Feature: Creation of a Darwing Core Archive In order to start working with Darwin Core Archive file A user should be able initiate dwc object from a file So I want to implement handling of dwc object creation Scenario: Creating Darwin Core Archive object Given path to a dwc file "data.tar.gz" When I create a new DarwinCore::Archive instance Then I should find that the archive is valid Then I should see what files the archive has When I delete expanded files Then they should disappear Scenario: Instantiating DarwinCore with a file without "eml.xml" Given path to a dwc file "minimal.tar.gz" When I create a new DarwinCore instance Then "DarwinCore_instance.metadata.data" should send instance of "NilClass" back Scenario: Instantiating DarwinCore with tar.gz file Given path to a dwc file "data.tar.gz" When I create a new DarwinCore instance Then instance should have a valid archive And instance should have a core When I check core data Then I should find core.properties And core.file_path And core.id And core.fields Then DarwinCore instance should have an extensions array And every extension in array should be an instance of DarwinCore::Extension And extension should have properties, data, file_path, coreid, fields Then DarwinCore instance should have dwc.metadata object And I should find id, title, creators, metadata provider Scenario: Instantiating DawinCore with zip file Given path to a dwc file "data.zip" When I create a new DarwinCore instance Then instance should have a valid archive Scenario: Cleaning temporary directory from expanded archives Given acces to DarwinCore gem When I use DarwinCore.clean_all method Then all temporary directories created by DarwinCore are deleted