require 'embork' require 'embork/sprockets' require 'embork/logger' class Embork::Borkfile module Attributes attr_reader :asset_paths attr_reader :helpers attr_reader :project_root attr_reader :sprockets_postprocessors attr_reader :sprockets_preprocessors attr_reader :sprockets_engines attr_reader :backend attr_reader :html attr_reader :frameworks attr_reader :compressor attr_reader :es6_transform attr_reader :phrender_index_file attr_reader :phrender_javascript_paths attr_reader :phrender_raw_javascript # request uri path to the index file. def phrender_index_file(index_file_path = nil) @phrender_index_file = index_file_path || @phrender_index_file end def keep_old_versions(number_to_keep = nil) @keep_old_versions = number_to_keep || @keep_old_versions end def es6_namespace(namespace = nil) @es6_namespace = namespace || @es6_namespace end end class DSL include Attributes SUPPORTED_FRAMEWORKS = %w(bootstrap compass) SUPPORTED_COMPRESSORS = %w(closure_compiler uglifier) def initialize(environment, logger) Embork.env = @environment = environment.to_sym @asset_paths = [] @helpers = [] @sprockets_postprocessors = [] @sprockets_preprocessors = [] @sprockets_engines = [] @project_root = nil @html = [] @backend = :static_index @keep_old_versions = 5 @es6_namespace = nil @frameworks = [] @logger = logger @compressor = nil @es6_transform = nil @phrender_javascript_paths = [] @phrender_raw_javascript = [] @phrender_index_file = nil end def use_framework(framework) framework = framework.to_s if SUPPORTED_FRAMEWORKS.include? framework @frameworks.push framework else @logger.critical 'Framework "%s" is not currently supported by embork.' % framework @logger.unknown '' exit 1 end end def register_postprocessor(mime_type, klass) @sprockets_postprocessors.push({ :mime_type => mime_type, :klass => klass }) end def register_preprocessor(mime_type, klass) @sprockets_preprocessors.push({ :mime_type => mime_type, :klass => klass }) end def register_engine(extension, klass) @sprockets_engines.push({ :extension => extension, :klass => klass }) end def append_asset_path(path) @asset_paths.push path end def add_sprockets_helpers(&block) helpers.push block end def set_project_root(path) @project_root = path end def set_backend(app) @backend = app end def phrender_add_javascript_file(path) @phrender_javascript_paths.push path end def phrender_add_javascript(code) @phrender_raw_javascript.push code end def configure(environment, &block) if environment == @environment self.instance_exec &block end end def get_binding binding end def compile_html(files) files = [ files ] unless files.kind_of? Array @html.concat files end def compress_with(compressor) if SUPPORTED_COMPRESSORS.include? compressor.to_s @compressor = compressor else @logger.critical 'Compressor "%s" is not currently supported by embork.' % compressor.to_s @logger.unknown '' exit 1 end end def transform_es6_module_names(transform_proc) if transform_proc.respond_to?(:call) || transform_proc.nil? @es6_transform = transform_proc else @logger.critical 'ES6 Module transform must respond to #call' exit 1 end end end include Attributes def initialize(path_to_borkfile, environment = :development) @logger =, :simple) @path_to_borkfile = path_to_borkfile @environment = environment.to_sym check_borkfile file =, @logger) file.get_binding.eval set_options file end protected def check_borkfile unless File.exists? @path_to_borkfile @logger.error 'No Borkfile found at %s.' % @path_to_borkfile exit 1 end end def set_options(file) # Setup paths default_paths = [ 'config/%s' % [ @environment.to_s ], 'app', 'app/styles', 'components' ] @asset_paths = default_paths.concat file.asset_paths # Setup root if file.project_root if file.project_root[0] == '/' @project_root = file.project_root else @project_root = File.expand_path "../#{file.project_root}", @path_to_borkfile end else @project_root = File.expand_path '..', @path_to_borkfile end # Copy everything else (Attributes.instance_methods - [ :asset_paths, :project_root ]).each do |attr| self.instance_variable_set("@#{attr}".to_sym, file.send(attr)) end end end