require 'optparse' require 'origen_sim' require_relative '../../../config/version' require 'origen_verilog' options = { incl_files: [], source_dirs: [], testbench_name: 'origen', defines: [], user_details: {}, initial_pin_states: {}, verilog_top_output_name: 'origen' } # App options are options that the application can supply to extend this command app_options = @application_options || [] opt_parser = do |opts| opts.banner = <<-EOT Build an Origen testbench and simulator VPI extension for the given top-level RTL design file (or a stub). The created artifacts should be included in a compilation of the given design to create an Origen-enabled simulation object that can be used to simulate Origen-based test patterns. Usage: origen sim:build TOP_LEVEL_VERILOG_FILE [options] EOT opts.on('-o', '--output DIR', String, 'Override the default output directory') { |t| options[:output] = t } opts.on('-t', '--top NAME', String, 'Specify the top-level Verilog module name if OrigenSim can\'t work it out') { |t| options[:top_level_name] = t } opts.on('--testbench NAME', String, 'Specify the testbench name if different from \'origen\'') { |t| options[:testbench_name] = t } opts.on('-s', '--source_dir PATH', 'Directories to look for include files in (the directory containing the top-level is already considered)') do |path| options[:source_dirs] << path end opts.on('--sv', 'Generate a .sv file instead of a .v file.') { |t| options[:sv] = t } opts.on('--wreal', 'Enable real number modeling support on DUT pins defined as real wires (wreal)') { |t| options[:wreal] = t } opts.on('--verilog_top_output_name NAME', 'Renames the output filename from origen.v to NAME.v') do |name| options[:verilog_top_output_name] = name end opts.on('--define MACRO', 'Specify a compiler define') do |macro| options[:defines] << macro end opts.on('--init_pin_state PIN_AND_STATE', 'Specify how the pins should be initialized.') do |pin_and_state| name, state = pin_and_state.split(':') # Make sure that we recognize the pin state option before building. unless OrigenSim::INIT_PIN_STATE_MAPPING.include?(state) fail "Provide state '#{state}' to --init_pin_state pin_and_state not recognized!" end (options[:initial_pin_states])[name.to_sym] = OrigenSim::INIT_PIN_STATE_MAPPING[state] end opts.on('--include FILE' 'Specify files to include in the top verilog file.') { |f| options[:incl_files] << f } # Specifying snapshot details opts.on('--device_name NAME', '(Snapshot Detail) Specify a device name') { |n| options[:device_name] = n } opts.on('--testbench_version VER', '(Snapshot Detail) Specify a version of the testbench this snapshot was built from') { |v| options[:testbench_version] = v } opts.on('--revision REV', '(Snapshot Detail) Specify a revision of the snapshot') { |r| options[:revision] = r } opts.on('--revision_note REV_NOTE', '(Snapshot Detail) Specify a brief note on this revision of the snapshot') { |n| options[:revision_note] = n } opts.on('--author AUTHOR', '(Snapshot Detail) Specify the author of the snapshot (default is just Origen.current_user)') { |a| options[:author] = a } # User-defined snapshot details opts.on('--USER_DETAIL NAME_AND_VALUE', 'Specify custom user-defined details to build into the snapshot details. Format as NAME:VALUE, e.g.: \'--USER_DETAIL BUILD_TYPE:RTL\'') do |name_and_value| name, value = name_and_value.split(':') unless name.upcase == name Origen.log.warning "Non-capitalized user detail '#{name}' was given!" Origen.log.warning 'OrigenSim forces the Verilog practice that parameters should be capitalized.' Origen.log.warning "The parameter '#{name.upcase}' will be used instead" name.upcase! end (options[:user_details])[name] = value end opts.on('-d', '--debugger', 'Enable the debugger') { options[:debugger] = true } app_options.each do |app_option| opts.on(*app_option) {} end opts.separator '' opts.on('-h', '--help', 'Show this message') { puts opts; exit 0 } end opt_parser.parse! ARGV def _exit_fail_ if $_testing_build_return_dut_ return nil else exit 1 end end unless ARGV.size > 0 puts 'You must supply a path to the top-level RTL file' _exit_fail_ end files = ARGV.join(' ') rtl_top = files.split(/\s+/).last ast = OrigenVerilog.parse_file(files, options) unless ast puts 'Sorry, but the given top-level RTL file failed to parse' _exit_fail_ end candidates = ast.top_level_modules candidates = ast.modules if candidates.empty? if candidates.size == 0 puts "Sorry, couldn't find any Verilog module declarations in that file (this could be due to a parse error)" _exit_fail_ elsif candidates.size > 1 if options[:top_level_name] mod = candidates.find { |c| == options[:top_level_name] } end unless mod puts "Sorry, couldn't work out what the top-level module is, please help by running again and specifying it via the --top switch with one of the following names:" candidates.each do |c| puts " #{}" end _exit_fail_ end else mod = candidates.first end rtl_top_module = mod.to_top_level # Creates dut # Update the pins with any settings from the command line options[:initial_pin_states].each do |pin, state| dut.pins(pin).meta[:origen_sim_init_pin_state] = state end if $_testing_build_return_dut_ dut else output_directory = options[:output] || Origen.config.output_directory output_name = options[:sv] ? "#{options[:verilog_top_output_name]}.sv" : "#{options[:verilog_top_output_name]}.v" action: :compile, files: "#{Origen.root!