require File.join(File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)), 'spec_helper.rb') describe "Simple Dataset operations" do before do INTEGRATION_DB.create_table!(:items) do primary_key :id Integer :number end @ds = INTEGRATION_DB[:items] @ds.insert(:number=>10) clear_sqls end after do INTEGRATION_DB.drop_table(:items) end specify "should support sequential primary keys" do @ds << {:number=>20} @ds << {:number=>30} @ds.order(:number).all.should == [ {:id => 1, :number=>10}, {:id => 2, :number=>20}, {:id => 3, :number=>30} ] end cspecify "should insert with a primary key specified", :mssql do @ds.insert(:id=>100, :number=>20) @ds.count.should == 2 @ds.order(:id).all.should == [{:id=>1, :number=>10}, {:id=>100, :number=>20}] end specify "should have insert return primary key value" do @ds.insert(:number=>20).should == 2 @ds.filter(:id=>2).first[:number].should == 20 end specify "should delete correctly" do @ds.filter(1=>1).delete.should == 1 @ds.count.should == 0 end specify "should update correctly" do @ds.update(:number=>:number+1).should == 1 @ds.all.should == [{:id=>1, :number=>11}] end cspecify "should have update return the number of matched rows", [:mysql, :mysql], [:do, :mysql], [:mysql2], [:ado] do @ds.update(:number=>:number).should == 1 @ds.filter(:id=>1).update(:number=>:number).should == 1 @ds.filter(:id=>2).update(:number=>:number).should == 0 @ds.all.should == [{:id=>1, :number=>10}] end specify "should fetch all results correctly" do @ds.all.should == [{:id=>1, :number=>10}] end specify "should fetch a single row correctly" do @ds.first.should == {:id=>1, :number=>10} end specify "should have distinct work with limit" do @ds.limit(1).distinct.all.should == [{:id=>1, :number=>10}] end specify "should fetch correctly with a limit" do @ds.order(:id).limit(2).all.should == [{:id=>1, :number=>10}] @ds.insert(:number=>20) @ds.order(:id).limit(1).all.should == [{:id=>1, :number=>10}] @ds.order(:id).limit(2).all.should == [{:id=>1, :number=>10}, {:id=>2, :number=>20}] end specify "should fetch correctly with a limit and offset" do @ds.order(:id).limit(2, 0).all.should == [{:id=>1, :number=>10}] @ds.order(:id).limit(2, 1).all.should == [] @ds.insert(:number=>20) @ds.order(:id).limit(1, 1).all.should == [{:id=>2, :number=>20}] @ds.order(:id).limit(2, 0).all.should == [{:id=>1, :number=>10}, {:id=>2, :number=>20}] @ds.order(:id).limit(2, 1).all.should == [{:id=>2, :number=>20}] end cspecify "should fetch correctly with a limit and offset without an order", :mssql do @ds.limit(2, 1).all.should == [] end specify "should alias columns correctly" do, :number___n).first.should == {:x=>1, :n=>10} end end describe Sequel::Dataset do before do INTEGRATION_DB.create_table!(:test) do String :name Integer :value end @d = INTEGRATION_DB[:test] clear_sqls end after do INTEGRATION_DB.drop_table(:test) end specify "should return the correct record count" do @d.count.should == 0 @d << {:name => 'abc', :value => 123} @d << {:name => 'abc', :value => 456} @d << {:name => 'def', :value => 789} @d.count.should == 3 end specify "should handle aggregate methods on limited datasets correctly" do @d << {:name => 'abc', :value => 6} @d << {:name => 'bcd', :value => 12} @d << {:name => 'def', :value => 18} @d = @d.order(:name).limit(2) @d.count.should == 2 @d.avg(:value).to_i.should == 9 @d.min(:value).to_i.should == 6 @d.reverse.min(:value).to_i.should == 12 @d.max(:value).to_i.should == 12 @d.sum(:value).to_i.should == 18 @d.interval(:value).to_i.should == 6 end specify "should return the correct records" do @d.to_a.should == [] @d << {:name => 'abc', :value => 123} @d << {:name => 'abc', :value => 456} @d << {:name => 'def', :value => 789} @d.order(:value).to_a.should == [ {:name => 'abc', :value => 123}, {:name => 'abc', :value => 456}, {:name => 'def', :value => 789} ] end specify "should update records correctly" do @d << {:name => 'abc', :value => 123} @d << {:name => 'abc', :value => 456} @d << {:name => 'def', :value => 789} @d.filter(:name => 'abc').update(:value => 530) @d[:name => 'def'][:value].should == 789 @d.filter(:value => 530).count.should == 2 end specify "should delete records correctly" do @d << {:name => 'abc', :value => 123} @d << {:name => 'abc', :value => 456} @d << {:name => 'def', :value => 789} @d.filter(:name => 'abc').delete @d.count.should == 1 @d.first[:name].should == 'def' end specify "should be able to truncate the table" do @d << {:name => 'abc', :value => 123} @d << {:name => 'abc', :value => 456} @d << {:name => 'def', :value => 789} @d.count.should == 3 @d.truncate.should == nil @d.count.should == 0 end specify "should be able to literalize booleans" do proc {@d.literal(true)}.should_not raise_error proc {@d.literal(false)}.should_not raise_error end end describe Sequel::Database do specify "should correctly escape strings" do INTEGRATION_DB.get("\\dingo".as(:a)) == "\\dingo" end specify "should correctly escape strings with quotes" do INTEGRATION_DB.get("\\'dingo".as(:a)) == "\\'dingo" end specify "should properly escape binary data" do INTEGRATION_DB.get("\1\2\3" == "\1\2\3" end specify "should have a working table_exists?" do t = :basdfdsafsaddsaf INTEGRATION_DB.drop_table(t) rescue nil INTEGRATION_DB.table_exists?(t).should == false INTEGRATION_DB.create_table(t){Integer :a} INTEGRATION_DB.table_exists?(t).should == true end end describe Sequel::Dataset do before do INTEGRATION_DB.create_table! :items do primary_key :id Integer :value end @d = INTEGRATION_DB[:items] @d << {:value => 123} @d << {:value => 456} @d << {:value => 789} end after do INTEGRATION_DB.drop_table(:items) end specify "should correctly return avg" do @d.avg(:value).to_i.should == 456 end specify "should correctly return sum" do @d.sum(:value).to_i.should == 1368 end specify "should correctly return max" do @d.max(:value).to_i.should == 789 end specify "should correctly return min" do @d.min(:value).to_i.should == 123 end end describe "Simple Dataset operations" do before do INTEGRATION_DB.create_table!(:items) do Integer :number TrueClass :flag end @ds = INTEGRATION_DB[:items] end after do INTEGRATION_DB.drop_table(:items) end specify "should deal with boolean conditions correctly" do @ds.insert(:number=>1, :flag=>true) @ds.insert(:number=>2, :flag=>false) @ds.insert(:number=>3, :flag=>nil) @ds.order!(:number) @ds.filter(:flag=>true).map(:number).should == [1] @ds.filter(:flag=>false).map(:number).should == [2] @ds.filter(:flag=>nil).map(:number).should == [3] @ds.exclude(:flag=>true).map(:number).should == [2, 3] @ds.exclude(:flag=>false).map(:number).should == [1, 3] @ds.exclude(:flag=>nil).map(:number).should == [1, 2] end end describe "Simple Dataset operations in transactions" do before do INTEGRATION_DB.create_table!(:items_insert_in_transaction) do primary_key :id integer :number end @ds = INTEGRATION_DB[:items_insert_in_transaction] clear_sqls end after do INTEGRATION_DB.drop_table(:items_insert_in_transaction) end cspecify "should insert correctly with a primary key specified inside a transaction", :mssql do INTEGRATION_DB.transaction do @ds.insert(:id=>100, :number=>20) @ds.count.should == 1 @ds.order(:id).all.should == [{:id=>100, :number=>20}] end end specify "should have insert return primary key value inside a transaction" do INTEGRATION_DB.transaction do @ds.insert(:number=>20).should == 1 @ds.count.should == 1 @ds.order(:id).all.should == [{:id=>1, :number=>20}] end end specify "should support for_update" do INTEGRATION_DB.transaction{@ds.for_update.all.should == []} end end describe "Dataset UNION, EXCEPT, and INTERSECT" do before do INTEGRATION_DB.create_table!(:i1){integer :number} INTEGRATION_DB.create_table!(:i2){integer :number} @ds1 = INTEGRATION_DB[:i1] @ds1.insert(:number=>10) @ds1.insert(:number=>20) @ds2 = INTEGRATION_DB[:i2] @ds2.insert(:number=>10) @ds2.insert(:number=>30) clear_sqls end specify "should give the correct results for simple UNION, EXCEPT, and INTERSECT" do @ds1.union(@ds2).order(:number).map{|x| x[:number].to_s}.should == %w'10 20 30' if @ds1.supports_intersect_except? @ds1.except(@ds2).order(:number).map{|x| x[:number].to_s}.should == %w'20' @ds1.intersect(@ds2).order(:number).map{|x| x[:number].to_s}.should == %w'10' end end cspecify "should give the correct results for UNION, EXCEPT, and INTERSECT when used with ordering and limits", :mssql do @ds1.insert(:number=>8) @ds2.insert(:number=>9) @ds1.insert(:number=>38) @ds2.insert(:number=>39) @ds1.order(:number.desc).union(@ds2).order(:number).map{|x| x[:number].to_s}.should == %w'8 9 10 20 30 38 39' @ds1.union(@ds2.order(:number.desc)).order(:number).map{|x| x[:number].to_s}.should == %w'8 9 10 20 30 38 39' @ds1.order(:number.desc).limit(1).union(@ds2).order(:number).map{|x| x[:number].to_s}.should == %w'9 10 30 38 39' @ds2.order(:number.desc).limit(1).union(@ds1).order(:number).map{|x| x[:number].to_s}.should == %w'8 10 20 38 39' @ds1.union(@ds2.order(:number).limit(1)).order(:number).map{|x| x[:number].to_s}.should == %w'8 9 10 20 38' @ds2.union(@ds1.order(:number).limit(1)).order(:number).map{|x| x[:number].to_s}.should == %w'8 9 10 30 39' @ds1.union(@ds2).limit(2).order(:number).map{|x| x[:number].to_s}.should == %w'8 9' @ds2.union(@ds1).order(:number.desc).limit(2).map{|x| x[:number].to_s}.should == %w'39 38' @ds1.order(:number.desc).limit(2).union(@ds2.order(:number.desc).limit(2)).order(:number).limit(3).map{|x| x[:number].to_s}.should == %w'20 30 38' @ds2.order(:number).limit(2).union(@ds1.order(:number).limit(2)).order(:number.desc).limit(3).map{|x| x[:number].to_s}.should == %w'10 9 8' end specify "should give the correct results for compound UNION, EXCEPT, and INTERSECT" do INTEGRATION_DB.create_table!(:i3){integer :number} @ds3 = INTEGRATION_DB[:i3] @ds3.insert(:number=>10) @ds3.insert(:number=>40) @ds1.union(@ds2).union(@ds3).order(:number).map{|x| x[:number].to_s}.should == %w'10 20 30 40' @ds1.union(@ds2.union(@ds3)).order(:number).map{|x| x[:number].to_s}.should == %w'10 20 30 40' if @ds1.supports_intersect_except? @ds1.union(@ds2).except(@ds3).order(:number).map{|x| x[:number].to_s}.should == %w'20 30' @ds1.union(@ds2.except(@ds3)).order(:number).map{|x| x[:number].to_s}.should == %w'10 20 30' @ds1.union(@ds2).intersect(@ds3).order(:number).map{|x| x[:number].to_s}.should == %w'10 ' @ds1.union(@ds2.intersect(@ds3)).order(:number).map{|x| x[:number].to_s}.should == %w'10 20' @ds1.except(@ds2).union(@ds3).order(:number).map{|x| x[:number].to_s}.should == %w'10 20 40' @ds1.except(@ds2.union(@ds3)).order(:number).map{|x| x[:number].to_s}.should == %w'20' @ds1.except(@ds2).except(@ds3).order(:number).map{|x| x[:number].to_s}.should == %w'20' @ds1.except(@ds2.except(@ds3)).order(:number).map{|x| x[:number].to_s}.should == %w'10 20' @ds1.except(@ds2).intersect(@ds3).order(:number).map{|x| x[:number].to_s}.should == %w'' @ds1.except(@ds2.intersect(@ds3)).order(:number).map{|x| x[:number].to_s}.should == %w'20' @ds1.intersect(@ds2).union(@ds3).order(:number).map{|x| x[:number].to_s}.should == %w'10 40' @ds1.intersect(@ds2.union(@ds3)).order(:number).map{|x| x[:number].to_s}.should == %w'10' @ds1.intersect(@ds2).except(@ds3).order(:number).map{|x| x[:number].to_s}.should == %w'' @ds1.intersect(@ds2.except(@ds3)).order(:number).map{|x| x[:number].to_s}.should == %w'' @ds1.intersect(@ds2).intersect(@ds3).order(:number).map{|x| x[:number].to_s}.should == %w'10' @ds1.intersect(@ds2.intersect(@ds3)).order(:number).map{|x| x[:number].to_s}.should == %w'10' end end end if INTEGRATION_DB.dataset.supports_cte? describe "Common Table Expressions" do before do @db = INTEGRATION_DB @db.create_table!(:i1){Integer :id; Integer :parent_id} @ds = @db[:i1] @ds.insert(:id=>1) @ds.insert(:id=>2) @ds.insert(:id=>3, :parent_id=>1) @ds.insert(:id=>4, :parent_id=>1) @ds.insert(:id=>5, :parent_id=>3) @ds.insert(:id=>6, :parent_id=>5) end after do @db.drop_table(:i1) end specify "should give correct results for WITH" do @db[:t].with(:t, @ds.filter(:parent_id=>nil).select(:id)).order(:id).map(:id).should == [1, 2] end specify "should give correct results for recursive WITH" do ds = @db[:t].select(:i___id, :pi___parent_id).with_recursive(:t, @ds.filter(:parent_id=>nil), @ds.join(:t, :i=>:parent_id).select(:i1__id, :i1__parent_id), :args=>[:i, :pi]) ds.all.should == [{:parent_id=>nil, :id=>1}, {:parent_id=>nil, :id=>2}, {:parent_id=>1, :id=>3}, {:parent_id=>1, :id=>4}, {:parent_id=>3, :id=>5}, {:parent_id=>5, :id=>6}] ps = @db[:t].select(:i___id, :pi___parent_id).with_recursive(:t, @ds.filter(:parent_id=>:$n), @ds.join(:t, :i=>:parent_id).filter(:t__i=>:parent_id).select(:i1__id, :i1__parent_id), :args=>[:i, :pi]).prepare(:select, :cte_sel)>1).should == [{:id=>3, :parent_id=>1}, {:id=>4, :parent_id=>1}, {:id=>5, :parent_id=>3}, {:id=>6, :parent_id=>5}]>3).should == [{:id=>5, :parent_id=>3}, {:id=>6, :parent_id=>5}]>5).should == [{:id=>6, :parent_id=>5}] end specify "should support joining a dataset with a CTE" do @ds.inner_join(@db[:t].with(:t, @ds.filter(:parent_id=>nil)), :id => :id).select(:i1__id).order(:i1__id).map(:id).should == [1,2] @db[:t].with(:t, @ds).inner_join(@db[:s].with(:s, @ds.filter(:parent_id=>nil)), :id => :id).select(:t__id).order(:t__id).map(:id).should == [1,2] end end end if INTEGRATION_DB.dataset.supports_window_functions? describe "Window Functions" do before do @db = INTEGRATION_DB @db.create_table!(:i1){Integer :id; Integer :group_id; Integer :amount} @ds = @db[:i1].order(:id) @ds.insert(:id=>1, :group_id=>1, :amount=>1) @ds.insert(:id=>2, :group_id=>1, :amount=>10) @ds.insert(:id=>3, :group_id=>1, :amount=>100) @ds.insert(:id=>4, :group_id=>2, :amount=>1000) @ds.insert(:id=>5, :group_id=>2, :amount=>10000) @ds.insert(:id=>6, :group_id=>2, :amount=>100000) end after do @db.drop_table(:i1) end specify "should give correct results for aggregate window functions" do{sum(:over, :args=>amount, :partition=>group_id){}.as(:sum)}.all.should == [{:sum=>111, :id=>1}, {:sum=>111, :id=>2}, {:sum=>111, :id=>3}, {:sum=>111000, :id=>4}, {:sum=>111000, :id=>5}, {:sum=>111000, :id=>6}]{sum(:over, :args=>amount){}.as(:sum)}.all.should == [{:sum=>111111, :id=>1}, {:sum=>111111, :id=>2}, {:sum=>111111, :id=>3}, {:sum=>111111, :id=>4}, {:sum=>111111, :id=>5}, {:sum=>111111, :id=>6}] end specify "should give correct results for ranking window functions with orders" do{rank(:over, :partition=>group_id, :order=>id){}.as(:rank)}.all.should == [{:rank=>1, :id=>1}, {:rank=>2, :id=>2}, {:rank=>3, :id=>3}, {:rank=>1, :id=>4}, {:rank=>2, :id=>5}, {:rank=>3, :id=>6}]{rank(:over, :order=>id){}.as(:rank)}.all.should == [{:rank=>1, :id=>1}, {:rank=>2, :id=>2}, {:rank=>3, :id=>3}, {:rank=>4, :id=>4}, {:rank=>5, :id=>5}, {:rank=>6, :id=>6}] end cspecify "should give correct results for aggregate window functions with orders", :mssql do{sum(:over, :args=>amount, :partition=>group_id, :order=>id){}.as(:sum)}.all.should == [{:sum=>1, :id=>1}, {:sum=>11, :id=>2}, {:sum=>111, :id=>3}, {:sum=>1000, :id=>4}, {:sum=>11000, :id=>5}, {:sum=>111000, :id=>6}]{sum(:over, :args=>amount, :order=>id){}.as(:sum)}.all.should == [{:sum=>1, :id=>1}, {:sum=>11, :id=>2}, {:sum=>111, :id=>3}, {:sum=>1111, :id=>4}, {:sum=>11111, :id=>5}, {:sum=>111111, :id=>6}] end cspecify "should give correct results for aggregate window functions with frames", :mssql do{sum(:over, :args=>amount, :partition=>group_id, :order=>id, :frame=>:all){}.as(:sum)}.all.should == [{:sum=>111, :id=>1}, {:sum=>111, :id=>2}, {:sum=>111, :id=>3}, {:sum=>111000, :id=>4}, {:sum=>111000, :id=>5}, {:sum=>111000, :id=>6}]{sum(:over, :args=>amount, :partition=>group_id, :frame=>:all){}.as(:sum)}.all.should == [{:sum=>111, :id=>1}, {:sum=>111, :id=>2}, {:sum=>111, :id=>3}, {:sum=>111000, :id=>4}, {:sum=>111000, :id=>5}, {:sum=>111000, :id=>6}]{sum(:over, :args=>amount, :order=>id, :frame=>:all){}.as(:sum)}.all.should == [{:sum=>111111, :id=>1}, {:sum=>111111, :id=>2}, {:sum=>111111, :id=>3}, {:sum=>111111, :id=>4}, {:sum=>111111, :id=>5}, {:sum=>111111, :id=>6}]{sum(:over, :args=>amount, :frame=>:all){}.as(:sum)}.all.should == [{:sum=>111111, :id=>1}, {:sum=>111111, :id=>2}, {:sum=>111111, :id=>3}, {:sum=>111111, :id=>4}, {:sum=>111111, :id=>5}, {:sum=>111111, :id=>6}]{sum(:over, :args=>amount, :partition=>group_id, :order=>id, :frame=>:rows){}.as(:sum)}.all.should == [{:sum=>1, :id=>1}, {:sum=>11, :id=>2}, {:sum=>111, :id=>3}, {:sum=>1000, :id=>4}, {:sum=>11000, :id=>5}, {:sum=>111000, :id=>6}]{sum(:over, :args=>amount, :partition=>group_id, :frame=>:rows){}.as(:sum)}.all.should == [{:sum=>1, :id=>1}, {:sum=>11, :id=>2}, {:sum=>111, :id=>3}, {:sum=>1000, :id=>4}, {:sum=>11000, :id=>5}, {:sum=>111000, :id=>6}]{sum(:over, :args=>amount, :order=>id, :frame=>:rows){}.as(:sum)}.all.should == [{:sum=>1, :id=>1}, {:sum=>11, :id=>2}, {:sum=>111, :id=>3}, {:sum=>1111, :id=>4}, {:sum=>11111, :id=>5}, {:sum=>111111, :id=>6}]{sum(:over, :args=>amount, :frame=>:rows){}.as(:sum)}.all.should == [{:sum=>1, :id=>1}, {:sum=>11, :id=>2}, {:sum=>111, :id=>3}, {:sum=>1111, :id=>4}, {:sum=>11111, :id=>5}, {:sum=>111111, :id=>6}] end end end describe Sequel::SQL::Constants do before do @db = INTEGRATION_DB @ds = @db[:constants] @c = proc do |v| case v when Time v when DateTime, String Time.parse(v.to_s) else v end end @c2 = proc{|v| v.is_a?