module PaperTrail module Queries module Versions # For public API documentation, see `where_object` in # `paper_trail/version_concern.rb`. # @api private class WhereObject # - version_model_class - The class that VersionConcern was mixed into. # - attributes - A `Hash` of attributes and values. See the public API # documentation for details. # @api private def initialize(version_model_class, attributes) @version_model_class = version_model_class @attributes = attributes end # @api private def execute case @version_model_class.columns_hash["object"].type when :jsonb jsonb when :json json else text end end private # @api private def json predicates = [] values = [] @attributes.each do |field, value| predicates.push "object->>? = ?" values.concat([field, value.to_s]) end sql = predicates.join(" and ") @version_model_class.where(sql, *values) end # @api private def jsonb @version_model_class.where("object @> ?", @attributes.to_json) end # @api private def text arel_field = @version_model_class.arel_table[:object] where_conditions = { |field, value| ::PaperTrail.serializer.where_object_condition(arel_field, field, value) } where_conditions = where_conditions.reduce { |a, e| a.and(e) } @version_model_class.where(where_conditions) end end end end end