# Japanese translations for gettext package. # Copyright (C) 2012 THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER # This file is distributed under the same license as the gettext package. # Haruka Yoshihara <yoshihara@clear-code.com>, 2012. # msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: gettext 2.3.1\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-12-14 22:56+0900\n" "Last-Translator: Haruka Yoshihara <yoshihara@clear-code.com>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese\n" "Language: ja\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" msgid "ngettext: 3rd parmeter is wrong: value = %{number}" msgstr "ngettext: 3番目のパラメータが不正です。: value = %{number}" msgid "ngettext: 3rd parameter should be a number, not nil." msgstr "ngettext: 3番目のパラメータがnilです。数値にしてください。" msgid "Usage: %s [OPTIONS] PO_FILE1 PO_FILE2 ..." msgstr "使い方: %s [オプション] POファイル1 POファイル2 ..." msgid "Concatenates and merges PO files." msgstr "複数のPOファイルの内容を連結し、重複したものはマージします。" msgid "Specific options:" msgstr "オプション:" msgid "Write output to specified file" msgstr "出力ファイルを指定します" msgid "(default: the standard output)" msgstr "(デフォルト:標準出力)" msgid "Sort output by msgid" msgstr "出力をmsgidでソート" msgid "Sort output by location" msgstr "出力を位置情報でソート" msgid "It is same as --sort-by-location" msgstr "--sort-by-locationと同じ" msgid "Just for GNU gettext's msgcat compatibility" msgstr "GNU gettextのmsgcatとの互換性のためだけにあります" msgid "It is same as --sort-by-msgid" msgstr "--sort-by-msgidと同じ" msgid "Remove location information" msgstr "位置情報を削除" msgid "Remove translator comment" msgstr "翻訳者のコメントを削除" msgid "Remove extracted comment" msgstr "抽出したコメントを削除" msgid "Remove flag comment" msgstr "フラグコメントを削除" msgid "Remove previous comment" msgstr "以前のmsgidを示すコメントを削除" msgid "Remove all comments" msgstr "すべてのコメントを削除" msgid "Set output page width" msgstr "出力のページ幅を設定" msgid "" "Break long message lines, longer than the output page width, into several line" "s" msgstr "メッセージ中の出力ページ幅より長い行を複数行に分割" msgid "Ignore fuzzy entries" msgstr "fuzzyエントリーを無視" msgid "Don't report warning messages" msgstr "警告メッセージを出力しない" msgid "Don't output obsolete entries" msgstr "obsoleteエントリーを出力しない" msgid "Remove FIELD from header" msgstr "ヘッダーからFIELDを削除" msgid "Specify this option multiple times to remove multiple header fields" msgstr "複数のヘッダーフィールドを削除する場合はこのオプションを複数回指定すること" msgid "no input files specified." msgstr "入力ファイルが指定されていません。" msgid "Usage: %s input.po [-o output.mo]" msgstr "使い方: %s input.po [-o output.mo]" msgid "Generate binary message catalog from textual translation description." msgstr "poファイルからバイナリのメッセージカタログファイル(moファイル)を生成します。" msgid "write output to specified file" msgstr "出力ファイルを指定します" msgid "display version information and exit" msgstr "バージョンを表示します" msgid "" "Create a new .po file from initializing .pot file with user's environment and " "input." msgstr "ユーザの環境や入力からpotファイルを初期化してpoファイルを作成します。" msgid "" "Use INPUT as a .pot file. If INPUT is not specified, INPUT is a .pot file exis" "ting the current directory." msgstr "" "INPUTとして指定された値をpotファイルとして使います。potファイルが指定されていない場合は、現在のカレントディレクトリにあるpotファイルを使用しま" "す。" msgid "" "Use OUTPUT as a created .po file. If OUTPUT is not specified, OUTPUT depend on" " LOCALE or the current locale on your environment." msgstr "" "OUTPUTとして指定されたファイルをpoファイルとして扱います。poファイルが指定されていない場合、LOCALEとして指定された値か、ユーザの現在のロケー" "ルをもとにpoファイルの名前を決めます。" msgid "" "Use LOCALE as target locale. If LOCALE is not specified, LOCALE is the current" " locale on your environment." msgstr "LOCALEとして指定された値をターゲットのロケールとして扱います。ロケールが指定されていない場合は、ユーザの現在のロケールを使用します。" msgid "Whether set translator information or not" msgstr "翻訳者情報を設定するかどうか。" msgid "(set)" msgstr "" msgid "Use NAME as translator name" msgstr "翻訳者名にNAMEを使用します。" msgid "Use EMAIL as translator email address" msgstr "翻訳者のメールアドレスにEMAILを使用します。" msgid "Display this help and exit" msgstr "このヘルプを表示します" msgid "Display version and exit" msgstr "バージョンを表示します" msgid ".pot file does not exist in the current directory." msgstr "現在のカレントディレクトリにpotファイルが存在しません。" msgid "file '%s' does not exist." msgstr "ファイル'%s'は存在しません。" msgid "" "Locale '#{language_tag}' is invalid. Please check if your specified locale is " "usable." msgstr "'#{language_tag}'というロケールは正しくありません。