# Represents an entry of the FTP list. Gets returned when you parse a list. class Net::FTP::List::Entry include Comparable ALLOWED_ATTRIBUTES = [:raw, :basename, :dir, :file, :symlink, :mtime, :filesize, :device, :server_type] #:nodoc: # Create a new entry object. The additional argument is the list of metadata keys # that can be used on the object. By default just takes and set the raw list entry. # Net::FTP::List.parse(raw_list_string) # => Net::FTP::List::Parser instance. def initialize(raw_ls_line, optional_attributes = {}) #:nodoc: @raw = raw_ls_line.respond_to?(:force_encoding) ? raw_ls_line.force_encoding('utf-8') : raw_ls_line optional_attributes.each_pair do |key, value| raise ArgumentError, "#{key} is not supported" unless ALLOWED_ATTRIBUTES.include?(key) instance_variable_set("@#{key}", value.respond_to?(:force_encoding) ? value.force_encoding('utf-8') : value) end end # Tests for objects equality (value and type). # # @param entry [Net::FTP::List::Entry] an entry of the FTP list. # # @return [true, false] true if the objects are equal and have the same type; false otherwise. # def eql?(other) return false if !other.instance_of? self.class return true if self.object_id == other.object_id self.raw == other.raw # if it's exactly the same line then the objects are the same end # Compares the receiver against another object. # # @param (see #eql?) # # @return [Fixnum] -1, 0, or +1 depending on whether the receiver is less than, equal to, or greater than the other object. # def <=>(other) if other.instance_of? self.class return self.filesize <=> other.filesize elsif other.instance_of? Fixnum or other.instance_of? Integer or other.instance_of? Float return self.filesize <=> other end raise ArgumentError.new('comparison of %s with %s failed!' % [self.class, other.class]) end # The raw list entry string. def raw @raw ||= '' end alias_method :to_s, :raw # The items basename (filename). def basename @basename ||= '' end alias name basename # Looks like a directory, try CWD. def dir? !!(@dir ||= false) end alias directory? dir? # Looks like a file, try RETR. def file? !!(@file ||= false) end # Looks like a symbolic link. def symlink? !!(@symlink ||= false) end # Looks like a device. def device? !!(@device ||= false) end # Returns the modification time of the file/directory or the current time if unknown def mtime @mtime || Time.now end # Returns the filesize of the entry or 0 for directorties def filesize @filesize || 0 end alias size filesize # Returns the detected server type if this entry def server_type @server_type || "Unknown" end def unknown? @dir.nil? && @file.nil? && @symlink.nil? && @device.nil? end end