(Date) ? v : Date.parse(v) } end after do @db.drop_table(:constants) end cspecify "should have working CURRENT_DATE", [:odbc, :mssql], [:jdbc, :sqlite] do @db.create_table!(:constants){Date :d} @ds.insert(:d=>Sequel::CURRENT_DATE) d = @c2[@ds.get(:d)] d.should be_a_kind_of(Date) d.to_s.should == end cspecify "should have working CURRENT_TIME", [:do, :mysql], [:jdbc, :sqlite], [:mysql2] do @db.create_table!(:constants){Time :t, :only_time=>true} @ds.insert(:t=>Sequel::CURRENT_TIME) ( - @c[@ds.get(:t)]).should be_within(1).of(0) end cspecify "should have working CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", [:jdbc, :sqlite] do @db.create_table!(:constants){DateTime :ts} @ds.insert(:ts=>Sequel::CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ( - @c[@ds.get(:ts)]).should be_within(1).of(0) end end describe "Sequel::Dataset#import and #multi_insert" do before do @db = INTEGRATION_DB @db.create_table!(:imp){Integer :i} @db.create_table!(:exp2){Integer :i} @ids = @db[:imp].order(:i) @eds = @db[:exp2] end after do @db.drop_table(:imp, :exp2) end it "should import with multi_insert and an array of hashes" do @ids.multi_insert([{:i=>10}, {:i=>20}]) @ids.all.should == [{:i=>10}, {:i=>20}] end it "should import with an array of arrays of values" do @ids.import([:i], [[10], [20]]) @ids.all.should == [{:i=>10}, {:i=>20}] end it "should import with a dataset" do @eds.import([:i], [[10], [20]]) @ids.import([:i], @eds) @ids.all.should == [{:i=>10}, {:i=>20}] end it "should have import work with the :slice_size option" do @ids.import([:i], [[10], [20], [30]], :slice_size=>1) @ids.all.should == [{:i=>10}, {:i=>20}, {:i=>30}] @ids.delete @ids.import([:i], [[10], [20], [30]], :slice_size=>2) @ids.all.should == [{:i=>10}, {:i=>20}, {:i=>30}] @ids.delete @ids.import([:i], [[10], [20], [30]], :slice_size=>3) @ids.all.should == [{:i=>10}, {:i=>20}, {:i=>30}] end end describe "Sequel::Dataset convenience methods" do before do @db = INTEGRATION_DB @db.create_table!(:a){Integer :a; Integer :b} @ds = @db[:a].order(:a) end after do @db.drop_table(:a) end it "#[]= should update matching rows" do @ds.insert(20, 10) @ds[:a=>20] = {:b=>30} @ds.all.should == [{:a=>20, :b=>30}] end it "#empty? should return whether the dataset returns no rows" do @ds.empty?.should == true @ds.insert(20, 10) @ds.empty?.should == false end it "#group_and_count should return a grouping by count" do @ds.group_and_count(:a).order(:count).all.should == [] @ds.insert(20, 10) @ds.group_and_count(:a).order(:count).all.each{|h| h[:count] = h[:count].to_i}.should == [{:a=>20, :count=>1}] @ds.insert(20, 30) @ds.group_and_count(:a).order(:count).all.each{|h| h[:count] = h[:count].to_i}.should == [{:a=>20, :count=>2}] @ds.insert(30, 30) @ds.group_and_count(:a).order(:count).all.each{|h| h[:count] = h[:count].to_i}.should == [{:a=>30, :count=>1}, {:a=>20, :count=>2}] end it "#group_and_count should support column aliases" do @ds.group_and_count(:a___c).order(:count).all.should == [] @ds.insert(20, 10) @ds.group_and_count(:a___c).order(:count).all.each{|h| h[:count] = h[:count].to_i}.should == [{:c=>20, :count=>1}] @ds.insert(20, 30) @ds.group_and_count(:a___c).order(:count).all.each{|h| h[:count] = h[:count].to_i}.should == [{:c=>20, :count=>2}] @ds.insert(30, 30) @ds.group_and_count(:a___c).order(:count).all.each{|h| h[:count] = h[:count].to_i}.should == [{:c=>30, :count=>1}, {:c=>20, :count=>2}] end cspecify "#range should return the range between the maximum and minimum values", :sqlite do @ds = @ds.unordered @ds.insert(20, 10) @ds.insert(30, 10) @ds.range(:a).should == (20..30) @ds.range(:b).should == (10..10) end it "#interval should return the different between the maximum and minimum values" do @ds = @ds.unordered @ds.insert(20, 10) @ds.insert(30, 10) @ds.interval(:a).to_i.should == 10 @ds.interval(:b).to_i.should == 0 end end describe "Sequel::Dataset main SQL methods" do before do @db = INTEGRATION_DB @db.create_table!