RUBY_ENGINE = 'unknown' unless defined? RUBY_ENGINE RUBY_ENGINE_OPAL = (RUBY_ENGINE == 'opal') RUBY_ENGINE_JRUBY = (RUBY_ENGINE == 'jruby') RUBY_MIN_VERSION_1_9 = (RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9') RUBY_MIN_VERSION_2 = (RUBY_VERSION >= '2') require 'set' # NOTE RUBY_ENGINE == 'opal' conditional blocks are filtered by the Opal preprocessor if RUBY_ENGINE == 'opal' require 'encoding' # needed for String.bytes method require 'strscan' require 'asciidoctor/opal_ext' else autoload :Base64, 'base64' autoload :FileUtils, 'fileutils' autoload :OpenURI, 'open-uri' autoload :StringScanner, 'strscan' end # ideally we should use require_relative instead of modifying the LOAD_PATH $:.unshift File.dirname __FILE__ # Public: Methods for parsing AsciiDoc input files and converting documents # using eRuby templates. # # AsciiDoc documents comprise a header followed by zero or more sections. # Sections are composed of blocks of content. For example: # # = Doc Title # # == Section 1 # # This is a paragraph block in the first section. # # == Section 2 # # This section has a paragraph block and an olist block. # # . Item 1 # . Item 2 # # Examples: # # Use built-in converter: # # Asciidoctor.convert_file 'sample.adoc' # # Use custom (Tilt-supported) templates: # # Asciidoctor.convert_file 'sample.adoc', :template_dir => 'path/to/templates' # module Asciidoctor # alias the RUBY_ENGINE constant inside the Asciidoctor namespace RUBY_ENGINE = ::RUBY_ENGINE module SafeMode # A safe mode level that disables any of the security features enforced # by Asciidoctor (Ruby is still subject to its own restrictions). UNSAFE = 0; # A safe mode level that closely parallels safe mode in AsciiDoc. This value # prevents access to files which reside outside of the parent directory of # the source file and disables any macro other than the include::[] macro. SAFE = 1; # A safe mode level that disallows the document from setting attributes # that would affect the conversion of the document, in addition to all the # security features of SafeMode::SAFE. For instance, this level disallows # changing the backend or the source-highlighter using an attribute defined # in the source document. This is the most fundamental level of security # for server-side deployments (hence the name). SERVER = 10; # A safe mode level that disallows the document from attempting to read # files from the file system and including the contents of them into the # document, in additional to all the security features of SafeMode::SERVER. # For instance, this level disallows use of the include::[] macro and the # embedding of binary content (data uri), stylesheets and JavaScripts # referenced by the document.(Asciidoctor and trusted extensions may still # be allowed to embed trusted content into the document). # # Since Asciidoctor is aiming for wide adoption, this level is the default # and is recommended for server-side deployments. SECURE = 20; # A planned safe mode level that disallows the use of passthrough macros and # prevents the document from setting any known attributes, in addition to all # the security features of SafeMode::SECURE. # # Please note that this level is not currently implemented (and therefore not # enforced)! #PARANOID = 100; end # Flags to control compliance with the behavior of AsciiDoc module Compliance @keys = [].to_set class << self attr :keys end # Defines a new compliance key and assigns an initial value. def self.define key, value if key == :keys || (self.respond_to? key) raise ::ArgumentError, %(Illegal key name: #{key}) end instance_variable_set %(@#{key}), value class << self; self; end.send :attr_accessor, key @keys << key end # AsciiDoc terminates paragraphs adjacent to # block content (delimiter or block attribute list) # This option allows this behavior to be modified # TODO what about literal paragraph? # Compliance value: true define :block_terminates_paragraph, true # AsciiDoc does not treat paragraphs labeled with a verbatim style # (literal, listing, source, verse) as verbatim # This options allows this behavior to be modified # Compliance value: false define :strict_verbatim_paragraphs, true # NOT CURRENTLY USED # AsciiDoc allows start and end delimiters around # a block to be different lengths # Enabling this option requires matching lengths # Compliance value: false #define :congruent_block_delimiters, true # AsciiDoc supports both single-line and underlined # section titles. # This option disables the underlined variant. # Compliance value: true define :underline_style_section_titles, true # Asciidoctor will unwrap the content in a preamble # if the document has a title and no sections. # Compliance value: false define :unwrap_standalone_preamble, true # AsciiDoc drops lines that contain references to missing attributes. # This behavior is not intuitive to most writers # Compliance value: 'drop-line' define :attribute_missing, 'skip' # AsciiDoc drops lines that contain an attribute unassignemnt. # This behavior may need to be tuned depending on the