package org.cx4a.rsense; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.jrubyparser.ast.INameNode; import org.jrubyparser.ast.Node; import org.jrubyparser.ast.NodeType; import org.jrubyparser.parser.ParserConfiguration; import org.jrubyparser.CompatVersion; import org.cx4a.rsense.CodeCompletionResult.CompletionCandidate; import org.cx4a.rsense.ruby.Block; import org.cx4a.rsense.ruby.DynamicMethod; import org.cx4a.rsense.ruby.IRubyObject; import org.cx4a.rsense.ruby.MetaClass; import org.cx4a.rsense.ruby.Ruby; import org.cx4a.rsense.ruby.RubyClass; import org.cx4a.rsense.ruby.RubyModule; import org.cx4a.rsense.typing.Graph; import org.cx4a.rsense.typing.TypeSet; import org.cx4a.rsense.typing.runtime.Method; import org.cx4a.rsense.typing.runtime.SpecialMethod; import org.cx4a.rsense.typing.runtime.VertexHolder; import org.cx4a.rsense.typing.vertex.CallVertex; import org.cx4a.rsense.typing.vertex.Vertex; import org.cx4a.rsense.util.Logger; import org.cx4a.rsense.util.SourceLocation; public class CodeAssist { public static final String TYPE_INFERENCE_METHOD_NAME = "__rsense_type_inference__"; public static final String FIND_DEFINITION_METHOD_NAME_PREFIX = "__rsense_find_definition__"; public static final String PROJECT_CONFIG_NAME = ".project.rsense"; public static class Location { // 3 ways to specify location private int offset; private int line, col; private char[] mark; private Location(int offset, int line, int col, String mark) { this.offset = offset; this.line = line; this.col = col; this.mark = mark != null ? mark.toCharArray() : null; } public int getOffset() { return offset; } public int getLine() { return line; } public int getColumn() { return col; } public char[] getMark() { return mark; } public int findOffset(int offset, int line, char[] buf, int length) { if (this.offset != -1) { return this.offset; } else if (this.line != -1) { int col = 0; int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { char c = buf[i]; if (Character.isHighSurrogate(c) || c == '\r') { } else if (c == '\n') { line++; col = 0; count++; } else { col++; count++; if (line == this.line && col == this.col) { return offset + count; } } } return -1; } else if (this.mark != null) { int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i <= length - mark.length; i++) { int j = 0; if (Character.isHighSurrogate(buf[i]) || buf[i] == '\r') { } else { count++; } for (; j < mark.length && buf[i + j] == mark[j]; j++); if (j == mark.length) { return offset + count - 1; } } return -1; } return -1; } public int getSkip() { return mark != null ? mark.length : 0; } public static Location offsetLocation(int offset) { return new Location(offset, -1, -1, null); } public static Location logicalLocation(int line, int col) { return new Location(-1, line, col, null); } public static Location markLocation(String mark) { return new Location(-1, -1, -1, mark); } } private static class Context { public Project project; public TypeSet typeSet; public boolean main; public String feature; public int loadPathLevel; public void clear() { this.project = null; this.typeSet = null; this.main = false; this.feature = null; this.loadPathLevel = 0; } } private class WhereEventListener implements Project.EventListener { private int line; private int closest; private String name; public void prepare(int line) { this.line = line; } public String getName() { return name; } public void update(Event event) { if (context.main && (event.type == EventType.DEFINE || event.type == EventType.CLASS || event.type == EventType.MODULE) && != null && event.node != null) { SourceLocation loc = SourceLocation.of(event.node); if (loc != null && line >= loc.getLine() && line - closest > line - loc.getLine()) { closest = loc.getLine(); name =; } } } } private class FindDefinitionEventListener implements Project.EventListener { private int counter = 0; private String prefix; private Set locations = new HashSet(); public String setup() { locations.clear(); // Make unique prefix to distinguish older find-definition command results. return prefix = FIND_DEFINITION_METHOD_NAME_PREFIX + counter++; } public Collection getLocations() { return locations; } public void update(Event event) { CallVertex vertex; if (context.main && event.type == EventType.METHOD_MISSING && (vertex = (CallVertex) event.vertex) != null && vertex.getName().startsWith(prefix) && vertex.getReceiverVertex() != null) { String realName = vertex.getName().substring(prefix.length()); for (IRubyObject receiver : vertex.getReceiverVertex().getTypeSet()) { RubyClass receiverType = receiver.getMetaClass(); if (receiverType != null) { SourceLocation location = null; // Try to find method // TODO callSuper Method method = (Method) receiverType.searchMethod(realName); if (method != null) { if (method.getLocation() != null) locations.add(method.getLocation()); } else { // Try to find constant RubyModule klass = null; if (receiverType instanceof MetaClass) { MetaClass metaClass = (MetaClass) receiverType; if (metaClass.getAttached() instanceof RubyModule) klass = (RubyModule) metaClass.getAttached(); } else klass = context.project.getGraph().getRuntime().getContext().getCurrentScope().getModule(); if (klass != null) { IRubyObject constant = klass.getConstant(realName); if (constant instanceof VertexHolder) location = SourceLocation.of(((VertexHolder) constant).getVertex().getNode()); else if (constant instanceof RubyModule) location = ((RubyModule) constant).getLocation(); } } if (location != null) locations.add(location); } } vertex.cutout(); } } } private org.jrubyparser.Parser rubyParser; private final Options options; private final Context context; private Map projects; private Project sandbox; private FindDefinitionEventListener definitionFinder; private WhereEventListener whereListener; private SpecialMethod typeInferenceMethod = new SpecialMethod() { public void call(Ruby runtime, TypeSet receivers, Vertex[] args, Block blcck, Result result) { for (IRubyObject receiver : receivers) { context.typeSet.add(receiver); } result.setResultTypeSet(receivers); result.setNeverCallAgain(true); // cutout vertex } }; private SpecialMethod requireMethod = new SpecialMethod() { public void call(Ruby runtime, TypeSet receivers, Vertex[] args, Block blcck, Result result) { if (args != null && args.length > 0) { String feature = Vertex.getString(args[0]); if (feature != null) { require(context.project, feature, "UTF-8"); } } } }; private SpecialMethod requireNextMethod = new SpecialMethod() { public void call(Ruby runtime, TypeSet receivers, Vertex[] args, Block blcck, Result result) { if (context.feature != null) { require(context.project, context.feature, "UTF-8", context.loadPathLevel + 1); } } }; public CodeAssist(Options options) { this.context = new Context(); this.options = options; clear(); } public void openProject(String path, Options options) { File dir = new File(path); if (dir.isDirectory()) { openProject(newProject(dir, options)); } else { Logger.message("failed to open project: %s", path); } } public void openProject(Project project) { projects.put(project.getName(), project); Logger.message("project opened: %s", project.getName()); } public void closeProject(String name) { Project project = projects.remove(name); if (project != null) { Logger.message("project closed: %s", project.getName()); } } public Map getProjects() { return projects; } public Project getProject(Options options) { Project project = projects.get(options.getProject()); if (project == null && options.isDetectProject()) { File file = options.getDetectProject(); if (file == null && !options.isFileStdin()) { file = options.getFile(); } if (file != null) { File parent = file; while ((parent = parent.getParentFile()) != null) { for (String[] list : new String[][] {new String[] {PROJECT_CONFIG_NAME}, new String[] {"Rakefile.rb"}, new String[] {"Rakefile"}, new String[] {"setup.rb"}, new String[] {"Makefile", "lib"}}) { boolean found = true; for (String name : list) { if (!new File(parent, name).exists()) { found = false; break; } } if (found) { project = getProjectByPath(parent); if (project == null) { project = newProject(parent, options); } return project; } } } } } return project != null ? project : sandbox; } public Project getProjectByPath(File path) { for (Project project : projects.values()) { if (project.getPath().equals(path)) { return project; } } return null; } private Project newProject(File path, Options options) { File config = new File(path, PROJECT_CONFIG_NAME); if (config.isFile()) { options.loadConfig(config); } else { // Guess config options.addOption("load-path", "lib"); } String name = options.getName(); if (name == null) { name = path.getName(); } Project project = new Project(name, path); project.setLoadPath(options.getLoadPath()); project.setGemPath(options.getGemPath()); openProject(project); return project; } public LoadResult load(Project project, File file, String encoding) { return load(project, file, encoding, true); } private LoadResult load(Project project, File file, String encoding, boolean prepare) { if (project.isLoaded(file.getPath())) { return LoadResult.alreadyLoaded(); } project.setLoaded(file.getPath()); try { InputStream in = new FileInputStream(file); try { return load(project, file, new InputStreamReader(in, encoding), prepare); } finally { in.