Given /^that I have created a connection called "(.+?)"$/ do |connection_name| @connection_name = connection_name @connection = Factory(:connection, :name => connection_name) end Given /^that I have created a project called "(.+?)"$/ do |project_name| @project_name = project_name @project = Factory(:project, :name => project_name) end Given /^that I have created a transformer called "(.+?)"$/ do |transformer_name| @transformer_name = transformer_name @transformer = Factory(:transformer, :name => transformer_name) end Given /^that I have added the "(.+?)" resource$/ do |resource_name| @resource_name = resource_name options = case resource_name when "People" { :table_name => "people" } when "Pets" { :table_name => "pets" } end @resources ||= [] @resources << Factory(:resource, {:name => resource_name, :project => @project, :connection => @connection}.merge(options)) end Given /^that I have added a transformation for "([^\"]*)"$/ do |field| resource = @resources[0] @transformation = Factory(:transformation, { :resource => resource, :transformer => @transformer, :source_field => resource.fields_dataset[:name => field] }) end Given /^that I have created a self-linkage scenario called "([^"]*)"$/ do |scenario_name| @scenario = Factory(:scenario, { :name => scenario_name, :resource_1_id => @resources[0].id, :project => @project }) end Given /^that I have created a dual-linkage scenario called "([^"]*)"$/ do |scenario_name| @scenario = Factory(:scenario, { :name => scenario_name, :project => @project, :resource_1_id => @resources[0].id, :resource_2_id => @resources[1].id }) end Given /^that I have added a matcher with these options:$/ do |table| comparisons_attributes = [] resources = @scenario.resources table.hashes.each do |hash| lhs_value = hash["Type 1"] == "field" ? resources[0].fields_dataset[:name => hash["Value 1"]].id : hash["Value 1"] rhs_value = hash["Type 2"] == "field" ? resources[-1].fields_dataset[:name => hash["Value 2"]].id : hash["Value 2"] comparisons_attributes << { "lhs_type" => hash["Type 1"], "lhs_value" => lhs_value, "rhs_type" => hash["Type 2"], "rhs_value" => rhs_value, "operator" => hash["Operator"] } end @matcher = Factory(:matcher, { :comparisons_attributes => comparisons_attributes, :scenario => @scenario }) end When /^I go to the (.+?) page$/ do |page_name| @page_name = page_name path = case page_name when "front" "/" when "connections" "/connections" when "projects" "/projects" when "project" "/projects/#{}" when "resource" "/projects/#{}/resources/#{@resources[0].id}" when "transformations" "/projects/#{}/resources/#{@resources[0].id}/transformations" when "scenario" "/projects/#{}/scenarios/#{}" end visit("http://localhost:4567#{path}") end When /^I click the "(.+?)" link$/ do |link_name| link =, link_name) assert link.exist?, "can't find the '#{link_name}' link" end When /^I fill in the form:$/ do |table| form = browser.forms.first table.raw.each do |(label_or_name, value)| md = label_or_name.match(/\s*\((\d+)\)\s*$/) args = md ? [md.pre_match, md[1].to_i - 1] : [label_or_name] elt = find_visible_element_by_label_or_id(*args) if elt.nil? puts current_page_source end assert elt && elt.exist?, "can't find element with label or name of '#{label_or_name}'" case elt when Celerity::TextField elt.value = value when Celerity::SelectList value.split("/").each do |v| elt.object.get_options.find do |option| option.text_content == v || option.value_attribute == v end else raise "unknown field type: #{elt.to_xml}" end end end When /^I click the "(.+?)" button$/ do |button_name| click_button(button_name) end When /^I click the "(.+?)" button with confirmation$/ do |button_name| browser.confirm(true) do click_button(button_name) end end Then /^(?:it should )?show me a confirmation notice$/ do assert_match /successfully created|created successfully/, current_page_source end Then /^ask me to (.+)$/ do |question| question = question.sub(/\bI\b/, "you") assert current_page_source.include?(question) end Then /^it should take me back to the (\w+) page$/ do |page_name| case page_name when 'resource' assert_match %r{/projects/#{}/resources/#{@resources[0].id}$}, current_url end end