circumstances. # Compliance value: 'drop-line' define :attribute_undefined, 'drop-line' # Asciidoctor will allow the id, role and options to be set # on blocks using a shorthand syntax (e.g., #idname.rolename%optionname) define :shorthand_property_syntax, true # Asciidoctor will recognize commonly-used Markdown syntax # to the degree it does not interfere with existing # AsciiDoc syntax and behavior. # Compliance value: false define :markdown_syntax, true end # The absolute root path of the Asciidoctor RubyGem ROOT_PATH = ::File.dirname ::File.dirname ::File.expand_path __FILE__ # The absolute lib path of the Asciidoctor RubyGem LIB_PATH = ::File.join ROOT_PATH, 'lib' # The absolute data path of the Asciidoctor RubyGem DATA_PATH = ::File.join ROOT_PATH, 'data' # The user's home directory, as best we can determine it # NOTE not using infix rescue for performance reasons, see: begin USER_HOME = ::Dir.home rescue USER_HOME = ::ENV['HOME'] || ::Dir.pwd end # Flag to indicate whether encoding can be coerced to UTF-8 # _All_ input data must be force encoded to UTF-8 if Encoding.default_external is *not* UTF-8 # Addresses failures performing string operations that are reported as "invalid byte sequence in US-ASCII" # Ruby 1.8 doesn't seem to experience this problem (perhaps because it isn't validating the encodings) COERCE_ENCODING = !::RUBY_ENGINE_OPAL && ::RUBY_MIN_VERSION_1_9 # Flag to indicate whether encoding of external strings needs to be forced to UTF-8 FORCE_ENCODING = COERCE_ENCODING && ::Encoding.default_external != ::Encoding::UTF_8 # Byte arrays for UTF-* Byte Order Marks # hex escape sequence used for Ruby 1.8 compatibility BOM_BYTES_UTF_8 = "\xef\xbb\xbf".bytes.to_a BOM_BYTES_UTF_16LE = "\xff\xfe".bytes.to_a BOM_BYTES_UTF_16BE = "\xfe\xff".bytes.to_a # Flag to indicate that line length should be calculated using a unicode mode hint FORCE_UNICODE_LINE_LENGTH = !::RUBY_MIN_VERSION_1_9 # Flag to indicate whether gsub can use a Hash to map matches to replacements SUPPORTS_GSUB_RESULT_HASH = ::RUBY_MIN_VERSION_1_9 && !::RUBY_ENGINE_OPAL # The endline character used for output; stored in constant table as an optimization EOL = "\n" # The null character to use for splitting attribute values NULL = "\0" # String for matching tab character TAB = "\t" # Regexp for replacing tab character TAB_PATTERN = /\t/ # The default document type # Can influence markup generated by the converters DEFAULT_DOCTYPE = 'article' # The backend determines the format of the converted output, default to html5 DEFAULT_BACKEND = 'html5' DEFAULT_STYLESHEET_KEYS = ['', 'DEFAULT'].to_set DEFAULT_STYLESHEET_NAME = 'asciidoctor.css' # Pointers to the preferred version for a given backend. BACKEND_ALIASES = { 'html' => 'html5', 'docbook' => 'docbook5' } # Default page widths for calculating absolute widths DEFAULT_PAGE_WIDTHS = { 'docbook' => 425 } # Default extensions for the respective base backends DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS = { 'html' => '.html', 'docbook' => '.xml', 'pdf' => '.pdf', 'epub' => '.epub', 'asciidoc' => '.adoc' } # Set of file extensions recognized as AsciiDoc documents (stored as a truth hash) ASCIIDOC_EXTENSIONS = { '.asciidoc' => true, '.adoc' => true, '.ad' => true, '.asc' => true, # TODO .txt should be deprecated '.txt' => true } SECTION_LEVELS = { '=' => 0, '-' => 1, '~' => 2, '^' => 3, '+' => 4 } ADMONITION_STYLES = ['NOTE', 'TIP', 'IMPORTANT', 'WARNING', 'CAUTION'].to_set PARAGRAPH_STYLES = ['comment', 'example', 'literal', 'listing', 'normal', 'pass', 'quote', 'sidebar', 'source', 'verse', 'abstract', 'partintro'].to_set VERBATIM_STYLES = ['literal', 'listing', 'source', 'verse'].to_set DELIMITED_BLOCKS = { '--' => [:open, ['comment', 'example', 'literal', 'listing', 'pass', 'quote', 'sidebar', 'source', 'verse', 'admonition', 'abstract', 'partintro'].to_set], '----' => [:listing, ['literal', 'source'].to_set], '....' => [:literal, ['listing', 'source'].to_set], '====' => [:example, ['admonition'].to_set], '****' => [:sidebar,], '____' => [:quote, ['verse'].to_set], '""' => [:quote, ['verse'].to_set], '++++' => [:pass, ['stem', 'latexmath', 'asciimath'].to_set], '|===' => [:table,], ',===' => [:table,], ':===' => [:table,], '!===' => [:table,], '////' => [:comment,], '```' => [:fenced_code,] } DELIMITED_BLOCK_LEADERS = {|key| key[0..1] }.to_set LAYOUT_BREAK_LINES = { '\'' => :thematic_break, '-' => :thematic_break, '*' => :thematic_break, '_' => :thematic_break, '<' => :page_break } #LIST_CONTEXTS = [:ulist, :olist, :dlist, :colist] NESTABLE_LIST_CONTEXTS = [:ulist, :olist, :dlist] # TODO validate use of explicit style name above ordered list (this list is for selecting an implicit style) ORDERED_LIST_STYLES = [:arabic, :loweralpha, :lowerroman, :upperalpha, :upperroman] #, :lowergreek] ORDERED_LIST_KEYWORDS = { 'loweralpha' => 'a', 'lowerroman' => 'i', 'upperalpha' => 'A', 'upperroman' => 'I' #'lowergreek' => 'a' #'arabic' => '1' #'decimal' => '1' } LIST_CONTINUATION = '+' # NOTE AsciiDoc Python recognizes both a preceding TAB and a space LINE_BREAK = ' +' LINE_CONTINUATION = ' \\' LINE_CONTINUATION_LEGACY = ' +' BLOCK_MATH_DELIMITERS = { :asciimath => ['\\$', '\\$'], :latexmath => ['\\[', '\\]'], } INLINE_MATH_DELIMITERS = { :asciimath => ['\\$', '\\$'], :latexmath => ['\\(', '\\)'], } # attributes which be changed within the content of the document (but not # header) because it has semantic meaning; ex. sectnums FLEXIBLE_ATTRIBUTES = %w(sectnums) # A collection of regular expressions used by the parser. # # NOTE: The following pattern, which appears frequently, captures the # contents between square brackets, ignoring escaped closing brackets # (closing brackets prefixed with a backslash '\' character) # # Pattern: (?:\[((?:\\\]|[^\]])*?)