module Spree module Api module TestingSupport module Helpers def json_response case body = JSON.parse(response.body) when Hash body.with_indifferent_access when Array body end end def assert_not_found! expect(json_response).to eq({ "error" => "The resource you were looking for could not be found." }) expect(response.status).to eq 404 end def assert_unauthorized! expect(json_response).to eq({ "error" => "You are not authorized to perform that action." }) expect(response.status).to eq 401 end def stub_authentication! allow(Spree.user_class).to receive(:find_by).with(hash_including(:spree_api_key)) { current_api_user } end # This method can be overriden (with a let block) inside a context # For instance, if you wanted to have an admin user instead. def current_api_user @current_api_user ||= stub_model(Spree::LegacyUser, email: "") end def image(filename) + "spec/fixtures" + filename) end def upload_image(filename) fixture_file_upload(image(filename).path, 'image/jpg') end end end end end