module Spree class Gateway::PaypalCheckout < Gateway preference :api_key, :string preference :secret_key, :string preference :server, :string, default: '' def supports?(source) true end def provider_class;end def provider;end def auto_capture? true end def method_type 'paypal_checkout' end def generate_access_token response = post_response_without_token(api_url('v1/oauth2/token')) return response['access_token'] end def generate_client_token post_response(api_url('v1/identity/generate-token')) end def create_order order, body post_response(api_url('v2/checkout/orders'), body) end def capture_payment order_id post_response(api_url("v2/checkout/orders/#{order_id}/capture")) end def refund_payment id, body post_response(api_url("v2/payments/captures/#{id}/refund"), body) end def purchase(amount, express_checkout, gateway_options={}) if express_checkout.success? do def success?; true; end def authorization; nil; end else 'No transaction' end end def refund(payment, amount) refund_type = payment.amount == amount.to_f ? "Full" : "Partial" refund_transaction = { transaction_id: payment.source.transaction_id, amount: { value: payment.order.item_total, currency_code: payment.currency }, invoice_id: payment.order.number, refund_type: refund_type, refund_source: 'any' } refund_entry = refund_payment(payment.source.transaction_id, refund_transaction) refund_transaction_response = parse_response(refund_entry) if success_response?(refund_transaction_response) payment.source.update({ :refunded_at =>, :refund_transaction_id => refund_transaction_response['id'], :state => "refunded", :refund_type => refund_type }) refund_payment = payment.class.create!( :order => payment.order, :source => payment, :payment_method => payment.payment_method, :amount => amount.to_f.abs * -1, :response_code => refund_transaction_response['id'], :state => 'completed' ) refund_payment.log_entries.create!(details: refund_entry.to_yaml) end refund_transaction_response end def post_response uri, body={} request = request['Authorization'] = "Bearer #{generate_access_token}" request.body = body.to_json if body.present? return hit_api(request: request, body: body, uri: uri) end def post_response_without_token uri, body={} request = request.basic_auth("#{preferred_api_key}", "#{preferred_secret_key}") request.body = 'grant_type=client_credentials' return parse_response(hit_api(request: request, body: body, uri: uri)) end def hit_api request:, body:, uri: request.content_type = 'application/json' req_options = { use_ssl: uri.scheme == 'https' } response = Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port, req_options) do |http| response = http.request(request) end response end def parse_response response JSON.parse(response.read_body) rescue response end def api_url url URI.parse("https://#{preferred_server}/#{url}") end def set_payment_records order, number, payment_method raw_response = response = nil success = false begin payment_entry = capture_payment(number) response = parse_response(payment_entry) success = success_response?(response) payment = order.payments.create!({ source: Spree::PaypalCheckoutOrder.create({ token: response['id'], payer_id: response['payer']['payer_id'] }), amount:, payment_method: payment_method }) rescue Exception => e raw_response = e.response.body response = response_error(raw_response) rescue JSON::ParserError response = json_error(raw_response) end payment.log_entries.create!(details: payment_entry.to_yaml) response end def response_error(raw_response) begin parse(raw_response) rescue JSON::ParserError json_error(raw_response) end end def json_error(raw_response) msg = 'Invalid response. Please contact team if you continue to receive this message.' msg += " (The raw response returned by the API was #{raw_response.inspect})" { "error" => { "message" => msg } } end def success_response? response response.key?('status') && response.key?('id') && (response['status'] == 'COMPLETED') end end end # payment.state = 'completed' # current_order.state = 'complete'