require "rails/railtie" require "trailblazer/loader" module Trailblazer class Railtie < ::Rails::Railtie def self.load_concepts(app) # [ModelFile, before: Loader::AddConceptFiles]) { |file| require_dependency("#{app.root}/#{file}") } load_for(app) ::Rails.application.railties.find_all { |tie| tie.is_a?(::Rails::Engine) }.each do |engine| load_for(engine) end end def self.load_for(app) AllModelFiles, root: app.root) { |file| require_dependency(file) } end # This is to autoload Operation::Dispatch, etc. I'm simply assuming people find this helpful in Rails. initializer "trailblazer.library_autoloading" do end # thank you, initializer 'trailblazer.install', after: "reform.form_extensions" do |app| # the trb autoloading has to be run after initializers have been loaded, so we can tweak inclusion of features in # initializers. reloader_class.to_prepare do Trailblazer::Railtie.load_concepts(app) end end # initializer "trailblazer.roar" do # require "trailblazer/rails/roar" #if Object.const_defined?(:Roar) # end initializer "trailblazer.application_controller" do reloader_class.to_prepare do ApplicationController.send :include, Trailblazer::Rails::Controller end end # Prepend model file, before the concept files like operation.rb get loaded. ModelFile = ->(input, options) do model = "app/models/#{options[:name]}.rb" File.exist?(model) ? [model]+input : input end # Load all model files before any TRB files. AllModelFiles = ->(input, options) do Dir.glob("#{options[:root]}/app/models/**/*.rb") + input end private def reloader_class # Rails 5.0.0.rc1 says: # DEPRECATION WARNING: to_prepare is deprecated and will be removed from Rails 5.1 # (use ActiveSupport::Reloader.to_prepare instead) if Gem.loaded_specs['activesupport'].version >='5') ActiveSupport::Reloader else ActionDispatch::Reloader end end end end