# Slackistrano [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/slackistrano.png)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/slackistrano) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/phallstrom/slackistrano.png)](https://codeclimate.com/github/phallstrom/slackistrano) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/phallstrom/slackistrano.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/phallstrom/slackistrano) Send notifications to [Slack](https://slack.com) about [Capistrano](http://www.capistranorb.com) deployments. If you need Capistrano v2 support, check out [capistrano-slack](https://github.com/j-mcnally/capistrano-slack). ## Requirements - Capistrano >= 3.1.0 - Ruby >= 2.0 - A Slack account ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'slackistrano', require: false And then execute: $ bundle ## Configuration You have two options to notify a channel in Slack when you deploy: 1. Using *Incoming WebHooks* integration, offering more options but requires one of the five free integrations. This is the default option. 2. Using *Slackbot*, which will not use one of the five free integrations. Enable via the `:slack_via_slackbot` option. In both case, you need to enable the integration inside Slack and get the token and/or webhook url that will be needed later. Require the library in your application's Capfile: require 'slackistrano' If you post using *Incoming Webhooks* you need to set your webhook url in your application's config/deploy.rb: set :slack_webhook, "https://hooks.slack.com/services/XXX/XXX/XXX" If you choose to post using *Slackbot* you **must** set your team, token, and channel in your application's config/deploy.rb: set :slack_via_slackbot, true set :slack_team, "teamname" set :slack_token, "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" set :slack_channel, '#general' Optionally, override the other slack settings: set :slack_icon_url, -> { 'http://gravatar.com/avatar/885e1c523b7975c4003de162d8ee8fee?r=g&s=40' } set :slack_icon_emoji, -> { nil } # will override icon_url, Must be a string (ex: ':shipit:') set :slack_channel, -> { nil } # Channel to post to. Optional. Defaults to WebHook setting. Required if using Slackbot. set :slack_channel_starting, -> { nil } # Channel to post to. Optional. Defaults to :slack_channel. set :slack_channel_finished, -> { nil } # Channel to post to. Optional. Defaults to :slack_channel. set :slack_channel_failed, -> { nil } # Channel to post to. Optional. Defaults to :slack_channel. set :slack_username, -> { 'Slackistrano' } set :slack_run_starting, -> { true } set :slack_run_finished, -> { true } set :slack_run_failed, -> { true } set :slack_deploy_user, -> { ENV['USER'] || ENV['USERNAME'] } set :slack_msg_starting, -> { "#{fetch :slack_deploy_user} has started deploying branch #{fetch :branch} of #{fetch :application} to #{fetch :rails_env, 'production'}" } set :slack_msg_finished, -> { "#{fetch :slack_deploy_user} has finished deploying branch #{fetch :branch} of #{fetch :application} to #{fetch :rails_env, 'production'}" } set :slack_msg_failed, -> { "#{fetch :slack_deploy_user} failed to deploy branch #{fetch :branch} of #{fetch :application} to #{fetch :rails_env, 'production'}" } set :slack_title_starting, -> { nil } set :slack_title_finished, -> { nil } set :slack_title_failed, -> { nil } **Note**: You may wish to disable one of the notifications if another service (ex: Honeybadger) also displays a deploy notification. Test your setup by running: $ cap production slack:deploy:starting $ cap production slack:deploy:finished $ cap production slack:deploy:failed ## Usage Deploy your application like normal and you should see messages in the channel you specified. ## TODO - Notify about incorrect configuration settings. - Notify about unsuccessfull HTTP POSTs. ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request