\]) # Matches: [enclosed text here] or [enclosed [text\] here] # #(pseudo)module Rx ## Regular expression character classes (to ensure regexp compatibility between Ruby and JavaScript) ## CC stands for "character class", CG stands for "character class group" # NOTE \w matches only the ASCII word characters, whereas [[:word:]] or \p{Word} matches any character in the Unicode word category. # character classes for the Regexp engine(s) in JavaScript if RUBY_ENGINE == 'opal' CC_ALPHA = 'a-zA-Z' CG_ALPHA = '[a-zA-Z]' CC_ALNUM = 'a-zA-Z0-9' CG_ALNUM = '[a-zA-Z0-9]' CG_BLANK = '[ \\t]' CC_EOL = '(?=\\n|$)' CG_GRAPH = '[\\x21-\\x7E]' # non-blank character CC_ALL = '[\s\S]' # any character, including newlines (alternatively, [^]) CC_WORD = 'a-zA-Z0-9_' CG_WORD = '[a-zA-Z0-9_]' # character classes for the Regexp engine in Ruby >= 2 (Ruby 1.9 supports \p{} but has problems w/ encoding) elsif ::RUBY_MIN_VERSION_2 CC_ALPHA = CG_ALPHA = '\p{Alpha}' CC_ALNUM = CG_ALNUM = '\p{Alnum}' CC_ALL = '.' CG_BLANK = '\p{Blank}' CC_EOL = '$' CG_GRAPH = '\p{Graph}' CC_WORD = CG_WORD = '\p{Word}' # character classes for the Regexp engine in Ruby < 2 else CC_ALPHA = '[:alpha:]' CG_ALPHA = '[[:alpha:]]' CC_ALL = '.' CC_ALNUM = '[:alnum:]' CG_ALNUM = '[[:alnum:]]' CG_BLANK = '[[:blank:]]' CC_EOL = '$' CG_GRAPH = '[[:graph:]]' # non-blank character if ::RUBY_MIN_VERSION_1_9 CC_WORD = '[:word:]' CG_WORD = '[[:word:]]' else # NOTE Ruby 1.8 cannot match word characters beyond the ASCII range; if you need this feature, upgrade! CC_WORD = '[:alnum:]_' CG_WORD = '[[:alnum:]_]' end end ## Document header # Matches the author info line immediately following the document title. # # Examples # # Doc Writer # Mary_Sue Brontë # AuthorInfoLineRx = /^(#{CG_WORD}[#{CC_WORD}\-'.]*)(?: +(#{CG_WORD}[#{CC_WORD}\-'.]*))?(?: +(#{CG_WORD}[#{CC_WORD}\-'.]*))?(?: +<([^>]+)>)?$/ # Matches the revision info line, which appears immediately following # the author info line beneath the document title. # # Examples # # v1.0, 2013-01-01: Ring in the new year release # RevisionInfoLineRx = /^(?:\D*(.*?),)?(?:\s*(?!:)(.*?))(?:\s*(?!^):\s*(.*))?$/ # Matches the title and volnum in the manpage doctype. # # Examples # # = asciidoctor ( 1 ) # ManpageTitleVolnumRx = /^(.*)\((.*)\)$/ # Matches the name and purpose in the manpage doctype. # # Examples # # asciidoctor - converts AsciiDoc source files to HTML, DocBook and other formats # ManpageNamePurposeRx = /^(.*?)#{CG_BLANK}+-#{CG_BLANK}+(.*)$/ ## Preprocessor directives # Matches a conditional preprocessor directive (e.g., ifdef, ifndef, ifeval and endif). # # Examples # # ifdef::basebackend-html[] # ifndef::theme[] # ifeval::["{asciidoctor-version}" >= "0.1.0"] # ifdef::asciidoctor[Asciidoctor!] # endif::theme[] # endif::basebackend-html[] # endif::[] # ConditionalDirectiveRx = /^\\?(ifdef|ifndef|ifeval|endif)::(\S*?(?:([,\+])\S+?)?)\[(.+)?\]$/ # Matches a restricted (read as safe) eval expression. # # Examples # # "{asciidoctor-version}" >= "0.1.0" # EvalExpressionRx = /^(\S.*?)#{CG_BLANK}*(==|!=|<=|>=|<|>)#{CG_BLANK}*(\S.*)$/ # Matches an include preprocessor directive. # # Examples # #[] # include::example.txt[lines=1;2;5..10] # IncludeDirectiveRx = /^\\?include::([^\[]+)\[(.*?)\]$/ # Matches a trailing tag directive in an include file. # # Examples # # // tag::try-catch[] # try { # someMethod(); # catch (Exception e) { # log(e); # } # // end::try-catch[] TagDirectiveRx = /\b(?:tag|end)::\S+\[\]$/ ## Attribute entries and references # Matches a document attribute entry. # # Examples # # :foo: bar # :First Name: Dan # :sectnums!: # :!toc: # :long-entry: Attribute value lines ending in ' +' # are joined together as a single value, # collapsing the line breaks and indentation to # a single space. # AttributeEntryRx = /^:(!?\w.*?):(?:#{CG_BLANK}+(.*))?$/ # Matches invalid characters in an attribute name. InvalidAttributeNameCharsRx = /[^\w\-]/ # Matches the pass inline macro allowed in value of attribute assignment. # # Examples # # pass:[text] # AttributeEntryPassMacroRx = /^pass:([a-z,]*)\[(.*)\]$/ # Matches an inline attribute reference. # # Examples # # {foo} # {counter:pcount:1} # {set:foo:bar} # {set:name!} # AttributeReferenceRx = /(\\)?\{((set|counter2?):.+?|\w+(?:[\-]\w+)*)(\\)?