Feature: Filter Attributes Filtering sensitive attributes Background: Given a configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register User """ And I am logged in And a user named "John Doe" exists And I am on the index page for users Scenario: Default index page Then I should not see "Encrypted" But I should see "Age" Scenario: Default new form Given I follow "New User" Then I should not see "Encrypted" But I should see "Age" Scenario: Default edit form Given I follow "Edit" Then I should not see "Encrypted" But I should see "Age" Scenario: Default show page Given I follow "View" Then I should not see "Encrypted" But I should see "Age" Scenario: Default CSV export Given I follow "CSV" Then I should not see "Encrypted" But I should see "Age" # TODO: JSON # Scenario: Default JSON # Given I follow "JSON" # Then I should not see "encrypted" # But I should see "age" Scenario: Default XML Given I follow "XML" Then I should not see "encrypted"