class PulseAudio::Source #The arguments-hash. Contains various data for the source. attr_reader :args @@sources = @@sources_name_to_id_ref = {} #Autoloader for subclasses. def self.const_missing(name) require "#{File.realpath(File.dirname(__FILE__))}/pulseaudio_source_#{name.to_s.downcase}.rb" return PulseAudio::Source.const_get(name) end def self.list list = %x[pactl list sources] sources = [] unless block_given? list.scan(/(\n|^)Source #(\d+)\s+([\s\S]+?)Formats:\s+(.+?)\n/) do |match| props = {} match[2].scan(/(\t|^)([A-z]+?): (.+?)\n/) do |match_prop| props[match_prop[1].downcase] = match_prop[2] end source_id = match[1].to_i args = {:source_id => source_id, :props => props} source = @@sources.get!(source_id) if !source source = @@sources[source_id] = source @@sources_name_to_id_ref[props["name"]] = source_id end source.update(args) if block_given? yield(source) else sources << source end end if block_given? return nil else return sources end end #Returns the default source by doing a smart lookup and using the 'name-to-id-ref'-cache. def self.by_default def_str = %x[pacmd info | grep "Default source name"] raise "Could not match default source." if !match = def_str.match(/^Default source name: (.+?)\s*$/) source_id = @@sources_name_to_id_ref[match[1]] raise "Could not figure out source-ID." if !source_id return PulseAudio::Source.by_id(source_id.to_i) end #Returns a source by its source-ID. #===Examples # source = PulseAudio::Source.by_id(3) def self.by_id(id) #Return it from the weak-reference-map, if it already exists there. if source = @@sources.get!(id) return source end #Read the sources one-by-one and return it when found. PulseAudio::Source.list do |source| return source if source.source_id == id end #Source could not be found by the given ID - raise error. raise NameError, "No source by that ID: '#{id}' (#{})." end #This automatically reloads a source when a 'change'-event appears. PulseAudio::Events.instance.connect(:event => :change, :element => "source") do |args| if @@sources.key?(args[:args][:element_id]) and source = @@sources.get!(args[:args][:element_id]) source.reload end end #Reloads the information on the source. def reload PulseAudio::Source.list #Reloads info on all sources. end #Updates the data on the object. This should not be called. def update(args) @args = args end #Returns true if the source is muted. Otherwise false. #===Examples # source.muted? #=> false def muted? return true if @args[:props]["mute"] == "yes" return false end #Toggles the mute-functionality of the source. If it is muted: unmutes. If it isnt muted: mutes. #===Examples # source.mute_toggle #=> nil def mute_toggle self.mute = !self.muted? return nil end #Sets the mute to something specific. #===Examples # source.mute = true #=> nil def mute=(val) if val %x[pactl set-source-mute #{self.source_id} 1] else %x[pactl set-source-mute #{self.source_id} 0] end return nil end #Increases the volume of the source by 5%. #===Examples # source.vol_incr if #=> nil def vol_incr %x[pactl set-source-volume #{self.source_id} -- +5%] return nil end #Decreases the volume of the source by 5%. #===Examples # source.vol_decr if #=> nil def vol_decr %x[pactl set-source-volume #{self.source_id} -- -5%] return nil end def vol_perc=(newval) %x[pactl set-source-volume #{self.source_id} #{newval.to_i}%] return nil end #Returns the current percent of the volume. def vol_perc if match = @args[:props]["volume"].to_s.match(/(\d+):\s*(\d+)%/) return match[2].to_i end raise "Could not figure out the volume." end #Returns the ID of the source. #===Examples # source.source_id #=> 2 def source_id return @args[:source_id].to_i end #Returns true if this source is the default one. def default? def_str = %x[pacmd info | grep "Default source name"] raise "Could not match default source." if !match = def_str.match(/^Default source name: (.+?)\s*$/) return true if @args[:props]["name"] == match[1] end #Sets this source to be the default one. Also moves all outputs to this source. #===Examples # source.default! def default! PulseAudio::Source::Output.list do |output| output.source = self end %x[pacmd set-default-source #{self.source_id}] return nil end end