\}/ ## Paragraphs and delimited blocks # Matches an anchor (i.e., id + optional reference text) on a line above a block. # # Examples # # [[idname]] # [[idname,Reference Text]] # BlockAnchorRx = /^\[\[(?:|([#{CC_ALPHA}:_][#{CC_WORD}:.-]*)(?:,#{CG_BLANK}*(\S.*))?)\]\]$/ # Matches an attribute list above a block element. # # Examples # # # strictly positional # [quote, Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations] # # # name/value pairs # [NOTE, caption="Good to know"] # # # as attribute reference # [{lead}] # BlockAttributeListRx = /^\[(|#{CG_BLANK}*[#{CC_WORD}\{,.#"'%].*)\]$/ # A combined pattern that matches either a block anchor or a block attribute list. # # TODO this one gets hit a lot, should be optimized as much as possible BlockAttributeLineRx = /^\[(|#{CG_BLANK}*[#{CC_WORD}\{,.#"'%].*|\[(?:|[#{CC_ALPHA}:_][#{CC_WORD}:.-]*(?:,#{CG_BLANK}*\S.*)?)\])\]$/ # Matches a title above a block. # # Examples # # .Title goes here # BlockTitleRx = /^\.([^\s.].*)$/ # Matches an admonition label at the start of a paragraph. # # Examples # # NOTE: Just a little note. # TIP: Don't forget! # AdmonitionParagraphRx = /^(#{ADMONITION_STYLES.to_a * '|'}):#{CG_BLANK}/ # Matches a literal paragraph, which is a line of text preceded by at least one space. # # Examples # # Foo # Foo LiteralParagraphRx = /^(#{CG_BLANK}+.*)$/ # Matches a comment block. # # Examples # # //// # This is a block comment. # It can span one or more lines. # //// CommentBlockRx = %r{^/{4,}$} # Matches a comment line. # # Examples # # // an then whatever # CommentLineRx = %r{^//(?:[^/]|$)} ## Section titles # Matches a single-line (Atx-style) section title. # # Examples # # == Foo # # ^ a level 1 (h2) section title # # == Foo == # # ^ also a level 1 (h2) section title # # match[1] is the delimiter, whose length determines the level # match[2] is the title itself # match[3] is an inline anchor, which becomes the section id AtxSectionRx = /^((?:=|#){1,6})#{CG_BLANK}+(\S.*?)(?:#{CG_BLANK}+\1)?$/ # Matches the restricted section name for a two-line (Setext-style) section title. # The name cannot begin with a dot and has at least one alphanumeric character. SetextSectionTitleRx = /^((?=.*#{CG_WORD}+.*)[^.].*?)$/ # Matches the underline in a two-line (Setext-style) section title. # # Examples # # ====== || ------ || ~~~~~~ || ^^^^^^ || ++++++ # SetextSectionLineRx = /^(?:=|-|~|\^|\+)+$/ # Matches an anchor (i.e., id + optional reference text) inside a section title. # # Examples # # Section Title [[idname]] # Section Title [[idname,Reference Text]] # InlineSectionAnchorRx = /^(.*?)#{CG_BLANK}+(\\)?\[\[([#{CC_ALPHA}:_][#{CC_WORD}:.-]*)(?:,#{CG_BLANK}*(\S.*?))?\]\]$/ # Matches invalid characters in a section id. InvalidSectionIdCharsRx = /&(?:[a-zA-Z]{2,}|#\d{2,5}|#x[a-fA-F0-9]{2,4});|[^#{CC_WORD}]+?/ # Matches the block style used to designate a section title as a floating title. # # Examples # # [float] # = Floating Title # FloatingTitleStyleRx = /^(?:float|discrete)\b/ ## Lists # Detects the start of any list item. AnyListRx = /^(?:#{CG_BLANK}+#{CG_GRAPH}|#{CG_BLANK}*(?:-|(?:\*|\.){1,5}|\d+\.|[a-zA-Z]\.|[IVXivx]+\))#{CG_BLANK}+#{CG_GRAPH}|#{CG_BLANK}*.*?(?::{2,4}|;;)(?:#{CG_BLANK}+#{CG_GRAPH}|$))/ # Matches an unordered list item (one level for hyphens, up to 5 levels for asterisks). # # Examples # # * Foo # - Foo # UnorderedListRx = /^#{CG_BLANK}*(-|\*{1,5})#{CG_BLANK}+(.*)$/ # Matches an ordered list item (explicit numbering or up to 5 consecutive dots). # # Examples # # . Foo # .. Foo # 1. Foo (arabic, default) # a. Foo (loweralpha) # A. Foo (upperalpha) # i. Foo (lowerroman) # I. Foo (upperroman) # # NOTE leading space match is not always necessary, but is used for list reader OrderedListRx = /^#{CG_BLANK}*(\.{1,5}|\d+\.|[a-zA-Z]\.|[IVXivx]+\))#{CG_BLANK}+(.*)$/ # Matches the ordinals for each type of ordered list. OrderedListMarkerRxMap = { :arabic => /\d+[.>]/, :loweralpha => /[a-z]\./, :lowerroman => /[ivx]+\)/, :upperalpha => /[A-Z]\./, :upperroman => /[IVX]+\)/ #:lowergreek => /[a-z]\]/ } # Matches a definition list item. # # Examples # # foo:: # foo::: # foo:::: # foo;; # # # should be followed by a definition, on the same line... # # foo:: That which precedes 'bar' (see also, <>) # # # ...or on a separate line # # foo:: # That which precedes 'bar' (see also, <>) # # # the term may be an attribute reference # # {foo_term}:: {foo_def} # # NOTE negative match for comment line is intentional since that isn't handled when looking for next list item # QUESTION should we check for line comment in regex or when scanning the lines? # DefinitionListRx = /^(?!\/\/)#{CG_BLANK}*(.*?)(:{2,4}|;;)(?:#{CG_BLANK}+(.*))?$/ # Matches a sibling definition list item (which does not include the keyed type). DefinitionListSiblingRx = { # (?:.*?[^:])? - a non-capturing group which grabs longest sequence of characters that doesn't end w/ colon '::' => /^(?!\/\/)#{CG_BLANK}*((?:.*[^:])?)(::)(?:#{CG_BLANK}+(.*))?$/, ':::' => /^(?!\/\/)#{CG_BLANK}*((?:.*[^:])?)(:::)(?:#{CG_BLANK}+(.*))?$/, '::::' => /^(?!\/\/)#{CG_BLANK}*((?:.*[^:])?)(::::)(?:#{CG_BLANK}+(.*))?$/, ';;' => /^(?!\/\/)#{CG_BLANK}*(.*)(;;)(?:#{CG_BLANK}+(.