# frozen-string-literal: true module Sequel module Plugins # = Overview # # The rcte_tree plugin deals with tree structured data stored # in the database using the adjacency list model (where child rows # have a foreign key pointing to the parent rows), using recursive # common table expressions to load all ancestors in a single query, # all descendants in a single query, and all descendants to a given # level (where level 1 is children, level 2 is children and grandchildren # etc.) in a single query. # # = Usage # # The rcte_tree plugin adds four associations to the model: parent, children, ancestors, and # descendants. Both the parent and children are fairly standard many_to_one # and one_to_many associations, respectively. However, the ancestors and # descendants associations are special. Both the ancestors and descendants # associations will automatically set the parent and children associations, # respectively, for current object and all of the ancestor or descendant # objects, whenever they are loaded (either eagerly or lazily). Additionally, # the descendants association can take a level argument when called eagerly, # which limits the returned objects to only that many levels in the tree (see # the Overview). # # Model.plugin :rcte_tree # # # Lazy loading # model = Model.first # model.parent # model.children # model.ancestors # Populates :parent association for all ancestors # model.descendants # Populates :children association for all descendants # # # Eager loading - also populates the :parent and children associations # # for all ancestors and descendants # Model.where(id: [1, 2]).eager(:ancestors, :descendants).all # # # Eager loading children and grandchildren # Model.where(id: [1, 2]).eager(descendants: 2).all # # Eager loading children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren # Model.where(id: [1, 2]).eager(descendants: 3).all # # = Options # # You can override the options for any specific association by making # sure the plugin options contain one of the following keys: # # :parent :: hash of options for the parent association # :children :: hash of options for the children association # :ancestors :: hash of options for the ancestors association # :descendants :: hash of options for the descendants association # # Note that you can change the name of the above associations by specifying # a :name key in the appropriate hash of options above. For example: # # Model.plugin :rcte_tree, parent: {name: :mother}, # children: {name: :daughters}, descendants: {name: :offspring} # # Any other keys in the main options hash are treated as options shared by # all of the associations. Here's a few options that affect the plugin: # # :key :: The foreign key in the table that points to the primary key # of the parent (default: :parent_id) # :primary_key :: The primary key to use (default: the model's primary key) # :key_alias :: The symbol identifier to use for aliasing when eager # loading (default: :x_root_x) # :cte_name :: The symbol identifier to use for the common table expression # (default: :t) # :level_alias :: The symbol identifier to use when eagerly loading descendants # up to a given level (default: :x_level_x) module RcteTree # Create the appropriate parent, children, ancestors, and descendants # associations for the model. def self.apply(model, opts=OPTS) model.plugin :tree, opts opts = opts.dup opts[:class] = model opts[:methods_module] = Module.new model.send(:include, opts[:methods_module]) key = opts[:key] ||= :parent_id prkey = opts[:primary_key] ||= model.primary_key ka = opts[:key_alias] ||= :x_root_x t = opts[:cte_name] ||= :t c_all = if model.dataset.recursive_cte_requires_column_aliases? # Work around Oracle/ruby-oci8 bug that returns integers as BigDecimals in recursive queries. conv_bd = model.db.database_type == :oracle col_aliases = model.dataset.columns model_table = model.table_name col_aliases.map{|c| SQL::QualifiedIdentifier.new(model_table, c)} else [SQL::ColumnAll.new(model.table_name)] end bd_conv = lambda{|v| conv_bd && v.is_a?