# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rails' require 'apartment/tenant' require 'apartment/reloader' module Apartment class Railtie < Rails::Railtie # # Set up our default config options # Do this before the app initializers run so we don't override custom settings # config.before_initialize do Apartment.configure do |config| config.excluded_models = [] config.use_schemas = true config.tenant_names = [] config.seed_after_create = false config.prepend_environment = false config.append_environment = false config.tenant_presence_check = true config.active_record_log = false end ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrations_paths = Rails.application.paths['db/migrate'].to_a end # Hook into ActionDispatch::Reloader to ensure Apartment is properly initialized # Note that this doens't entirely work as expected in Development, because this is called before classes are reloaded # See the middleware/console declarations below to help with this. Hope to fix that soon. # config.to_prepare do next if ARGV.any? { |arg| arg =~ /\Aassets:(?:precompile|clean)\z/ } next if ARGV.any? { |arg| arg == 'webpacker:compile' } next if ENV["APARTMENT_DISABLE_INIT"] begin Apartment.connection_class.connection_pool.with_connection do Apartment::Tenant.init end rescue ::ActiveRecord::NoDatabaseError # Since `db:create` and other tasks invoke this block from Rails 5.2.0, # we need to swallow the error to execute `db:create` properly. end end config.after_initialize do |app| # NOTE: Load the custom log subscriber if enabled if Apartment.active_record_log ActiveSupport::Notifications.unsubscribe 'sql.active_record' Apartment::LogSubscriber.attach_to :active_record end end # # Ensure rake tasks are loaded # rake_tasks do load 'tasks/apartment.rake' require 'apartment/tasks/enhancements' if Apartment.db_migrate_tenants end # # The following initializers are a workaround to the fact that I can't properly hook into the rails reloader # Note this is technically valid for any environment where cache_classes is false, for us, it's just development # if Rails.env.development? # Apartment::Reloader is middleware to initialize things properly on each request to dev initializer 'apartment.init' do |app| app.config.middleware.use Apartment::Reloader end # Overrides reload! to also call Apartment::Tenant.init as well so that the reloaded classes have the proper table_names console do require 'apartment/console' end end end end