*))?$/ } # Matches a callout list item. # # Examples # # <1> Foo # CalloutListRx = /^#{CG_BLANK}+(.*)/ # Matches a callout reference inside literal text. # # Examples # <1> (optionally prefixed by //, # or ;; line comment chars) # <1> <2> (multiple callouts on one line) # (for XML-based languages) # # NOTE special characters are already be replaced at this point during conversion to an SGML format CalloutConvertRx = /(?:(?:\/\/|#|;;) ?)?(\\)?<!?(--|)(\d+)\2>(?=(?: ?\\?<!?\2\d+\2>)*#{CC_EOL})/ # NOTE (con't) ...but not while scanning CalloutQuickScanRx = /\\?(?=(?: ?\\?)*#{CC_EOL})/ CalloutScanRx = /(?:(?:\/\/|#|;;) ?)?(\\)?(?=(?: ?\\?)*#{CC_EOL})/ # A Hash of regexps for lists used for dynamic access. ListRxMap = { :ulist => UnorderedListRx, :olist => OrderedListRx, :dlist => DefinitionListRx, :colist => CalloutListRx } ## Tables # Parses the column spec (i.e., colspec) for a table. # # Examples # # 1*h,2*,^3e # ColumnSpecRx = /^(?:(\d+)\*)?([<^>](?:\.[<^>]?)?|(?:[<^>]?\.)?[<^>])?(\d+%?)?([a-z])?$/ # Parses the start and end of a cell spec (i.e., cellspec) for a table. # # Examples # # 2.3+<.>m # # FIXME use step-wise scan (or treetop) rather than this mega-regexp CellSpecStartRx = /^#{CG_BLANK}*(?:(\d+(?:\.\d*)?|(?:\d*\.)?\d+)([*+]))?([<^>](?:\.[<^>]?)?|(?:[<^>]?\.)?[<^>])?([a-z])?$/ CellSpecEndRx = /#{CG_BLANK}+(?:(\d+(?:\.\d*)?|(?:\d*\.)?\d+)([*+]))?([<^>](?:\.[<^>]?)?|(?:[<^>]?\.)?[<^>])?([a-z])?$/ # Block macros # Matches the general block macro pattern. # # Examples # # gist::123456[] # #-- # NOTE we've relaxed the match for target to accomodate the short format (e.g., name::[attrlist]) GenericBlockMacroRx = /^(#{CG_WORD}+)::(\S*?)\[((?:\\\]|[^\]])*?)\]$/ # Matches an image, video or audio block macro. # # Examples # # image::filename.png[Caption] # video::[Cats vs Dogs] # MediaBlockMacroRx = /^(image|video|audio)::(\S+?)\[((?:\\\]|[^\]])*?)\]$/ # Matches the TOC block macro. # # Examples # # toc::[] # toc::[levels=2] # TocBlockMacroRx = /^toc::\[(.*?)\]$/ ## Inline macros # Matches an anchor (i.e., id + optional reference text) in the flow of text. # # Examples # # [[idname]] # [[idname,Reference Text]] # anchor:idname[] # anchor:idname[Reference Text] # InlineAnchorRx = /\\?(?:\[\[([#{CC_ALPHA}:_][#{CC_WORD}:.-]*)(?:,#{CG_BLANK}*(\S.*?))?\]\]|anchor:(\S+)\[(.*?[^\\])?\])/ # Matches a bibliography anchor anywhere inline. # # Examples # # [[[Foo]]] # InlineBiblioAnchorRx = /\\?\[\[\[([#{CC_WORD}:][#{CC_WORD}:.-]*?)\]\]\]/ # Matches an inline e-mail address. # # # EmailInlineMacroRx = /([\\>:\/])?#{CG_WORD}[#{CC_WORD}.%+-]*@#{CG_ALNUM}[#{CC_ALNUM}.-]*\.#{CG_ALPHA}{2,4}\b/ # Matches an inline footnote macro, which is allowed to span multiple lines. # # Examples # footnote:[text] # footnoteref:[id,text] # footnoteref:[id] # FootnoteInlineMacroRx = /\\?(footnote(?:ref)?):\[(#{CC_ALL}*?[^\\])\]/m # Matches an image or icon inline macro. # # Examples # # image:filename.png[Alt Text] # image:[Alt Text] # image:filename.png[More [Alt\] Text] (alt text becomes "More [Alt] Text") # icon:github[large] # ImageInlineMacroRx = /\\?(?:image|icon):([^:\[][^\[]*)\[((?:\\\]|[^\]])*?)\]/ # Matches an indexterm inline macro, which may span multiple lines. # # Examples # # indexterm:[Tigers,Big cats] # (((Tigers,Big cats))) # indexterm2:[Tigers] # ((Tigers)) # IndextermInlineMacroRx = /\\?(?:(indexterm2?):\[(#{CC_ALL}*?[^\\])\]|\(\((#{CC_ALL}+?)\)\)(?!\)))/m # Matches either the kbd or btn inline macro. # # Examples # # kbd:[F3] # kbd:[Ctrl+Shift+T] # kbd:[Ctrl+\]] # kbd:[Ctrl,T] # btn:[Save] # KbdBtnInlineMacroRx = /\\?(?:kbd|btn):\[((?:\\\]|[^\]])+?)\]/ # Matches the delimiter used for kbd value. # # Examples # # Ctrl + Alt+T # Ctrl,T # KbdDelimiterRx = /(?:\+|,)(?=#{CG_BLANK}*[^\1])/ # Matches an implicit link and some of the link inline macro. # # Examples # # #[GitHub] # # FIXME revisit! the main issue is we need different rules for implicit vs explicit LinkInlineRx = %r{(^|link:|<|[\s>\(\)\[\];])(\\?(?:https?|file|ftp|irc)://[^\s\[\]<]*[^\s.,\[\]<])(?:\[((?:\\\]|[^\]])*?)\])?} # Match a link or e-mail inline macro. # # Examples # # link:path[label] #[] # LinkInlineMacroRx = /\\?(?:link|mailto):([^\s\[]+)(?:\[((?:\\\]|[^\]])*?)\])/ # Matches a stem (and alternatives, asciimath and latexmath) inline macro, which may span multiple lines. # # Examples # # stem:[x != 0] # asciimath:[x != 0] # latexmath:[\sqrt{4} = 2] # StemInlineMacroRx = /\\?(stem|(?:latex|ascii)math):([a-z,]*)\[(#{CC_ALL}*?[^\\])\]/m # Matches a menu inline macro. # # Examples # # menu:File[New...] # menu:View[Page Style > No Style] # menu:View[Page Style, No Style] # MenuInlineMacroRx = /\\?menu:(#{CG_WORD}|#{CG_WORD}.*?\S)\[#{CG_BLANK}*(.+?)?\]/ # Matches an implicit menu inline macro. # # Examples # # "File > New..." # MenuInlineRx = /\\?"(#{CG_WORD}[^"]*?#{CG_BLANK}*>#{CG_BLANK}*[^" \t][^"]*)"/ # Matches an inline passthrough value, which may span multiple lines. # # Examples # # +text+ # `text` (compat) # # NOTE we always capture the attributes so we know when to use compatible (i.e., legacy) behavior PassInlineRx = { false => ['+', '`', /(^|[^#{CC_WORD};:])(?:\[([^\]]+?)