(:a){Integer :a; Integer :b} @ds = @db[:a].order(:a) end after do @db.drop_table(:a) end it "#exists should return a usable exists clause" do @ds.filter(@db[:a___c].filter(:c__a=>:a__b).exists).all.should == [] @ds.insert(20, 30) @ds.insert(10, 20) @ds.filter(@db[:a___c].filter(:c__a=>:a__b).exists).all.should == [{:a=>10, :b=>20}] end it "#filter and #exclude should work with placeholder strings" do @ds.insert(20, 30) @ds.filter("a > ?", 15).all.should == [{:a=>20, :b=>30}] @ds.exclude("b < ?", 15).all.should == [{:a=>20, :b=>30}] @ds.filter("b < ?", 15).invert.all.should == [{:a=>20, :b=>30}] end it "#and and #or should work correctly" do @ds.insert(20, 30) @ds.filter(:a=>20).and(:b=>30).all.should == [{:a=>20, :b=>30}] @ds.filter(:a=>20).and(:b=>15).all.should == [] @ds.filter(:a=>20).or(:b=>15).all.should == [{:a=>20, :b=>30}] @ds.filter(:a=>10).or(:b=>15).all.should == [] end it "#having should work correctly" do @ds.unordered!{[b, max(a).as(c)]}.group(:b).having{max(a) > 30}.all.should == [] @ds.insert(20, 30){[b, max(a).as(c)]}.group(:b).having{max(a) > 30}.all.should == [] @ds.insert(40, 20){[b, max(a).as(c)]}.group(:b).having{max(a) > 30}.all.each{|h| h[:c] = h[:c].to_i}.should == [{:b=>20, :c=>40}] end cspecify "#having should work without a previous group", :sqlite do @ds.unordered!{max(a).as(c)}.having{max(a) > 30}.all.should == [] @ds.insert(20, 30){max(a).as(c)}.having{max(a) > 30}.all.should == [] @ds.insert(40, 20){max(a).as(c)}.having{max(a) > 30}.all.each{|h| h[:c] = h[:c].to_i}.should == [{:c=>40}] end end describe "Sequel::Dataset DSL support" do before do @db = INTEGRATION_DB @db.create_table!(:a){Integer :a; Integer :b} @ds = @db[:a].order(:a) end after do @db.drop_table(:a) end it "should work with standard mathematical operators" do @ds.insert(20, 10) @ds.get{a + b}.to_i.should == 30 @ds.get{a - b}.to_i.should == 10 @ds.get{a * b}.to_i.should == 200 @ds.get{a / b}.to_i.should == 2 end specify "should work with bitwise shift operators" do @ds.insert(3, 2) @ds.get{a.sql_number << b}.to_i.should == 12 @ds.get{a.sql_number >> b}.to_i.should == 0 @ds.delete @ds.insert(3, 1) @ds.get{a.sql_number << b}.to_i.should == 6 @ds.get{a.sql_number >> b}.to_i.should == 1 end specify "should work with bitwise AND and OR operators" do @ds.insert(3, 5) @ds.get{a.sql_number | b}.to_i.should == 7 @ds.get{a.sql_number & b}.to_i.should == 1 end cspecify "should work with the bitwise compliment operator", :h2 do @ds.insert(-3, 3) @ds.get{~a.sql_number}.to_i.should == 2 @ds.get{~b.sql_number}.to_i.should == -4 end cspecify "should work with the bitwise xor operator", :sqlite do @ds.insert(3, 5) @ds.get{a.sql_number ^ b}.to_i.should == 6 end specify "should work with inequality operators" do @ds.insert(10, 11) @ds.insert(11, 11) @ds.insert(20, 19) @ds.insert(20, 20) @ds.filter{a > b}.select_order_map(:a).should == [20] @ds.filter{a >= b}.select_order_map(:a).should == [11, 20, 20] @ds.filter{a < b}.select_order_map(:a).should == [10] @ds.filter{a <= b}.select_order_map(:a).should == [10, 11, 20] end specify "should work with casting and string concatentation" do @ds.insert(20, 20) @ds.get{a.cast_string + b.cast_string}.should == '2020' end it "should work with ordering" do @ds.insert(10, 20) @ds.insert(20, 10) @ds.order(:a, :b).all.should == [{:a=>10, :b=>20}, {:a=>20, :b=>10}] @ds.order(:a.asc, :b.asc).all.should == [{:a=>10, :b=>20}, {:a=>20, :b=>10}] @ds.order(:a.desc, :b.desc).all.should == [{:a=>20, :b=>10}, {:a=>10, :b=>20}] end it "should work with qualifying" do @ds.insert(10, 20) @ds.get(:a__b).should == 20 @ds.get{a__b}.should == 20 @ds.get(:b.qualify(:a)).should == 20 end it "should work with aliasing" do @ds.insert(10, 20) @ds.get(:a__b___c).should == 20 @ds.get{}.should == 20 @ds.get(:b.qualify(:a).as(:c)).should == 20 @ds.get( == 20 end it "should work with selecting all columns of a table" do @ds.insert(20, 10)*).all.should == [{:a=>20, :b=>10}] end it "should work with ranges as hash values" do @ds.insert(20, 10) @ds.filter(:a=>(10..30)).all.should == [{:a=>20, :b=>10}] @ds.filter(:a=>(25..30)).all.should == [] @ds.filter(:a=>(10..15)).all.should == [] @ds.exclude(:a=>(10..30)).all.should == [] @ds.exclude(:a=>(25..30)).all.should == [{:a=>20, :b=>10}] @ds.exclude(:a=>(10..15)).all.should == [{:a=>20, :b=>10}] end it "should work with nil as hash value" do @ds.insert(20, nil) @ds.filter(:a=>nil).all.should == [] @ds.filter(:b=>nil).all.should == [{:a=>20, :b=>nil}] @ds.exclude(:b=>nil).all.should == [] @ds.exclude(:a=>nil).all.should == [{:a=>20, :b=>nil}] end it "should work with arrays as hash values" do @ds.insert(20, 10) @ds.filter(:a=>[10]).all.should == [] @ds.filter(:a=>[20, 10]).all.should == [{:a=>20, :b=>10}] @ds.exclude(:a=>[10]).all.should == [{:a=>20, :b=>10}] @ds.exclude(:a=>[20, 10]).all.should == [] end it "should work with ranges as hash values" do @ds.insert(20, 10) @ds.filter(:a=>(10..30)).all.should == [{:a=>20, :b=>10}] @ds.filter(:a=>(25..30)).all.should == [] @ds.filter(:a=>(10..15)).all.should == [] @ds.exclude(:a=>(10..30)).all.should == [] @ds.exclude(:a=>(25..30)).all.should == [{:a=>20, :b=>10}] @ds.exclude(:a=>(10..15)).all.should == [{:a=>20, :b=>10}] end it "should work with CASE statements" do @ds.insert(20, 10) @ds.filter({{:a=>20}=>20}.case(0) > 0).all.should == [{:a=>20, :b=>10}] @ds.filter({{:a=>15}=>20}.case(0) > 0).all.should == [] @ds.filter({20=>20}.case(0, :a) > 0).all.should == [{:a=>20, :b=>10}] @ds.filter({15=>20}.case(0, :a) > 0).all.should == [] end it "should work with multiple value arrays" do @ds.insert(20, 10) @ds.quote_identifiers = false @ds.filter([:a, :b]=>[[20, 10]].sql_array).all.should == [{:a=>20, :b=>10}] @ds.filter([:a, :b]=>[[10, 20]].sql_array).all.should == [] @ds.filter([:a, :b]=>[[20, 10], [1, 2]].sql_array).all.should == [{:a=>20, :b=>10}] @ds.filter([:a, :b]=>[[10, 10], [20, 20]].sql_array).all.should == [] @ds.exclude([:a, :b]=>[[20, 10]].sql_array).all.should == [] @ds.exclude([:a, :b]=>[[10, 20]].sql_array).all.should == [{:a=>20, :b=>10}] @ds.exclude([:a, :b]=>[[20, 10], [1, 2]].sql_array).all.should == [] @ds.exclude([:a, :b]=>[[10, 10], [20, 20]].sql_array).all.should == [{:a=>20, :b=>10}] end it "should work with IN/NOT in with datasets" do @ds.insert(20, 10) ds = @ds.unordered @ds.quote_identifiers = false @ds.filter(:a=> == [{:a=>20, :b=>10}] @ds.filter(:a=>>15)).all.should == [] @ds.exclude(:a=> == [] @ds.exclude(:a=>>15)).all.should == [{:a=>20, :b=>10}] @ds.filter([:a, :b]=>, :b)).all.should == [{:a=>20, :b=>10}] @ds.filter([:a, :b]=>, :a)).all.should == [] @ds.exclude([:a, :b]=>, :b)).all.should == [] @ds.exclude([:a, :b]=>, :a)).all.should == [{:a=>20, :b=>10}] @ds.filter([:a, :b]=>, :b).where(:a=>15)).all.should == [] @ds.exclude([:a, :b]=>, :b).where(:a=>15)).all.should == [{:a=>20, :b=>10}] end specify "should work empty arrays" do @ds.insert(20, 10) @ds.filter(:a=>[]).all.should == [] @ds.exclude(:a=>[]).all.should == [{:a=>20, :b=>10}] @ds.filter([:a, :b]=>[]).all.should == [] @ds.exclude([:a, :b]=>[]).all.should == [{:a=>20, :b=>10}] end specify "should work empty arrays with nulls" do @ds.insert(nil, nil) @ds.filter(:a=>[]).all.should == [] @ds.exclude(:a=>[]).all.should == [{:a=>nil, :b=>nil}] @ds.filter([:a, :b]=>[]).all.should == [] @ds.exclude([:a, :b]=>[]).all.should == [{:a=>nil, :b=>nil}] end it "should work multiple conditions" do @ds.insert(20, 10) @ds.filter(:a=>20, :b=>10).all.should == [{:a=>20, :b=>10}] @ds.filter([[:a, 20], [:b, 10]]).all.should == [{:a=>20, :b=>10}] @ds.filter({:a=>20} & {:b=>10}).all.should == [{:a=>20, :b=>10}] @ds.filter({:a=>20} | {:b=>5}).all.should == [{:a=>20, :b=>10}] @ds.filter(~{:a=>10}).all.should == [{:a=>20, :b=>10}] end end describe "SQL Extract Function" do before do @db = INTEGRATION_DB @db.create_table!(:a){DateTime :a} @ds = @db[:a].order(:a) end after do @db.drop_table(:a) end cspecify "should return the part of the datetime asked for", :sqlite, :mssql do t = @ds.insert(t) @ds.get{a.extract(:year)}.should == t.year @ds.get{a.extract(:month)}.should == t.month @ds.get{a.extract(:day)}.should == end end describe "Dataset string methods" do before do @db = INTEGRATION_DB @db.create_table!