--- title: Manual --- # Introduction This manual describes all of webgen in as much detail as possible. If you still find something missing, don't hesistate to write a mail to the mailing list! The manual is structured in such a way that it can be read from top to bottom while creating a webgen website. This means that first the information on how to use the webgen CLI comes, then how a webgen website is structured and how content can be added and so on. # The `webgen` command The executable for webgen is called... webgen ;-) It uses a command style syntax (like Subversion's `svn` or Rubygem's `gem` commands) through the [cmdparse] library. To get an overview of the possible commands run `webgen help`. The main command is the `render` command which does the actual website generation. This command uses the current working directory as website directory if none was specified via the gloabl `-d` option. You can invoke a command by specifying its name after the executable name. Also counting the executable `webgen` as a command, the options for a command are specified directly after the command name and before the next command or any arguments. For example, all the following command lines are valid: $ webgen $ webgen render $ webgen -d doc render $ webgen -v create -t project new_site $ webgen help create Following is a short overview of the available commands: * `create [-t TEMPLATE] [-s STYLE] SITE_DIR` Creates a basic webgen website in `SITE_DIR` using the optional template and styles. All available templates and styles are listed in the help output for the command. * `help` Displays usage information. Can be used to show information about a command by using the command name as argument, eg. `webgen help create`. * `render` Renders the given webgen website. * `version` Displays the version of webgen. * `webgui` Starts the webgen webgui, a browser based graphical user interface for managing webgen websites. First the webgui web application is started and then the webgui is opened in the default browser. [cmdparse]: http://cmdparse.rubyforge.org # A webgen Website {#website} webgen needs a special directory structure so that it works out of the box. This directory structure is automatically created by the `webgen create` command. You can alternatively use the webgui to create the website directory. The root directory of webgen website is called the website directory. You can have the following files and directories under this directory: * `src`: The source directory in which all the source files for the website are. If this directory should not be called `src` or you want to include additional source directories, you need to change the `sources` configuration option. * `out`: This directory is created, if it does not exist, when webgen generates the HTML files. All the output files are put into this directory. The name of this directory can be changed by setting the `output` configuration option. * `ext`: The extension directory (optional). You can put self-written extensions into this directory so that they are used by webgen. See the [extension directory]({relocatable: '#website-ext'}) section for more information. * `config.yaml`: This file can be used to set configuration options for the website. See the [Configuration File]({relocatable: '#website-configfile'}) section for more information. * `Rakefile`: This file is provided for your convenience to execute tasks via `rake` and provides some useful tasks out of the box. See the [Rakefile]({relocatable: '#website-rakefile'}) section for more information. ## Extension Directory {#website-ext} The extension directory is used for modifying core behaviour of webgen or adding extensions. It is called `ext` and has to reside directly under the website directory. All files called `init.rb` in this directory or any of its subdirectories are loaded when webgen renders the website. So you need to make sure to either place all extensions in `init.rb` or load them from this file. The latter approach is better since you can use the lazy loading feature that webgen uses internally, ie. extensions are loaded only when they are needed. ## Configuration File {#website-configfile} Many user will want to change some configuration options, for example, the default language of the website since not all people will want to write websites in English. This is primarily done via the configuration file. The configuration file is called `config.yaml` and has to be placed directly under the website directory. It uses [YAML](http://www.yaml.org) as file format. You can find a list of all available configuration options that can be set in the [Configuration Options Reference]({relocatable: reference_configuration.html}). Each configuration option can be set in the configuration file by specifing the configuration option name and the new value as a key/value pair. A sample configuration file looks like this: website.lang: de website.link_to_current_page: true Since some configuration options have a complex structure, there exist several special configuration keys to help setting these configuration options: * `default_meta_info`: Set the default meta information for one or more source handlers. This key needs needs a Hash as value which should be of the following form: SOURCE_HANDLER_NAME: mi_key: mi_value other_key: other_value :action: replace So each entry has to specify the name of a source handler (or the special value `:all` which sets the default meta information for all source handlers) and the meta information items that should be set or modified. If you don't want to update the meta information hash but want to replace it, you need to add `:action: replace` as meta information entry. If a source handler called `Webgen::SourceHandler::SOURCE_HANDLER_NAME` exists, the meta information is set for this source handler instead. For example, the following snippet of a configuration file sets the meta information item `in_menu` to `true` for `Webgen::SourceHandler::Page`: default_meta_info: Page: in_menu: true * `default_processing_pipeline`: Set the default processing pipeline for one or more source handlers. This key needs a Hash as value which should be of the following form: SOURCE_HANDLER_NAME: PIPELINE Each key-value pair specifies the name of a source handler and the new default processing pipeline. The value for the processing pipeline has to consist of the short names of content processors separated by commas and normally includes `erb`, `tags`, `blocks` and the name of a content processor for a markup language. The short name(s) of a content processor is (are) stated on its documentation page. Be aware that the content processors are executed in the order in which they are specified! If a source handler called `Webgen::SourceHandler::SOURCE_HANDLER_NAME` exists, the meta information is set for this source handler instead. For example, the following snippet of a configuration file sets the default processing pipeline for 'Webgen::SourceHandler::Page': default_processing_pipeline: Page: erb,tags,textile,blocks * `patterns`: Set the used path patterns for one or more source handlers. This key needs a Hash value and provides two different ways of setting the path patterns: SOURCE_HANDLER_NAME: [**/*.jpg, **/*.css] SOURCE_HANDLER_NAME: add: [**/*.jpg] del: [**/*.js] The first form replaces the path patterns for the source handler with the given patterns. The second form allows to add or delete individual patterns. If a source handler called `Webgen::SourceHandler::SOURCE_HANDLER_NAME` exists, the meta information is set for this source handler instead. For example, the following snippet of a configuration file adds the pattern `**/*.pdf` to the patterns of `Webgen::SourceHandler::Copy`: patterns: Copy: add: [**/*.pdf] ## Rakefile {#website-rakefile} The Rakefile that is automatically created upon website creation provides a place to specify recurring task for your website, for example, for deploying the website to a server. It contains some useful tasks out of the box: * `webgen`: Renders the webgen website once. * `auto_webgen`: Automatically renders the website when a source file has changed. This is very useful when developing a website because you don't need to change back and forth between your website code and the command line to rebuild the site. * `clobber_webgen`: Removes all webgen generated products (the output files and the cache file). # All About Paths and Sources {#source} A source provides paths that identity files or directories. webgen can use paths from many sources. The most commonly used source is the file system source which provides paths and information on them from the file system. ## Path Types {#source-types} webgen can handle many different types of files through the different source handler classes. The most important files are the page and template files as they are used to define the content and the layout of a website. Have a look at the [Webgen Page Format documentation]({relocatable: webgen_page_format.html}) to see how these files look like and how they are structured. After that have a look at the documentation of the source handler class SourceHandler::Page and SourceHandler::Template as they are responsible for handling these page and template files! You can naturally use any other type of file. However, be aware that some files may not be processed by webgen when no source handler class for them exists. For example, there is currently no source handler class for `.svg` files, so those files would be ignored. If you just want to have files copied from a source to the output directory (like images or CSS files), the SourceHandler::Copy class is what you need! Look through the documentation of the [availabe source handler classes]({relocatable: extensions.html}) to get a feeling of what files are handled by webgen. ## Source Paths Naming Convention {#source-naming} webgen assumes that the paths provided by the sources follow a special naming convention sothat meta information can be extracted correctly from the path name: [sort_info.]basename[.lang].extension * `sort_info` This part is optional and has to consist of the digits 0 to 9. Its value is used for the meta information `sort_info`. If not specified, it defaults to the value zero. * `basename` This part is used on the one hand to generate the `title` meta information (but with `_` and `-` replaced by spaces). And on the other hand, the canonical name is derived from it. `basename` must not contain any dots, spaces or any character from the following list: ``; / ? * : ` & = + $ ,``. If you do use one of them webgen may not work correctly! > If two paths have the same `basename` and `extension` part, they should define the same > content but for different languages. This allows webgen to automatically deliver the right > language version of the content {.information} * `lang` This part is optional and has to be an [ISO-639-1/2](http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/) language identifier (two or three characters (a-z) long). If not specified, it is assumed that the path is language independent (for example, images are normally not specific for a specific language). However, this behaviour may be different for some source handler classes (for example, all paths handled by SourceHandler::Page are assigned the default language if none is set). If the language identifier can't be matched to a valid language, it is assumed that this part isn't actually a language identifier but a part of the extension. This also means that in the special case where the first part of an extension is also a valid language identifier, the first part is interpreted as language identifier and not as part of the extension. * `extension` The file extension can be anything and can include dots. Following are some examples of source path names: |Path name | Parsed meta information |--------------------------|------------------------------------------------ |`name.png` | title: Name, language: none, sort\_info: 0, basename: name, cn: name.png |`name.de.png` | title: Name, language: de, sort\_info: 0, basename: name, cn: name.png |`01.name_of-file.eo.page` | title: Name of file, language: eo, sort\_info: 1, basename: name_of-file, cn: name_of-file.page |`name.tar.bz2` | title: Name, language: none, sort\_info: 0, basename: name, cn: name.tar.bz2 |`name.de.tar.bz2` | title: Name, language: de, sort\_info: 0, basename: name, cn: name.tar.bz2 Notice: The first two and the last two examples define the same content for two different languages (or more exactly: the first one is unlocalized and the second one localized to German) as they have the same canonical name. ## Canonical Name of a File ### {#source-cn} webgen provides the functionality to define the same content in more than one language, ie. to localize content. This is achieved with the _canonical name_ of a path. When multiple paths share the same canonical name, webgen assumes that they have the same content but in different languages. It is also possible to specify a _language independent_ path which is used as a fallback. Therefore when a path should be resolved using a canonical name and a given language, it is first tried to get the path in the requested language. If this is not possible (ie. no such localization exists), the unlocalized path is returned if it exists. > Directories and fragments are never localized, only files are! {.exclamation} It is also possible to use the _localized canonical name_ of a path to resolve it. The localized canonical name is the same as the canonical name but with a language code inserted before the extension. If the localized canonical name is used to resolve a path, a possibly additionally specified language is ignored as it is assumed that the user really only wants the path in the specified language! This also means that all paths are not resolved using their real source or output names but using the (localized) canonical name! This is different from previous webgen versions! ## Output Path Name Construction ### {#source-output} There is currently only one method, called `standard`, for creating output path names which is described here. However, webgen allows developers to create other output path name creation methods. More information on this can be found in the [API documentation]({relocatable: api.html}). The output path for a given source path is constructed using the meta information `output_path_style`. This meta information is set to a default value and can be overwritten by setting it for a specific source handler or for a path individually. The value for this meta information key is an array which can have the following values: * strings (for inserting arbitrary text into output names) * arrays (for grouping values - only interesting for the language part) * symbols for inserting special values: * `:cnbase`: The basename of the path. * `:parent`: The parent path. * `:lang`: The language. * `:ext`: The file extension including the leading dot. * `:year`, `:month`, `:day`: The creation year, month and day, respectively, of the source path. An error is raised if the needed meta information `created_at` is not set on the path. > The contructed output path must always be an absolute one, ie. it has to start at the root of the > output directory. Therefore, the `:parent` part should always be included! {.information} Following are some examples of output path names for given source path names (assuming that `en` is the default language and that the path is under a directory called `/img/`): * `output_path_style=[:parent, :cnbase, [., :lang], :ext]` (the default) * `index.jpg` --> `/img/index.jpg` Since the source path is unlocalized, no language part is used and the whole sub array with the `:lang` symbol is dropped. * `index.en.jpg` --> `/img/index.jpg` This happens if the configuration option `sourcehandler.default_lang_in_output_path` is `false` and no unlocalized version of this path exists. * `index.en.jpg` --> `/img/index.en.jpg` Similar to the last example but this result occurs when there is an unlocalized version of the path which is naturally named `index.jpg`! * `index.de.jpg` --> `/img/index.de.jpg` Since `de` is not the default language, the language part is always used! * `output_path_style=[:parent, :cnbase, :ext, ., :lang]` * `index.jpg` --> `/img/index.jpg.` Be aware of the trailing dot since the `:lang` value is not defined in a sub array! * `output_path_style=[:parent, :year, /, :month, /, :cnbase, [., :lang], :ext]` * `index.jpg` --> `/img/2008/09/index.jpg` This output path style can be used to create blog archive style output names. ## Path Patterns {#source-pathpattern} Each source handler specifies path patterns which are used to locate the files that the class can handle. Normally these patterns are used to match file extensions, however, they are much more powerful. For detailed information on the structure of path patterns have a look at the [Dir.glob](http://ruby-doc.org/core/classes/Dir.html#M002375) API documentation. The path patterns that are handled by a particular source handler are stated on its documentation page. These patterns can be changed by modfying the configuration option `sourcehandler.patterns` although that is not recommended except in some few cases (for example, it is useful to add some patterns for SourceHandler::Copy). The information about how these path patterns work are useful for the usage of webgen because of two reasons: * so that you know which files will be processed by a specific source handler class * so that you can specify additional path patterns for some source handlers like the SourceHandler::Copy Here are some example path patterns:
Path Pattern | Result |
`*/*.html` | All files with the extension `html` in the subdirectories of the source directory |
`**/*.html` | All files with the extension `html` in all directories |
`**/{foo,bar}*` | All files in all directories which start with `foo` or `bar` |
`**/???` | All files in all directories whose file name is exactly three characters long |