Given /^that cucumber\-chef is installed$/ do When 'I build the gem' And 'I install the latest gem' Then 'I should have cucumber-chef on my path' end When /^I display the config$/ do @output = %x[cucumber-chef displayconfig 2>&1] end Then /^I should see config settings from knife\.rb$/ do @output.should match /^chef_server_url: https:\/\/\/organization/im end When /^I run a cucumber\-chef subcommand requiring Opscode and AWS credentials$/ do @output = %x[cucumber-chef setup 2>&1] end When /^the config file contains invalid credentials$/ do # see support/env.rb Around block true end Then /^I should be alerted that my credentials are invalid$/ do @output.should match(/Invalid Opscode platform credentials. Please check/m) end When /^I create a project called test_project$/ do @project_name = "test_project" project = "/tmp/cucumber-chef/#{@project_name}" if File.exist?(project) FileUtils.rm_rf(project) end silent_system("cd /tmp ; cucumber-chef project #{@project_name}").should be_true end project_dir = '/tmp/cucumber-chef/test_project' features_dir = "#{project_dir}/features" Then /^a new directory will be created named test_project$/ do file_should_exist(project_dir) end Then /^it will contain directories for features, step_definitions, and support$/ do %w[support step_definitions].each { |dir| file_should_exist("#{features_dir}/#{dir}") } end Then /^the support directory will contain essential libraries and helper imports$/ do file_should_exist( "#{features_dir}/support/env.rb" ) file_should_contain( "#{features_dir}/support/env.rb", "require 'cucumber/chef'\n" ) end Then /^examples and documentation will be included$/ do file_should_contain("#{project_dir}/README", 'Welcome to the test_project suite of cucumber-chef tests') file_should_contain("#{features_dir}/example.feature", 'Feature: Example feature for test_project') file_should_contain("#{features_dir}/step_definitions/example_step.rb", 'Given /^I apply the test_project role\/recipe$/ do') end