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { return LoadResult.failWithException("Cannot open file", e); } } public LoadResult load(Project project, File file, Reader reader) { return load(project, file, reader, true); } private LoadResult load(Project project, File file, Reader reader, boolean prepare) { boolean oldMain = context.main; try { if (prepare) prepare(project); else context.main = false; Node ast = parseFileContents(file, readAll(reader)); project.getGraph().load(ast); LoadResult result = new LoadResult(); result.setAST(ast); return result; } catch (IOException e) { return LoadResult.failWithException("Cannot load file", e); } finally { context.main = oldMain; } } public LoadResult require(Project project, String feature, String encoding) { return require(project, feature, encoding, 0); } private LoadResult require(Project project, String feature, String encoding, int loadPathLevel) { if (project.isLoaded(feature)) { return LoadResult.alreadyLoaded(); } project.setLoaded(feature);"feature required: %s", feature); if (File.pathSeparator.equals(";")) { // Windows? feature = feature.replace('/', '\\'); } List loadPath = project.getLoadPath(); int loadPathLen = loadPath.size(); for (int i = loadPathLevel; i < loadPathLen; i++) { File pathElement = loadPath.get(i); int oldLoadPathLevel = context.loadPathLevel; context.loadPathLevel = i; String oldFeature = context.feature; context.feature = feature; try { File file = new File(pathElement, feature + ".rb"); if (file.exists()) { return load(project, file, encoding, false); } } finally { context.feature = oldFeature; context.loadPathLevel = oldLoadPathLevel; } } List gemPath = project.getGemPath(); int gemPathLen = gemPath.size(); String sep = File.separator; for (int i = 0; i < gemPathLen; i++) { File pathElement = gemPath.get(i); int oldLoadPathLevel = context.loadPathLevel; context.loadPathLevel = i + loadPathLen; String oldFeature = context.feature; context.feature = feature; try { File gemsDir = new File(pathElement, "gems"); String[] gems = gemsDir.list(); if (gems != null) { for (String gem : gems) { File file = new File(gemsDir + sep + gem + sep + "lib" + sep + feature + ".rb"); if (file.exists()) { return load(project, file, encoding, false); } } } } finally { context.feature = oldFeature; context.loadPathLevel = oldLoadPathLevel; } } Logger.warn("cannot require: %s", feature); return LoadResult.failWithNotFound(); } public TypeInferenceResult typeInference(Project project, File file, String encoding, Location loc) { try { InputStream in = new FileInputStream(file); try { return typeInference(project, file, new InputStreamReader(in, encoding), loc); } finally { in.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { return TypeInferenceResult.failWithException("Cannot open file", e); } } public TypeInferenceResult typeInference(Project project, File file, Reader reader, Location loc) { try { prepare(project); Node ast = parseFileContents(file, readAndInjectCode(reader, loc, TYPE_INFERENCE_METHOD_NAME, "(?:\\.|::)", ".")); project.getGraph().load(ast); TypeInferenceResult result = new TypeInferenceResult(); result.setAST(ast); TypeSet ts = new TypeSet(); for (IRubyObject receiver : context.typeSet) { ts.add(receiver.getMetaClass()); } result.setTypeSet(ts); return result; } catch (IOException e) { return TypeInferenceResult.failWithException("Cannot read file", e); } } public CodeCompletionResult codeCompletion(Project project, File file, String encoding, Location loc) { try { InputStream in = new FileInputStream(file); try { return codeCompletion(project, file, new InputStreamReader(in, encoding), loc); } finally { in.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { return CodeCompletionResult.failWithException("Cannot open file", e); } } public CodeCompletionResult codeCompletion(Project project, File file, Reader reader, Location loc) { try { prepare(project); Node ast = parseFileContents(file, readAndInjectCode(reader, loc, TYPE_INFERENCE_METHOD_NAME, "(?:\\.|::)", ".")); project.getGraph().load(ast); CodeCompletionResult result = new CodeCompletionResult(); result.setAST(ast); List candidates = new ArrayList(); for (IRubyObject receiver : context.typeSet) { RubyClass rubyClass = receiver.getMetaClass(); for (String name : rubyClass.getMethods(true)) { DynamicMethod method = rubyClass.searchMethod(name); candidates.add(new CompletionCandidate(name, method.toString(), method.getModule().getMethodPath(null), CompletionCandidate.Kind.METHOD)); } if (receiver instanceof RubyModule) { RubyModule module = ((RubyModule) receiver); for (String name : module.getConstants(true)) { RubyModule directModule = module.getConstantModule(name); IRubyObject constant = directModule.getConstant(name); String baseName = directModule.toString(); String qname = baseName + "::" + name; CompletionCandidate.Kind kind = (constant instanceof RubyClass) ? CompletionCandidate.Kind.CLASS : (constant instanceof RubyModule) ? CompletionCandidate.Kind.MODULE : CompletionCandidate.Kind.CONSTANT; candidates.add(new CompletionCandidate(name, qname, baseName, kind)); } } } result.setCandidates(candidates); return result; } catch (IOException e) { return CodeCompletionResult.failWithException("Cannot read file", e); } } public WhereResult where(Project project, File file, String encoding, int line) { try { InputStream in = new FileInputStream(file); try { return where(project, file, new InputStreamReader(in, encoding), line); } finally { in.