指定したロケールが使用可能かどうか確認してください。" msgid "file '%s' has already existed." msgstr "ファイル'%s'はすでに存在します。" msgid "Please enter your full name" msgstr "あなたのフルネームを入力してください" msgid "Please enter your email address" msgstr "あなたのメールアドレスを入力してください" msgid "Usage: %s [OPTIONS] definition.po reference.pot" msgstr "使い方: %s [オプション] definition.po reference.pot" msgid "" "Merges two Uniforum style .po files together. The definition.po file is an exi" "sting PO file with translations. The reference.pot file is the last created PO" " file with up-to-date source references. The reference.pot is generally create" "d by rxgettext." msgstr "" "2つの.poファイルをマージします。definition.poファイルはすでにある翻訳済みのPOファイルです。reference.potは最新のPOファイル" "です。reference.potは通常rxgettextから新たに生成されたものです。" msgid "Update definition.po" msgstr "definition.poを更新" msgid "Preserve '#: FILENAME:LINE' lines" msgstr "'#: FILENAME:LINE'行を残す" msgid "Disable fuzzy matching" msgstr "曖昧マッチを無効にする" msgid "(enable)" msgstr "(有効)" msgid "Display version information and exit" msgstr "バージョン情報を出力して終了します。" msgid "`%{file}' is not glade-2.0 format." msgstr "ファイル'%{file}'はglade-2.0のフォーマットではありません。" msgid "'%{klass}' is ignored." msgstr "'%{klass}'は無視されました。" msgid "Error parsing %{path}" msgstr "%{path}をパース中にエラーが発生しました。" msgid "no input files" msgstr "入力ファイルが指定されていません。" msgid "Usage: %s input.rb [-r parser.rb] [-o output.pot]" msgstr "使用法: %s input.rb [-r parser.rb] [-o output.pot]" msgid "Extract translatable strings from given input files." msgstr "与えられた入力ファイルから翻訳可能な文字列を抜き出します。" msgid "set package name in output" msgstr "出力に含めるパッケージ名を指定します" msgid "set package version in output" msgstr "出力に含めるパッケージのバージョンを指定します" msgid "set report e-mail address for msgid bugs" msgstr "msgidのバグを報告するメールアドレスを指定します" msgid "set copyright holder in output" msgstr "出力に含める著作権の保持者を指定します" msgid "set copyright year in output" msgstr "出力に含める著作権の保持者を指定します" msgid "set encoding for output" msgstr "出力ファイルのエンコーディングを設定します" msgid "Generate sorted output" msgstr "ソート結果を生成" msgid "Sort output by file location" msgstr "出力を位置情報でソート" msgid "require the library before executing xgettext" msgstr "xgettextを実行する前に読み込むライブラリを指定します" msgid "" "If TAG is specified, place comment blocks starting with TAG and precedding key" "word lines in output file" msgstr "TAGを指定すると、キーワード行の前にあるコメントブロックのうち、TAGから始まるコメントブロックをTAGも含めて出力する" msgid "" "If TAG is not specified, place all comment blocks preceing keyword lines in ou" "tput file" msgstr "TAGを指定しないと、キーワード行の前にあるすべてのコメントブロックを出力する" msgid "(default: %s)" msgstr "(デフォルト:%s)" msgid "no TAG" msgstr "TAGなし" msgid "run in debugging mode" msgstr "デバッグモードで実行します" msgid "display this help and exit" msgstr "このヘルプを表示します" msgid "" "Warning: The empty \"\" msgid is reserved by gettext. So gettext(\"\") doesn't ret" "urns empty string but the header entry in po file." msgstr "" "\"\"というmsgidはgettextによって予約されています。したがって、gettext(\"\")は作成されるpoファイルのヘッダエントリを返しますが、空の文" "字列は返しません。" msgid "This message is from hellolib." msgstr "" msgid "" "Hello World\n" msgstr "" msgid "" "One is %{num}\n" msgstr "" msgid "" "Hello %{world}\n" msgstr "" msgid "World" msgstr "" msgid "window1" msgstr "" msgid "" "first line\n" "second line\n" "third line" msgstr "" msgid "<Hello world>" msgstr "" msgid "hello, gtk world" msgstr "" msgid "Hello World" msgstr "" msgid "Hello World2" msgstr "" msgid "" "There is an apple.\n" msgid_plural "" "There are %{num} apples.\n" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" msgid "hello, tk world" msgstr "" msgid "aaa" msgid_plural "aaa2" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" msgid "" "aaa\n" msgstr "" msgid "" "bbb\n" "ccc" msgstr "" msgid "" "bbb\n" "ccc\n" "ddd\n" msgstr "" msgid "eee" msgstr "" msgid "fff" msgid_plural "fff2" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" msgid "ggghhhiii" msgid_plural "jjjkkklll" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" msgid "a\"b\"c\"" msgid_plural "a\"b\"c\"2" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" msgid "d\"e\"f\"" msgid_plural "d\"e\"f\"2" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" msgid "jjj" msgstr "" msgid "kkk" msgstr "" msgid "lllmmm" msgstr "" msgid "" "nnn\n" "ooo" msgstr "" msgid "#" msgstr "" msgid "\taaa" msgstr "" msgid "" "Here document1\n" "Here document2\n" msgstr "" #. TRANSLATORS: This is a proper name. See the gettext #. manual, section Names. Note this is actually a non-ASCII #. name: The first name is (with Unicode escapes) #. "Fran\u00e7ois" or (with HTML entities) "François". #. Pronunciation