\])?(\\?(\+|`)(\S|\S#{CC_ALL}*?\S)\4)(?!#{CG_WORD})/m], true => ['`', nil, /(^|[^`#{CC_WORD}])(?:\[([^\]]+?)\])?(\\?(`)([^`\s]|[^`\s]#{CC_ALL}*?\S)\4)(?![`#{CC_WORD}])/m] } # Matches several variants of the passthrough inline macro, which may span multiple lines. # # Examples # # +++text+++ # $$text$$ # pass:quotes[text] # PassInlineMacroRx = /(?:(?:(\\?)\[([^\]]+?)\])?(\\{0,2})(\+{2,3}|\${2})(#{CC_ALL}*?)\4|(\\?)pass:([a-z,]*)\[(#{CC_ALL}*?[^\\])\])/m # Matches an xref (i.e., cross-reference) inline macro, which may span multiple lines. # # Examples # # <> # xref:id[reftext] # # NOTE special characters have already been escaped, hence the entity references XrefInlineMacroRx = /\\?(?:<<([#{CC_WORD}":]#{CC_ALL}*?)>>|xref:([#{CC_WORD}":]#{CC_ALL}*?)\[(#{CC_ALL}*?)\])/m ## Layout # Matches a trailing + preceded by at least one space character, # which forces a hard line break (
tag in HTML outputs). # # Examples # # + # Foo + # if RUBY_ENGINE == 'opal' # NOTE JavaScript only treats ^ and $ as line boundaries in multiline regexp; . won't match newlines LineBreakRx = /^(.*)[ \t]\+$/m else LineBreakRx = /^(.*)[[:blank:]]\+$/ end # Matches an AsciiDoc horizontal rule or AsciiDoc page break. # # Examples # # ''' (horizontal rule) # <<< (page break) # LayoutBreakLineRx = /^('|<){3,}$/ # Matches an AsciiDoc or Markdown horizontal rule or AsciiDoc page break. # # Examples # # ''' or ' ' ' (horizontal rule) # --- or - - - (horizontal rule) # *** or * * * (horizontal rule) # <<< (page break) # LayoutBreakLinePlusRx = /^(?:'|<){3,}$|^ {0,3}([-\*_])( *)\1\2\1$/ ## General # Matches a blank line. # # NOTE allows for empty space in line as it could be left by the template engine BlankLineRx = /^#{CG_BLANK}*\n/ # Matches a comma or semi-colon delimiter. # # Examples # # one,two # three;four # DataDelimiterRx = /,|;/ # Matches one or more consecutive digits on a single line. # # Examples # # 29 # DigitsRx = /^\d+$/ # Matches a single-line of text enclosed in double quotes, capturing the quote char and text. # # Examples # # "Who goes there?" # DoubleQuotedRx = /^("|)(.*)\1$/ # Matches multiple lines of text enclosed in double quotes, capturing the quote char and text. # # Examples # # "I am a run-on sentence and I like # to take up multiple lines and I # still want to be matched." # DoubleQuotedMultiRx = /^("|)(#{CC_ALL}*)\1$/m # Matches one or more consecutive digits at the end of a line. # # Examples # # docbook45 # html5 # TrailingDigitsRx = /\d+$/ # Matches a space escaped by a backslash. # # Examples # # one\ two\ three # EscapedSpaceRx = /\\(#{CG_BLANK})/ # Matches a space delimiter that's not escaped. # # Examples # # one two three four # SpaceDelimiterRx = /([^\\])#{CG_BLANK}+/ # Matches a + or - modifier in a subs list # SubModifierSniffRx = /[+-]/ # Matches any character with multibyte support explicitly enabled (length of multibyte char = 1) # # NOTE If necessary to hide use of the language modifier (u) from JavaScript, use ( '.', false, 'u') # UnicodeCharScanRx = unless RUBY_ENGINE == 'opal' FORCE_UNICODE_LINE_LENGTH ? /./u : nil end # Detects strings that resemble URIs. # # Examples # http://domain # https://domain # data:info # UriSniffRx = %r{^#{CG_ALPHA}[#{CC_ALNUM}.+-]*:/{0,2}} # Detects the end of an implicit URI in the text # # Examples # # ( # >< # (See # UriTerminator = /[);:]$/ # Detects XML tags XmlSanitizeRx = /<[^>]+>/ # Unused # Detects any fenced block delimiter, including: # listing, literal, example, sidebar, quote, passthrough, table and fenced code # Does not match open blocks or air quotes # TIP position the most common blocks towards the front of the pattern #BlockDelimiterRx = %r{^(?:(?:-|\.|=|\*|_|\+|/){4,}|[\|,;!]={3,}|(?:`|~){3,}.*)$} # Matches an escaped single quote within a word # # Examples # # Here\'s Johnny! # #EscapedSingleQuoteRx = /(#{CG_WORD})\\'(#{CG_WORD})/ # an alternative if our backend generates single-quoted html/xml attributes #EscapedSingleQuoteRx = /(#{CG_WORD}|=)\\'(#{CG_WORD})/ # Matches whitespace at the beginning of the line #LeadingSpacesRx = /^(#{CG_BLANK}*)/ # Matches parent directory references at the beginning of a path #LeadingParentDirsRx = /^(?:\.\.\/)*/ #StripLineWise = /\A(?:\s*\n)?(#{CC_ALL}*?)\s*\z/m #end INTRINSIC_ATTRIBUTES = { 'startsb' => '[', 'endsb' => ']', 'vbar' => '|', 'caret' => '^', 'asterisk' => '*', 'tilde' => '~', 'plus' => '+', 'apostrophe' => '\'', 'backslash' => '\\', 'backtick' => '`', 'empty' => '', 'sp' => ' ', 'space' => ' ', 'two-colons' => '::', 'two-semicolons' => ';;', 'nbsp' => ' ', 'deg' => '°', 'zwsp' => '​', 'quot' => '"', 'apos' => ''', 'lsquo' => '‘', 'rsquo' => '’', 'ldquo' => '“', 'rdquo' => '”', 'wj' => '⁠', 'brvbar' => '¦', 'amp' => '&', 'lt' => '<', 'gt' => '>' } # unconstrained quotes:: can appear anywhere # constrained quotes:: must be bordered by non-word characters # NOTE these substitutions are processed in the order they appear here and # the order in which they are replaced is important quote_subs = [ # **strong** [:strong, :unconstrained, /\\?