(BigDecimal) ? v.to_i : v} key_array = Array(key) prkey_array = Array(prkey) if key.is_a?(Array) key_conv = lambda{|m| key_array.map{|k| m[k]}} key_present = lambda{|m| key_conv[m].all?} prkey_conv = lambda{|m| prkey_array.map{|k| m[k]}} key_aliases = (0...key_array.length).map{|i| :"#{ka}_#{i}"} ancestor_base_case_columns = prkey_array.zip(key_aliases).map{|k, ka_| SQL::AliasedExpression.new(k, ka_)} + c_all descendant_base_case_columns = key_array.zip(key_aliases).map{|k, ka_| SQL::AliasedExpression.new(k, ka_)} + c_all recursive_case_columns = prkey_array.zip(key_aliases).map{|k, ka_| SQL::QualifiedIdentifier.new(t, ka_)} + c_all extract_key_alias = lambda{|m| key_aliases.map{|ka_| bd_conv[m.values.delete(ka_)]}} else key_present = key_conv = lambda{|m| m[key]} prkey_conv = lambda{|m| m[prkey]} key_aliases = [ka] ancestor_base_case_columns = [SQL::AliasedExpression.new(prkey, ka)] + c_all descendant_base_case_columns = [SQL::AliasedExpression.new(key, ka)] + c_all recursive_case_columns = [SQL::QualifiedIdentifier.new(t, ka)] + c_all extract_key_alias = lambda{|m| bd_conv[m.values.delete(ka)]} end parent = opts.merge(opts.fetch(:parent, OPTS)).fetch(:name, :parent) childrena = opts.merge(opts.fetch(:children, OPTS)).fetch(:name, :children) opts[:reciprocal] = nil a = opts.merge(opts.fetch(:ancestors, OPTS)) ancestors = a.fetch(:name, :ancestors) a[:read_only] = true unless a.has_key?(:read_only) a[:eager_grapher] = proc do |_| raise Sequel::Error, "the #{ancestors} association for #{self} does not support eager graphing" end a[:eager_loader_key] = key a[:dataset] ||= proc do base_ds = model.where(prkey_array.zip(key_array.map{|k| get_column_value(k)})) recursive_ds = model.join(t, key_array.zip(prkey_array)) if c = a[:conditions] (base_ds, recursive_ds) = [base_ds, recursive_ds].map do |ds| (c.is_a?(Array) && !Sequel.condition_specifier?(c)) ? ds.where(*c) : ds.where(c) end end table_alias = model.dataset.schema_and_table(model.table_name)[1].to_sym model.from(SQL::AliasedExpression.new(t, table_alias)). with_recursive(t, col_aliases ? base_ds.select(*col_aliases) : base_ds.select_all, recursive_ds.select(*c_all), :args=>col_aliases) end aal = Array(a[:after_load]) aal << proc do |m, ancs| unless m.associations.has_key?(parent) parent_map = {prkey_conv[m]=>m} child_map = {} child_map[key_conv[m]] = m if key_present[m] m.associations[parent] = nil ancs.each do |obj| obj.associations[parent] = nil parent_map[prkey_conv[obj]] = obj if ok = key_conv[obj] child_map[ok] = obj end end parent_map.each do |parent_id, obj| if child = child_map[parent_id] child.associations[parent] = obj end end end end a[:after_load] ||= aal a[:eager_loader] ||= proc do |eo| id_map = eo[:id_map] parent_map = {} children_map = {} Sequel.synchronize_with(eo[:mutex]) do eo[:rows].each do |obj| parent_map[prkey_conv[obj]] = obj (children_map[key_conv[obj]] ||= []) << obj obj.associations[ancestors] = [] obj.associations[parent] = nil end end r = model.association_reflection(ancestors) base_case = model.where(prkey=>id_map.keys). select(*ancestor_base_case_columns) recursive_case = model.join(t, key_array.zip(prkey_array)). select(*recursive_case_columns) if c = r[:conditions] (base_case, recursive_case) = [base_case, recursive_case].map do |ds| (c.is_a?(Array) && !Sequel.condition_specifier?(c)) ? ds.where(*c) : ds.where(c) end end table_alias = model.dataset.schema_and_table(model.table_name)[1].to_sym ds = model.from(SQL::AliasedExpression.new(t, table_alias)). with_recursive(t, base_case, recursive_case, :args=>((key_aliases + col_aliases) if col_aliases)) ds = r.apply_eager_dataset_changes(ds) ds = ds.select_append(ka) unless ds.opts[:select] == nil model.eager_load_results(r, eo.merge(:loader=>false, :initialize_rows=>false, :dataset=>ds, :id_map=>nil)) do |obj| opk = prkey_conv[obj] if idm_obj = parent_map[opk] key_aliases.each{|ka_| idm_obj.values[ka_] = obj.values[ka_]} obj = idm_obj else obj.associations[parent] = nil parent_map[opk] = obj (children_map[key_conv[obj]] ||= []) << obj end id_map[extract_key_alias[obj]].each do |root| root.associations[ancestors] << obj end end Sequel.synchronize_with(eo[:mutex]) do parent_map.each do |parent_id, obj| if children = children_map[parent_id] children.each do |child| child.associations[parent] = obj end end end end end model.one_to_many ancestors, a d = opts.merge(opts.fetch(:descendants, OPTS)) descendants = d.fetch(:name, :descendants) d[:read_only] = true unless d.has_key?