is like "fraa-swa pee-nar". #. This is an example from GNU gettext documentation. msgid "Francois Pinard" msgstr "" msgid "No TRANSLATORS comment" msgstr "" msgid "self explaining" msgstr "" msgid "This is a # including string." msgstr "" msgid "double \"quote\" in double quote" msgstr "" msgid "double \"quote\" in single quote" msgstr "" msgid "literal concatenation with continuation line" msgstr "" msgid "" "middle\n" "new line" msgstr "" msgid "" "multiple\n" "lines\n" "literal\n" msgstr "" msgid "multiple" msgstr "" msgid "in same line" msgstr "" msgid "multiple same messages" msgstr "" msgid "one line" msgstr "" msgid "" "one new line\n" msgstr "" msgid "You should escape '\\' as '\\\\'." msgstr "" msgid "normal text" msgstr "" msgid "" "1st line\n" "2nd line\n" "3rd line" msgstr "" msgid "<span color=\"red\" weight=\"bold\" size=\"large\">markup </span>" msgstr "" msgid "" "<span color=\"red\">1st line markup </span>\n" "<span color=\"blue\">2nd line markup</span>" msgstr "" msgid "<span>"markup" with <escaped strings></span>" msgstr "" msgid "duplicated" msgstr "" msgid "Hello" msgstr "" msgid "" "bbb\n" msgid_plural "" "ccc2\n" "ccc2" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" msgid "" "ddd\n" "ddd" msgid_plural "" "ddd2\n" "ddd2" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" msgid "" "eee\n" "eee\n" msgid_plural "" "eee2\n" "eee2\n" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" msgid "" "ddd\n" "eee\n" msgid_plural "" "ddd\n" "eee2" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" msgid "ggg" msgid_plural "ggg2" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" msgid "mmmmmm" msgid_plural "mmm2mmm2" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" msgid "nnn" msgid_plural "nnn2" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" msgid "ooo" msgid_plural "ppp" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" msgid "qqq" msgid_plural "rrr" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #. TRANSLATORS:please provide translations for all #. the plural forms! msgid "comment" msgid_plural "comments" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" msgid "language" msgstr "" msgid "LANGUAGE" msgstr "" msgid "no data" msgstr "" msgid "こんにちは" msgstr "" msgctxt "Magazine" msgid "a book" msgid_plural "%{num} books" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" msgctxt "Hardcover" msgid "a book" msgid_plural "%{num} books" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" msgctxt "Magaine" msgid "I have a magazine" msgid_plural "I have %{num} magazines" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" msgctxt "Hardcover" msgid "a picture" msgid_plural "%{num} pictures" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" msgid "AAA|BBB" msgid_plural "CCC" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" msgid "AAA" msgid_plural "BBB" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" msgid "AAA|CCC" msgid_plural "DDD" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" msgid "AAA|BBB|CCC" msgid_plural "DDD" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" msgid "AAA$BBB" msgid_plural "CCC" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" msgid "AAA$B|BB" msgid_plural "CCC" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" msgid "AAA$B|CC" msgid_plural "DDD" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" msgid "AAA|CCC|BBB" msgid_plural "DDD" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" msgid "context|context$message" msgid_plural "context|context$messages" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" msgctxt "AAA" msgid "BBB" msgstr "" msgctxt "AAA|BBB" msgid "CCC" msgstr "" msgctxt "AAA" msgid "CCC" msgstr "" msgctxt "CCC" msgid "BBB" msgstr "" msgid "BBB" msgstr "" #. TRANSLATORS:please translate 'name' in the context of 'program'. #. Hint: the translation should NOT contain the translation of 'program'. msgctxt "program" msgid "name" msgstr "" msgid "one is %d." msgstr "" msgid "untranslated" msgstr "" msgid "nomsgstr" msgstr "" msgid "test" msgstr "" msgid "one" msgid_plural "two" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" msgid "first" msgid_plural "second" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" msgid "single" msgid_plural "plural" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" msgid "a translation" msgstr ""