require "aws-sdk-core" module Lono::Builder::Dsl::Helpers module Partials def template_s3_path(template_name) # hi-jacking Uploader for https_url template_path = "output/#{}/templates/#{template_name}.yml" end def template_params(param_name) o = @options.dup o["param"] = param_name generator = # do not generate because lono cfn calling logic already generated it we only need the values parameters = generator.parameters # Returns Array in underscore keys format # convert Array to simplified hash structure parameters.inject({}) do |h, param| h.merge(param[:parameter_key] => param[:parameter_value]) end end # The partial's path is a relative path. # # Example: # Given file in app/partials/iam/docker.yml # # <%= partial("iam/docker", {}, indent: 10) %> # <%= partial("iam/docker.yml", {}, indent: 10) %> # # If the user specifies the extension then use that instead of auto-adding # the detected format. def partial(path,vars={}, options={}) path = partial_path_for(path) path = auto_add_format(path) instance_variables!(vars) result = render_path(path) result = indent(result, options[:indent]) if options[:indent] result + "\n" end # Take a hash and makes them instance variables in the current scope. # Use this in custom helper methods to make variables accessible to ERB templates. def instance_variables!(variables) variables.each do |key, value| instance_variable_set('@' + key.to_s, value) end end # add indentation def indent(text, indentation_amount) text.split("\n").map do |line| " " * indentation_amount + line end.join("\n") end def partial_exist?(path) path = partial_path_for(path) path = auto_add_format(path) path && File.exist?(path) end def region AwsData.region end alias_method :current_region, :region private def auto_add_format(path) # Return immediately if user provided explicit extension extension = File.extname(path) # current extension return path if !extension.empty? # Else let's auto detect paths = Dir.glob("#{path}.*") if paths.size == 1 # non-ambiguous match return paths.first end if paths.size > 1 # ambiguous match "ERROR: Multiple possible partials found:".color(:red) paths.each do |path| " #{path}" end "Please specify an extension in the name to remove the ambiguity.".color(:green) exit 1 end # Account for case when user wants to include a file with no extension at all return path if File.exist?(path) && ! path # original path if this point is reached end # Bash code that is meant to included in user-data def extract_scripts(options={}) # defaults also here in case they are removed from settings path = options[:path] to = options[:to] || "/opt" user = options[:as] || "ec2-user" if Dir.glob("#{@bluepint.root}/#{path}*").empty? "WARN: you are using the extract_scripts helper method but you do not have any scripts.".color(:yellow) calling_line = caller[0].split(':')[0..1].join(':') "Called from1: #{calling_line}" return "" end <<~BASH_CODE # Generated from the lono extract_scripts helper. # Downloads scripts from s3, extract them, and setup. mkdir -p #{to} aws s3 cp #{scripts_s3_path} #{to}/ ( cd #{to} tar zxf #{to}/#{scripts_name} chown -R #{user}:#{user} #{to}/scripts ) BASH_CODE end def scripts_name File.basename(scripts_s3_path) end def scripts_s3_path upload = upload.s3_dest end def indent(text, indentation_amount) text.split("\n").map do |line| " " * indentation_amount + line end.join("\n") end end end