# -*- ruby -*- # encoding: utf-8 # This file is distributed under New Relic's license terms. # See https://github.com/newrelic/rpm/blob/master/LICENSE for complete details. require 'sequel' unless defined?( Sequel ) require 'newrelic_rpm' unless defined?( NewRelic ) require 'new_relic/agent/instrumentation/sequel_helper' require 'new_relic/agent/datastores/metric_helper' module Sequel # New Relic's Sequel instrumentation is implemented via a plugin for # Sequel::Models, and an extension for Sequel::Databases. Every database # handle that Sequel knows about when New Relic is loaded will automatically # be instrumented, but if you're using a version of Sequel before 3.47.0, # you'll need to add the extension yourself if you create any after the # instrumentation is loaded: # # db = Sequel.connect( ... ) # db.extension :newrelic_instrumentation # # Versions 3.47.0 and later use `Database.extension` to automatically # install the extension for new connections. # # == Disabling # # If you don't want your models or database connections to be instrumented, # you can disable them by setting `disable_database_instrumentation` in # your `newrelic.yml` to `true`. It will also honor the # `disable_activerecord_instrumentation` setting. # module NewRelicInstrumentation module Naming def self.query_method_name if Sequel::VERSION >= "4.35.0" :log_connection_yield else :log_yield end end end define_method Naming.query_method_name do |*args, &blk| #THREAD_LOCAL_ACCESS sql = args.first product = NewRelic::Agent::Instrumentation::SequelHelper.product_name_from_adapter(self.class.adapter_scheme) operation = NewRelic::Agent::Datastores::MetricHelper.operation_from_sql(sql) segment = NewRelic::Agent::Transaction.start_datastore_segment product, operation begin super(*args, &blk) ensure notice_sql(sql, segment.name, segment.start_time, Time.now) segment.finish end end THREAD_SAFE_CONNECTION_POOL_CLASSES = [ (defined?(::Sequel::ThreadedConnectionPool) && ::Sequel::ThreadedConnectionPool) ].freeze def notice_sql(sql, metric_name, start, finish) state = NewRelic::Agent::TransactionState.tl_get duration = finish - start explainer = Proc.new do |*| if THREAD_SAFE_CONNECTION_POOL_CLASSES.include?(self.pool.class) self[ sql ].explain else NewRelic::Agent.logger.log_once(:info, :sequel_explain_skipped, "Not running SQL explains because Sequel is not in recognized multi-threaded mode") nil end end NewRelic::Agent.instance.transaction_sampler.notice_sql(sql, self.opts, duration, state, explainer) NewRelic::Agent.instance.sql_sampler.notice_sql(sql, metric_name, self.opts, duration, state, explainer) end end # module NewRelicInstrumentation NewRelic::Agent.logger.debug "Registering the :newrelic_instrumentation extension." Database.register_extension(:newrelic_instrumentation, NewRelicInstrumentation) end # module Sequel