(:a){String :a; String :b} @ds = @db[:a].order(:a) end after do @db.drop_table(:a) end it "#grep should return matching rows" do @ds.insert('foo', 'bar') @ds.grep(:a, 'foo').all.should == [{:a=>'foo', :b=>'bar'}] @ds.grep(:b, 'foo').all.should == [] @ds.grep(:b, 'bar').all.should == [{:a=>'foo', :b=>'bar'}] @ds.grep(:a, 'bar').all.should == [] @ds.grep([:a, :b], %w'foo bar').all.should == [{:a=>'foo', :b=>'bar'}] @ds.grep([:a, :b], %w'boo far').all.should == [] end it "#grep should work with :all_patterns and :all_columns options" do @ds.insert('foo bar', '') @ds.insert('foo d', 'bar') @ds.insert('foo e', '') @ds.insert('', 'bar') @ds.insert('foo f', 'baz') @ds.insert('foo baz', 'bar baz') @ds.insert('foo boo', 'boo foo') @ds.grep([:a, :b], %w'%foo% %bar%', :all_patterns=>true).all.should == [{:a=>'foo bar', :b=>''}, {:a=>'foo baz', :b=>'bar baz'}, {:a=>'foo d', :b=>'bar'}] @ds.grep([:a, :b], %w'%foo% %bar% %blob%', :all_patterns=>true).all.should == [] @ds.grep([:a, :b], %w'%bar% %foo%', :all_columns=>true).all.should == [{:a=>"foo baz", :b=>"bar baz"}, {:a=>"foo boo", :b=>"boo foo"}, {:a=>"foo d", :b=>"bar"}] @ds.grep([:a, :b], %w'%baz%', :all_columns=>true).all.should == [{:a=>'foo baz', :b=>'bar baz'}] @ds.grep([:a, :b], %w'%baz% %foo%', :all_columns=>true, :all_patterns=>true).all.should == [] @ds.grep([:a, :b], %w'%boo% %foo%', :all_columns=>true, :all_patterns=>true).all.should == [{:a=>'foo boo', :b=>'boo foo'}] end it "#like should return matching rows" do @ds.insert('foo', 'bar') @ds.filter('foo')).all.should == [{:a=>'foo', :b=>'bar'}] @ds.filter('bar')).all.should == [] @ds.filter('foo', 'bar')).all.should == [{:a=>'foo', :b=>'bar'}] end it "#ilike should return matching rows, in a case insensitive manner" do @ds.insert('foo', 'bar') @ds.filter(:a.ilike('Foo')).all.should == [{:a=>'foo', :b=>'bar'}] @ds.filter(:a.ilike('baR')).all.should == [] @ds.filter(:a.ilike('FOO', 'BAR')).all.should == [{:a=>'foo', :b=>'bar'}] end it "should work with strings created with sql_string_join" do @ds.insert('foo', 'bar') @ds.get([:a, :b].sql_string_join).should == 'foobar' @ds.get([:a, :b].sql_string_join(' ')).should == 'foo bar' end end describe "Dataset identifier methods" do before do class ::String def uprev upcase.reverse end end @db = INTEGRATION_DB @db.create_table!(:a){Integer :ab} @ds = @db[:a].order(:ab) @ds.insert(1) end after do @db.drop_table(:a) end cspecify "#identifier_output_method should change how identifiers are output", [:mysql2], [:swift] do @ds.identifier_output_method = :upcase @ds.first.should == {:AB=>1} @ds.identifier_output_method = :uprev @ds.first.should == {:BA=>1} end it "should work when not quoting identifiers" do @ds.quote_identifiers = false @ds.first.should == {:ab=>1} end end describe "Dataset defaults and overrides" do before do @db = INTEGRATION_DB @db.create_table!(:a){Integer :a} @ds = @db[:a].order(:a) end after do @db.drop_table(:a) end it "#set_defaults should set defaults that can be overridden" do @ds = @ds.set_defaults(:a=>10) @ds.insert @ds.insert(:a=>20) @ds.all.should == [{:a=>10}, {:a=>20}] end it "#set_overrides should set defaults that cannot be overridden" do @ds = @ds.set_overrides(:a=>10) @ds.insert @ds.insert(:a=>20) @ds.all.should == [{:a=>10}, {:a=>10}] end end if INTEGRATION_DB.dataset.supports_modifying_joins? describe "Modifying joined datasets" do before do @db = INTEGRATION_DB @db.create_table!(:a){Integer :a; Integer :d} @db.create_table!(:b){Integer :b; Integer :e} @db.create_table!(:c){Integer :c; Integer :f} @ds = @db.from(:a, :b).join(:c, :c=>:e.identifier).where(:d=>:b, :f=>6) @db[:a].insert(1, 2) @db[:a].insert(3, 4) @db[:b].insert(2, 5) @db[:c].insert(5, 6) @db[:b].insert(4, 7) @db[:c].insert(7, 8) end after do @db.drop_table(:a, :b, :c) end it "#update should allow updating joined datasets" do @ds.update(:a=>10) @ds.all.should == [{:c=>5, :b=>2, :a=>10, :d=>2, :e=>5, :f=>6}] @db[:a].order(:a).all.should == [{:a=>3, :d=>4}, {:a=>10, :d=>2}] @db[:b].order(:b).all.should == [{:b=>2, :e=>5}, {:b=>4, :e=>7}] @db[:c].order(:c).all.should == [{:c=>5, :f=>6}, {:c=>7, :f=>8}] end it "#delete should allow deleting from joined datasets" do @ds.delete @ds.all.should == [] @db[:a].order(:a).all.should == [{:a=>3, :d=>4}] @db[:b].order(:b).all.should == [{:b=>2, :e=>5}, {:b=>4, :e=>7}] @db[:c].order(:c).all.should == [{:c=>5, :f=>6}, {:c=>7, :f=>8}] end end end