require "spec_helper" module Beaker module Options describe HostsFileParser do let(:parser) {described_class} let(:filepath) {File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)), "data", "hosts.cfg")} let(:filepath_yaml) {File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)), "data", "hosts_preserved.yml")} describe '#parse_hosts_file' do it "can correctly read a host file" do FakeFS.deactivate! config = parser.parse_hosts_file(filepath) expect(config).to be === {:HOSTS=>{:"pe-ubuntu-lucid"=>{:roles=>["agent", "dashboard", "database", "master"], :vmname=>"pe-ubuntu-lucid", :platform=>"ubuntu-10.04-i386", :snapshot=>"clean-w-keys", :hypervisor=>"fusion"}, :"pe-centos6"=>{:roles=>["agent"], :vmname=>"pe-centos6", :platform=>"el-6-i386", :hypervisor=>"fusion", :snapshot=>"clean-w-keys"}}, :nfs_server=>"none", :consoleport=>443} end it "can merge CONFIG section into overall hash" do FakeFS.deactivate! config = parser.parse_hosts_file(filepath) expect(config['CONFIG']).to be === nil expect(config['consoleport']).to be === 443 end it "returns empty configuration when no file provided" do FakeFS.deactivate! expect(parser.parse_hosts_file()).to be === { :HOSTS => {} } end it "raises an error on no file found" do FakeFS.deactivate! expect{parser.parse_hosts_file("not a valid path")}.to raise_error(/is not a valid path/) end it "raises an error on bad yaml file" do FakeFS.deactivate! expect( File ).to receive(:exist?).and_return(true) expect { parser.parse_hosts_file("not a valid path") }.to raise_error(Errno::ENOENT) end it 'returns a #new_host_options hash if given no arguments' do host_options = parser.parse_hosts_file expect( host_options ).to be === parser.new_host_options end it 'passes a YAML.load call through to #merge_hosts_yaml' do yaml_string = 'not actually yaml, but that wont matter' expect( File ).to receive( :exist?).and_return(true) expect( File ).to receive( :read ).and_return(yaml_string) parser.parse_hosts_file( yaml_string ) end it 'processes ERB in the host YAML successfully' do yaml_string = '1 plus 2: <%= 1 + 2 %>' expect( File ).to receive( :exist?).and_return(true) expect( File ).to receive( :read ).and_return(yaml_string) beaker_options_hash = parser.parse_hosts_file( yaml_string ) expect(beaker_options_hash['1 plus 2']).to eq(3) end it "can correctly read a hosts_preserved.yml file" do FakeFS.deactivate! expect{ parser.parse_hosts_file(filepath_yaml) }.not_to raise_error expect(parser.parse_hosts_file(filepath_yaml).dig(:HOSTS, :"")).not_to be_nil end end describe '#parse_hosts_string' do it 'will return a #new_host_options hash if given no arguments' do host_options = parser.parse_hosts_string expect( host_options ).to be === parser.new_host_options end it 'passes a process_yaml call through to #merge_hosts_yaml' do yaml_string = 'not actually yaml, but that wont matter' expect(described_class).to receive(:process_yaml).with(yaml_string, instance_of(Binding)) parser.parse_hosts_string( yaml_string ) end end describe '#merge_hosts_yaml' do it 'merges yielded block result with host_options argument & returns it' do host_options = {} yield_to_merge = { :pants => 'truth to the face' } block_count = 0 answer = parser.merge_hosts_yaml( host_options, 'err_msg' ) { block_count += 1 yield_to_merge } expect( block_count ).to be === 1 expect( answer ).to be === host_options.merge( yield_to_merge ) end class MockSyntaxError < Psych::SyntaxError def initialize super( '', 0, 0, 0, '', '' ) end end it 'raises an ArgumentError if can\'t process YAML' do # allow( parser ).to receive( :merge_hosts_yaml ) err_value = 'err_msg8797' expect { parser.merge_hosts_yaml( {}, err_value ) { raise MockSyntaxError } }.to raise_error( ArgumentError, /#{err_value}/ ) end end describe '#fix_roles_array' do it 'adds a roles array to a host if not present' do host_options = { 'HOSTS' => { 'host1' => {}, 'host2' => {} }} parser.fix_roles_array( host_options ) host_options['HOSTS'].each do |_host_name, host_hash| expect( host_hash['roles'] ).to be === [] end end end end end end