module Bonethug class CLI def self.handle(bin_name = 'thug') # what are we doing? task = ARGV[0] || 'help' case task when 'help' display_help when 'version' puts 'bonethug v' + VERSION + ' - build date: ' + BUILD_DATE exit when 'install' # handle args type = ARGV[1] location = ARGV[2] || '.' # validate unless type puts 'Usage: ' + bin_name + ' install [type] [location]' return end # run the installer Installer.install type, location when 'setup_env' # handle args env = ARGV[1] # validate unless env puts 'Usage: ' + bin_name + ' setup_env environment' return end # find the file gem_dir = File.expand_path File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../..' script = gem_dir + '/scripts/' if env == 'show' puts "Pre" puts script puts "Parsed" puts Installer.parse_sh elsif env == 'local' exec 'sudo bash ' + script else exec "export to=#{env} && bundle exec mina -f .bonethug/deploy.rb setup_env --verbose" end when 'init', 'update' # handle args location = ARGV[1] || '.' # validate unless location puts 'Usage: ' + bin_name + ' #{task} [location]' return end # run the initaliser Installer.bonethugise(location, task.to_sym) when 'run', 'rake', 'drush', 'sake' # get env environment = ARGV.last # handle args if task == 'run' cmd_task = ARGV[1] args = ARGV[2..(ARGV.length-2)] else case task when 'rake' cmd_task = 'rake' when 'drush' cmd_task = 'vendor/drush/drush' when 'sake' cmd_task = 'public/framework/sake' end args = ARGV[1..(ARGV.length-2)] end # build command run = "\"run[#{cmd_task} #{args.join(' ')}]\"" # do it! exec "export to=#{environment} && bundle exec mina -f .bonethug/deploy.rb #{run} --verbose" when 'deploy', 'setup', 'remote-backup', 'local-backup', 'sync-backup-to', 'sync-backup-from', 'sync-local-to', 'sync-local-from', 'init-db', 'force-unlock', 'cleanup' # handle args environment = ARGV[1] # validate unless environment puts 'Usage: thug #{task} [environment]' return end case task # Setup and Deploy when 'deploy' exec "export to=#{environment} && bundle exec mina -f .bonethug/deploy.rb deploy --verbose" when 'setup' exec "export to=#{environment} && bundle exec mina -f .bonethug/deploy.rb setup --verbose" # remote mina scripts when 'init-db' exec "export to=#{environment} && bundle exec mina -f .bonethug/deploy.rb init_db --verbose" when 'force-unlock' exec "export to=#{environment} && bundle exec mina -f .bonethug/deploy.rb deploy:force_unlock --verbose" when 'cleanup' exec "export to=#{environment} && bundle exec mina -f .bonethug/deploy.rb deploy:cleanup --verbose" # Snapshot Backup when 'remote-backup' exec "export to=#{environment} && bundle exec mina -f .bonethug/deploy.rb backup --verbose" when 'local-backup' exec "export to=#{environment} && bundle exec astrails-safe .bonethug/backup.rb" # Synchronised backup when 'sync-backup-to' exec "export to=#{environment} && bundle exec mina -f .bonethug/deploy.rb sync_to --verbose" when 'sync-backup-from' exec "export to=#{environment} && bundle exec mina -f .bonethug/deploy.rb sync_from --verbose" when 'sync-local-to' exec "ruby .bonethug/syncer.rb sync_local_to #{environment}" when 'sync-local-from' exec "ruby .bonethug/syncer.rb sync_local_from #{environment}" end when 'watch' # handle args type = ARGV[1] || 'coffee_sass' location = ARGV[2] || '.' watch_only = ARGV[3] || nil # run the installer type, location, watch_only when 'clean' location = ARGV[1] || '.' Installer.clean location else # We didn't find a task puts 'Task not found' end end def self.display_help(bin_name = 'thug') puts 'Usage: ' + bin_name + ' task [argument]...' end end end