en: length_error: 'Length of the string is not in allowed range' no_hints: 'You have no more hints' no_file: 'File does not exist' stats_header: "Rating Name Difficulty Attempts Total Attempts Used Hints Total Hints Used\n" victory_message: 'Congratulations!!! YOU WON!!!' out_of_attempts: 'Unfortunately you have no more attempts' rules: " ____________________________________________________________________________________________\n | |\n | Rules |\n |____________________________________________________________________________________________|\n | |\n | * Codebreaker is a logic game in which a code-breaker tries to break a secret code |\n | created by a code-maker. The codemaker, which will be played by the application we’re |\n | going to write, creates a secret code of four numbers between 1 and 6. |\n | |\n | * The codebreaker gets some number of chances to break the code (depends on chosen |\n | difficulty). In each turn, the codebreaker makes a guess of 4 numbers. The codemaker |\n | then marks the guess with up to 4 signs - '+' or '-' or empty spaces. |\n | |\n | * A + indicates an exact match: one of the numbers in the guess is the same as one of the |\n | numbers in the secret code and in the same position. For example: |\n | Secret number - 1234 |\n | Input number - 6264 |\n | Number of pluses - 2 (second and fourth position) |\n | |\n | * A - indicates a number match: one of the numbers in the guess is the same as one of the |\n | numbers in the secret code but in a different position. For example: |\n | Secret number - 1234 |\n | Input number - 6462 |\n | Number of minuses - 2 (second and fourth position) |\n | |\n | * An empty space indicates that there is not a current digit in a secret number. |\n | |\n | * If codebreaker inputs the exact number as a secret number - codebreaker wins the |\n | game. If all attempts are spent - codebreaker loses. |\n | |\n | * Codebreaker also has some number of hints(depends on chosen difficulty). If a user |\n | takes a hint - he receives back a separate digit of the secret code. |\n |____________________________________________________________________________________________|" hello_message: 'Hello player! Welcome to codebreaker' menu: "Chose action:\n 1) Start\n 2) Rules\n 3) Stats\n 4) Exit\n" victory_message: 'Congratulations!!! YOU WON!!!' goodbye_message: "Thank you for playing\nSee you next time" input_name: "Input player's name:" difficulty: 'Chose difficulty' invalid_command: 'You have passed unexpected command. Please choose one from listed commands'