(:read_only) d[:eager_grapher] = proc do |_| raise Sequel::Error, "the #{descendants} association for #{self} does not support eager graphing" end la = d[:level_alias] ||= :x_level_x d[:dataset] ||= proc do base_ds = model.where(key_array.zip(prkey_array.map{|k| get_column_value(k)})) recursive_ds = model.join(t, prkey_array.zip(key_array)) if c = d[:conditions] (base_ds, recursive_ds) = [base_ds, recursive_ds].map do |ds| (c.is_a?(Array) && !Sequel.condition_specifier?(c)) ? ds.where(*c) : ds.where(c) end end table_alias = model.dataset.schema_and_table(model.table_name)[1].to_sym model.from(SQL::AliasedExpression.new(t, table_alias)). with_recursive(t, col_aliases ? base_ds.select(*col_aliases) : base_ds.select_all, recursive_ds.select(*c_all), :args=>col_aliases) end dal = Array(d[:after_load]) dal << proc do |m, descs| unless m.associations.has_key?(childrena) parent_map = {prkey_conv[m]=>m} children_map = {} m.associations[childrena] = [] descs.each do |obj| obj.associations[childrena] = [] if opk = prkey_conv[obj] parent_map[opk] = obj end if ok = key_conv[obj] (children_map[ok] ||= []) << obj end end children_map.each do |parent_id, objs| parent_obj = parent_map[parent_id] parent_obj.associations[childrena] = objs objs.each do |obj| obj.associations[parent] = parent_obj end end end end d[:after_load] = dal d[:eager_loader] ||= proc do |eo| id_map = eo[:id_map] associations = eo[:associations] parent_map = {} children_map = {} Sequel.synchronize_with(eo[:mutex]) do eo[:rows].each do |obj| parent_map[prkey_conv[obj]] = obj obj.associations[descendants] = [] obj.associations[childrena] = [] end end r = model.association_reflection(descendants) base_case = model.where(key=>id_map.keys). select(*descendant_base_case_columns) recursive_case = model.join(t, prkey_array.zip(key_array)). select(*recursive_case_columns) if c = r[:conditions] (base_case, recursive_case) = [base_case, recursive_case].map do |ds| (c.is_a?(Array) && !Sequel.condition_specifier?(c)) ? ds.where(*c) : ds.where(c) end end if associations.is_a?(Integer) level = associations no_cache_level = level - 1 associations = {} base_case = base_case.select_append(SQL::AliasedExpression.new(Sequel.cast(0, Integer), la)) recursive_case = recursive_case.select_append(SQL::AliasedExpression.new(SQL::QualifiedIdentifier.new(t, la) + 1, la)).where(SQL::QualifiedIdentifier.new(t, la) < level - 1) end table_alias = model.dataset.schema_and_table(model.table_name)[1].to_sym ds = model.from(SQL::AliasedExpression.new(t, table_alias)). with_recursive(t, base_case, recursive_case, :args=>((key_aliases + col_aliases + (level ? [la] : [])) if col_aliases)) ds = r.apply_eager_dataset_changes(ds) ds = ds.select_append(ka) unless ds.opts[:select] == nil model.eager_load_results(r, eo.merge(:loader=>false, :initialize_rows=>false, :dataset=>ds, :id_map=>nil, :associations=>OPTS)) do |obj| if level no_cache = no_cache_level == obj.values.delete(la) end opk = prkey_conv[obj] if idm_obj = parent_map[opk] key_aliases.each{|ka_| idm_obj.values[ka_] = obj.values[ka_]} obj = idm_obj else obj.associations[childrena] = [] unless no_cache parent_map[opk] = obj end if root = id_map[extract_key_alias[obj]].first root.associations[descendants] << obj end (children_map[key_conv[obj]] ||= []) << obj end Sequel.synchronize_with(eo[:mutex]) do children_map.each do |parent_id, objs| objs = objs.uniq parent_obj = parent_map[parent_id] parent_obj.associations[childrena] = objs objs.each do |obj| obj.associations[parent] = parent_obj end end end end model.one_to_many descendants, d end end end end