(?:\[([^\]]+?)\])?\*\*(#{CC_ALL}+?)\*\*/m], # *strong* [:strong, :constrained, /(^|[^#{CC_WORD};:}])(?:\[([^\]]+?)\])?\*(\S|\S#{CC_ALL}*?\S)\*(?!#{CG_WORD})/m], # "`double-quoted`" [:double, :constrained, /(^|[^#{CC_WORD};:}])(?:\[([^\]]+?)\])?"`(\S|\S#{CC_ALL}*?\S)`"(?!#{CG_WORD})/m], # '`single-quoted`' [:single, :constrained, /(^|[^#{CC_WORD};:`}])(?:\[([^\]]+?)\])?'`(\S|\S#{CC_ALL}*?\S)`'(?!#{CG_WORD})/m], # ``monospaced`` [:monospaced, :unconstrained, /\\?(?:\[([^\]]+?)\])?``(#{CC_ALL}+?)``/m], # `monospaced` [:monospaced, :constrained, /(^|[^#{CC_WORD};:"'`}])(?:\[([^\]]+?)\])?`(\S|\S#{CC_ALL}*?\S)`(?![#{CC_WORD}"'`])/m], # __emphasis__ [:emphasis, :unconstrained, /\\?(?:\[([^\]]+?)\])?__(#{CC_ALL}+?)__/m], # _emphasis_ [:emphasis, :constrained, /(^|[^#{CC_WORD};:}])(?:\[([^\]]+?)\])?_(\S|\S#{CC_ALL}*?\S)_(?!#{CG_WORD})/m], # ##mark## (referred to in AsciiDoc Python as unquoted) [:mark, :unconstrained, /\\?(?:\[([^\]]+?)\])?##(#{CC_ALL}+?)##/m], # #mark# (referred to in AsciiDoc Python as unquoted) [:mark, :constrained, /(^|[^#{CC_WORD}&;:}])(?:\[([^\]]+?)\])?#(\S|\S#{CC_ALL}*?\S)#(?!#{CG_WORD})/m], # ^superscript^ [:superscript, :unconstrained, /\\?(?:\[([^\]]+?)\])?\^(\S+?)\^/], # ~subscript~ [:subscript, :unconstrained, /\\?(?:\[([^\]]+?)\])?~(\S+?)~/] ] compat_quote_subs = quote_subs.dup # ``quoted'' compat_quote_subs[2] = [:double, :constrained, /(^|[^#{CC_WORD};:}])(?:\[([^\]]+?)\])?``(\S|\S#{CC_ALL}*?\S)''(?!#{CG_WORD})/m] # `quoted' compat_quote_subs[3] = [:single, :constrained, /(^|[^#{CC_WORD};:}])(?:\[([^\]]+?)\])?`(\S|\S#{CC_ALL}*?\S)'(?!#{CG_WORD})/m] # ++monospaced++ compat_quote_subs[4] = [:monospaced, :unconstrained, /\\?(?:\[([^\]]+?)\])?\+\+(#{CC_ALL}+?)\+\+/m] # +monospaced+ compat_quote_subs[5] = [:monospaced, :constrained, /(^|[^#{CC_WORD};:}])(?:\[([^\]]+?)\])?\+(\S|\S#{CC_ALL}*?\S)\+(?!#{CG_WORD})/m] # #unquoted# #compat_quote_subs[8] = [:unquoted, *compat_quote_subs[8][1..-1]] # ##unquoted## #compat_quote_subs[9] = [:unquoted, *compat_quote_subs[9][1..-1]] # 'emphasis' compat_quote_subs.insert 3, [:emphasis, :constrained, /(^|[^#{CC_WORD};:}])(?:\[([^\]]+?)\])?'(\S|\S#{CC_ALL}*?\S)'(?!#{CG_WORD})/m] QUOTE_SUBS = { false => quote_subs, true => compat_quote_subs } quote_subs = nil compat_quote_subs = nil # NOTE in Ruby 1.8.7, [^\\] does not match start of line, # so we need to match it explicitly # order is significant REPLACEMENTS = [ # (C) [/\\?\(C\)/, '©', :none], # (R) [/\\?\(R\)/, '®', :none], # (TM) [/\\?\(TM\)/, '™', :none], # foo -- bar # FIXME this drops the endline if it appears at end of line [/(^|\n| |\\)--( |\n|$)/, ' — ', :none], # foo--bar [/(#{CG_WORD})\\?--(?=#{CG_WORD})/, '—​', :leading], # ellipsis [/\\?\.\.\./, '…​', :leading], # right single quote [/\\?`'/, '’', :none], # apostrophe (inside a word) [/(#{CG_ALNUM})\\?'(?=#{CG_ALPHA})/, '’', :leading], # right arrow -> [/\\?->/, '→', :none], # right double arrow => [/\\?=>/, '⇒', :none], # left arrow <- [/\\?<-/, '←', :none], # left double arrow <= [/\\?<=/, '⇐', :none], # restore entities [/\\?(&)amp;((?:[a-zA-Z]+|#\d{2,5}|#x[a-fA-F0-9]{2,4});)/, '', :bounding] ] class << self # Public: Parse the AsciiDoc source input into a {Document} # # Accepts input as an IO (or StringIO), String or String Array object. If the # input is a File, information about the file is stored in attributes on the # Document object. # # input - the AsciiDoc source as a IO, String or Array. # options - a String, Array or Hash of options to control processing (default: {}) # String and Array values are converted into a Hash. # See {Document#initialize} for details about these options. # # Returns the Document def load input, options = {} options = options.dup if (timings = options[:timings]) timings.start :read end attributes = options[:attributes] = if !(attrs = options[:attributes]) {} elsif (attrs.is_a? ::Hash) || (::RUBY_ENGINE_JRUBY && (attrs.is_a? ::Java::JavaUtil::Map)) attrs.dup elsif attrs.is_a? ::Array attrs.inject({}) do |accum, entry| k, v = entry.split '=', 2 accum[k] = v || '' accum end elsif attrs.is_a? ::String # convert non-escaped spaces into null character, so we split on the # correct spaces chars, and restore escaped spaces capture_1 = ::RUBY_ENGINE_OPAL ? '$1' : '\1' attrs = attrs.gsub(SpaceDelimiterRx, %(#{capture_1}#{NULL})).gsub(EscapedSpaceRx, capture_1) attrs.split(NULL).inject({}) do |accum, entry| k, v = entry.split '=', 2 accum[k] = v || '' accum end elsif (attrs.respond_to? :keys) && (attrs.respond_to? :[]) # convert it to a Hash as we know it original_attrs = attrs attrs = {} original_attrs.keys.each do |key| attrs[key] = original_attrs[key] end attrs else raise ::ArgumentError, %(illegal type for attributes option: #{attrs.class.ancestors}) end lines = nil if input.is_a? ::File lines = input.readlines input_mtime = input.mtime input = ::File.expand_path input.path input_path = input.path # hold off on setting infile and indir until we get a better sense of their purpose attributes['docfile'] = input_path