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { return WhereResult.failWithException("Cannot open file", e); } } public WhereResult where(Project project, File file, Reader reader, int line) { try { prepare(project); Node ast = parseFileContents(file, readAll(reader)); whereListener.prepare(line); project.addEventListener(whereListener); try { project.getGraph().load(ast); } finally { project.removeEventListener(whereListener); } WhereResult result = new WhereResult(); result.setAST(ast); result.setName(whereListener.getName()); return result; } catch (IOException e) { return WhereResult.failWithException("Cannot read file", e); } } public FindDefinitionResult findDefinition(Project project, File file, String encoding, Location loc) { try { InputStream in = new FileInputStream(file); try { return findDefinition(project, file, new InputStreamReader(in, encoding), loc); } finally { in.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { return FindDefinitionResult.failWithException("Cannot open file", e); } } public FindDefinitionResult findDefinition(Project project, File file, Reader reader, Location loc) { try { prepare(project); Node ast = parseFileContents(file, readAndInjectCode(reader, loc, definitionFinder.setup(), "(?:\\.|::|\\s)(\\w+?[!?]?)", null)); project.addEventListener(definitionFinder); try { project.getGraph().load(ast); } finally { project.removeEventListener(definitionFinder); } FindDefinitionResult result = new FindDefinitionResult(); result.setAST(ast); result.setLocations(definitionFinder.getLocations()); return result; } catch (IOException e) { return FindDefinitionResult.failWithException("Cannot read file", e); } } public void clear() { this.rubyParser = new org.jrubyparser.Parser(); // for parse this.context.clear(); this.projects = new HashMap(); this.sandbox = new Project("(sandbox)", new File(".")); this.sandbox.setLoadPath(options.getLoadPath()); this.sandbox.setGemPath(options.getGemPath()); this.definitionFinder = new FindDefinitionEventListener(); this.whereListener = new WhereEventListener(); openProject(this.sandbox); } private void prepare(Project project) { context.project = project; context.typeSet = new TypeSet(); context.main = true; Graph graph = project.getGraph(); graph.addSpecialMethod(TYPE_INFERENCE_METHOD_NAME, typeInferenceMethod); graph.addSpecialMethod("require", requireMethod); graph.addSpecialMethod("require_next", requireNextMethod); require(project, "_builtin", "UTF-8"); } private String readAll(Reader reader) throws IOException { return readAndInjectCode(reader, null, null, null, null); } private String readAndInjectCode(Reader _reader, Location loc, String injection, String prefixPattern, String defaultPrefix) throws IOException { LineNumberReader reader = new LineNumberReader(_reader); int line = reader.getLineNumber() + 1; int offset = -1; char[] buf = new char[4096]; int read; int len = 0; StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); while ((read = != -1) { int index = 0; if (loc != null) { if (offset == -1) { offset = loc.findOffset(len, line, buf, read); } for (int i = 0; i < read; i++) { if (Character.isHighSurrogate(buf[i]) || buf[i] == '\r') { } else { len++; if (len == offset) { index = i + 1; int pstart = Math.max(0, index - 128); String pbuf = new String(buf, pstart, index - pstart); Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(".*" + prefixPattern, Pattern.DOTALL).matcher(pbuf); boolean match = matcher.matches(); if (match) { if (matcher.groupCount() > 0) { int end = index - (pbuf.length() - matcher.start(1)); buffer.append(buf, 0, end); buffer.append(injection); buffer.append(buf, end, index - end); } else { buffer.append(buf, 0, index); buffer.append(injection); } } else { buffer.append(buf, 0, index); if (defaultPrefix != null) buffer.append(defaultPrefix); buffer.append(injection); } index += loc.getSkip(); break; } } } } buffer.append(buf, index, read - index); } return buffer.toString(); } public Node parseFileContents(File file, String string) { StringReader in = new StringReader(string); CompatVersion version = CompatVersion.RUBY1_8; //CompatVersion versionTwo = CompatVersion.RUBY1_9; CompatVersion versionTwo = CompatVersion.RUBY2_0; ParserConfiguration config = new ParserConfiguration(0, versionTwo); config.setSyntax(ParserConfiguration.SyntaxGathering.COMMENTS); return rubyParser.parse(file.getPath(), in, config); } }