render a url. If the url does not return a status code of '200',
# # an empty string will be returned by default. The default method for rendering
# # urls is a get.
# def yahoo
# render(:url, "")
# end
# # This will render a url. If the url does not return a status code of '200',
# # a Mack::Errors::UnsuccessfulRenderUrl exception will be raised.
# def idontexist
# render(:url, "", :raise_exception => true)
# end
# # This will render a url with a post.
# def post_to_somewhere
# render(:url, "", :method => :post,
# :parameters => {:id => 1, :user => "markbates"})
# end
# # This will render a 'local' url. If a domain is not present render url will
# # reach out for the config parameter "mack::site_domain" and prepend that
# # to the url. This can be overridden locally with the :domain option.
# def get_index
# render(:url, "/")
# end
# # This will render 'application/404' and set the response status code to 404
# def to_the_unknown
# return render(:action, '/application/404', :status => 404)
# end
# end
def render(render_type = :action, render_value = self.action_name, options = {})
raise if render_performed?
response.status = options[:status] unless options[:status].nil?
options = {:content_type => Mack::Utils::MimeTypes[params(:format)], :layout => layout}.merge(options)
response["Content-Type"] = options[:content_type]
@view_template =, render_value,
{:format => params(:format).to_sym, :controller => self}.merge(options))
@render_performed = true
def do_render
render unless @view_template
@rendered_action = @view_template.compile_and_render
def layout
def run_filters(type)
filters = self.class.controller_filters[type]
return true if filters.empty?
filters.each do |filter|
r = self.send(filter.filter_method)
raise unless r
class << self
# See Mack::Controller::Filter for more information.
def before_filter(meth, options = {})
add_filter(:before, meth, options)
# See Mack::Controller::Filter for more information.
def after_filter(meth, options = {})
add_filter(:after, meth, options)
# See Mack::Controller::Filter for more information.
def after_render_filter(meth, options = {})
add_filter(:after_render, meth, options)
def add_filter(type, meth, options) # :nodoc:
controller_filters[type.to_sym] <<, self, options)
def controller_filters # :nodoc:
unless @controller_filters
@controller_filters = {:before => [], :after => [], :after_render => []}
# inherit filters from the superclass, if any, to this parent
sc = self.superclass
if sc.class_is_a?(Mack::Controller::Base)
ch = sc.controller_filters
[:before, :after, :after_render].each do |v|
@controller_filters[v] << ch[v]
# Sets a layout to be used by a particular controller.
# Example:
# class MyAwesomeController < Mack::Controller::Base
# # Sets all actions to use: "#{Mack::Configuration.root}/app/views/layouts/dark.html.erb" as they're layout.
# layout :dark
# def index
# # Sets this action to use: "#{Mack::Configuration.root}/app/views/layouts/bright.html.erb" as it's layout.
# render(:text, "Welcome...", :layout => :bright)
# end
# def index
# # This will no use a layout.
# render(:text, "Welcome...", :layout => false)
# end
# end
# The default layout is "#{Mack::Configuration.root}/app/views/layouts/application.html.erb".
# If a layout is specified, and it doesn't exist a Mack::Errors::UnknownLayout error will be raised.
def layout(lay)
self.class_eval do
define_method(:layout) do
end # layout
end # class << self
end # Base
end # Controller
end # Mack