}/templates/rtl_v/origen.v.erb", output_file_name: output_name, output: output_directory, check_for_changes: false, quiet: true, preserve_target: true, options: { vendor: :cadence, top:, testbench_name: options[:testbench_name], incl: options[:incl_files], device_name: options[:device_name], revision: options[:revision], revision_note: options[:revision_note], parent_tb_version: options[:testbench_version], user_details: options[:user_details], author: options[:author] } action: :compile, files: "#{Origen.root!}/ext", output: output_directory, check_for_changes: false, quiet: true, options: options dut.export(rtl_top_module, dir: "#{output_directory}", namespace: nil) SYNOPSYS_SWITCHES = %W( #{output_directory}/#{output_name} #{output_directory}/bridge.c #{output_directory}/client.c -P\ #{output_directory}/ -CFLAGS\ "-std=c99 -DORIGEN_VCS" +vpi #{output_directory}/origen.c +define+ORIGEN_VCS -debug_access+all -timescale=1ns/1ns -v2005 -full64 ) if options[:wreal] SYNOPSYS_SWITCHES += %w( +define+ORIGEN_WREAL -realport -sverilog -wreal\ res_max ) end SYNOPSYS_DVE_SWITCHES = SYNOPSYS_SWITCHES + %w( +define+ORIGEN_VPD ) SYNOPSYS_VERDI_SWITCHES = SYNOPSYS_SWITCHES + %W( +define+ORIGEN_FSDB -kdb -P\ #{ENV['VERDI_HOME'] || '$VERDI_HOME'}/share/PLI/VCS/LINUX64/ #{ENV['VERDI_HOME'] || '$VERDI_HOME'}/share/PLI/VCS/LINUX64/pli.a ) CADENCE_SWITCHES = %W( #{output_directory}/#{output_name} #{output_directory}/*.c -ccargs\ "-std=c99" -top\ origen -elaborate -snapshot\ origen -access\ +rw -timescale\ 1ns/1ns ) if options[:wreal] CADENCE_SWITCHES += %w( +define+ORIGEN_WREAL -ams ) end puts puts puts '-----------------------------------------------------------' puts 'Icarus Verilog' puts '-----------------------------------------------------------' puts puts 'Compile the VPI extension using the following command:' puts puts " cd #{output_directory} && #{ENV['ORIGEN_SIM_IVERILOG_VPI'] || 'iverilog-vpi'} *.c --name=origen && cd #{Pathname.pwd}" puts puts 'Add the following to your build script (AND REMOVE ANY OTHER TESTBENCH!):' puts puts " #{output_directory}/#{output_name} \\" puts ' -o origen.vvp \\' puts ' -DORIGEN_VCD' puts puts 'Here is an example which may work for the file you just parsed (add additional source dirs with more -I options at the end if required):' puts puts " #{ENV['ORIGEN_SIM_IVERILOG'] || 'iverilog'} #{rtl_top} #{output_directory}/#{output_name} -o origen.vvp -DORIGEN_VCD -I #{}" puts puts 'Copy the following files (produced by iverilog) to simulation//icarus/. within your Origen application:' puts puts " #{output_directory}/origen.vpi" puts ' origen.vvp' puts puts '-----------------------------------------------------------' puts 'Synopsys VCS w/ DVE Waveviewer' puts '-----------------------------------------------------------' puts puts 'Add the following to your build script (AND REMOVE ANY OTHER TESTBENCH!):' puts SYNOPSYS_DVE_SWITCHES.each do |switch| puts " #{switch} \\" end puts puts 'Here is an example which may work for the file you just parsed (add additional +incdir+ options at the end if required):' puts puts " #{ENV['ORIGEN_SIM_VCS'] || 'vcs'} #{rtl_top} +incdir+#{} " + SYNOPSYS_DVE_SWITCHES.join(' ') puts puts 'Copy the following files (produced by vcs) to simulation//synopsys/. within your Origen application:' puts puts ' simv' puts ' simv.daidir' puts puts '-----------------------------------------------------------' puts 'Synopsys VCS w/ Verdi Waveviewer' puts '-----------------------------------------------------------' puts puts 'Add the following to your build script (AND REMOVE ANY OTHER TESTBENCH!):' puts SYNOPSYS_VERDI_SWITCHES.each do |switch| puts " #{switch} \\" end puts puts 'Here is an example which may work for the file you just parsed (add additional +incdir+ options at the end if required):' puts puts " #{ENV['ORIGEN_SIM_VCS'] || 'vcs'} #{rtl_top} +incdir+#{} " + SYNOPSYS_VERDI_SWITCHES.join(' ') puts puts 'Copy the following files (produced by vcs) to simulation//synopsys/. within your Origen application:' puts puts ' simv' puts ' simv.daidir' puts puts '-----------------------------------------------------------' puts 'Cadence Incisive (irun)' puts '-----------------------------------------------------------' puts puts 'Add the following to your build script (AND REMOVE ANY OTHER TESTBENCH!):' puts CADENCE_SWITCHES.each do |switch| puts " #{switch} \\" end puts puts 'Here is an example which may work for the file you just parsed (add additional -incdir options at the end if required):' puts puts " #{ENV['ORIGEN_SIM_IRUN'] || 'irun'} #{rtl_top} -incdir #{} " + CADENCE_SWITCHES.join(' ') puts puts 'Copy the following directory (produced by irun) to simulation//cadence/. within your Origen application:' puts puts ' INCA_libs' puts puts '-----------------------------------------------------------' puts puts 'Testbench and VPI extension created!' puts puts 'This file can be imported into an Origen top-level DUT model to define the pins:' puts puts " #{output_directory}/#{rtl_top_module}.rb" puts puts 'See above for what to do now to create an Origen-enabled simulation object for your particular simulator.' puts end