attributes['docdir'] = ::File.dirname input_path attributes['docname'] = ::File.basename input_path, (::File.extname input_path) attributes['docdate'] = docdate = input_mtime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') attributes['doctime'] = doctime = input_mtime.strftime('%H:%M:%S %Z') attributes['docdatetime'] = %(#{docdate} #{doctime}) elsif input.respond_to? :readlines # NOTE tty, pipes & sockets can't be rewound, but can't be sniffed easily either # just fail the rewind operation silently to handle all cases begin input.rewind rescue end lines = input.readlines elsif input.is_a? ::String lines = input.lines.entries elsif input.is_a? ::Array lines = input.dup else raise ::ArgumentError, %(Unsupported input type: #{input.class}) end if timings timings.record :read timings.start :parse end doc = (options[:parse] == false ? ( lines, options) : ( lines,options).parse) timings.record :parse if timings doc end # Public: Parse the contents of the AsciiDoc source file into an Asciidoctor::Document # # Accepts input as an IO, String or String Array object. If the # input is a File, information about the file is stored in # attributes on the Document. # # input - the String AsciiDoc source filename # options - a String, Array or Hash of options to control processing (default: {}) # String and Array values are converted into a Hash. # See Asciidoctor::Document#initialize for details about options. # # Returns the Asciidoctor::Document def load_file filename, options = {} self.load || ''), options end # Public: Parse the AsciiDoc source input into an Asciidoctor::Document and # convert it to the specified backend format. # # Accepts input as an IO, String or String Array object. If the # input is a File, information about the file is stored in # attributes on the Document. # # If the :in_place option is true, and the input is a File, the output is # written to a file adjacent to the input file, having an extension that # corresponds to the backend format. Otherwise, if the :to_file option is # specified, the file is written to that file. If :to_file is not an absolute # path, it is resolved relative to :to_dir, if given, otherwise the # Document#base_dir. If the target directory does not exist, it will not be # created unless the :mkdirs option is set to true. If the file cannot be # written because the target directory does not exist, or because it falls # outside of the Document#base_dir in safe mode, an IOError is raised. # # If the output is going to be written to a file, the header and footer are # included unless specified otherwise (writing to a file implies creating a # standalone document). Otherwise, the header and footer are not included by # default and the converted result is returned. # # input - the String AsciiDoc source filename # options - a String, Array or Hash of options to control processing (default: {}) # String and Array values are converted into a Hash. # See Asciidoctor::Document#initialize for details about options. # # Returns the Document object if the converted String is written to a # file, otherwise the converted String def convert input, options = {} options = options.dup to_file = options.delete(:to_file) to_dir = options.delete(:to_dir) mkdirs = options.delete(:mkdirs) || false timings = options[:timings] case to_file when true, nil write_to_same_dir = !to_dir && (input.is_a? ::File) stream_output = false write_to_target = to_dir to_file = nil when false write_to_same_dir = false stream_output = false write_to_target = false to_file = nil else write_to_same_dir = false stream_output = to_file.respond_to? :write write_to_target = stream_output ? false : to_file end if !options.key?(:header_footer) && (write_to_same_dir || write_to_target) options[:header_footer] = true end doc = self.load input, options if to_file == '/dev/null' return doc elsif write_to_same_dir infile = ::File.expand_path input.path outfile = ::File.join ::File.dirname(infile), %(#{doc.attributes['docname']}#{doc.attributes['outfilesuffix']}) if outfile == infile raise ::IOError, 'Input file and output file are the same!' end outdir = ::File.dirname outfile elsif write_to_target working_dir = options.has_key?(:base_dir) ? ::File.expand_path(options[:base_dir]) : ::File.expand_path(::Dir.pwd) # QUESTION should the jail be the working_dir or doc.base_dir??? jail = >= SafeMode::SAFE ? working_dir : nil if to_dir outdir = doc.normalize_system_path(to_dir, working_dir, jail, :target_name => 'to_dir', :recover => false) if to_file outfile = doc.normalize_system_path(to_file, outdir, nil, :target_name => 'to_dir', :recover => false) # reestablish outdir as the final target directory (in the case to_file had directory segments) outdir = ::File.dirname outfile else outfile = ::File.join outdir, %(#{doc.attributes['docname']}#{doc.attributes['outfilesuffix']}) end elsif to_file outfile = doc.normalize_system_path(to_file, working_dir, jail, :target_name => 'to_dir', :recover => false) # establish outdir as the final target directory (in the case to_file had directory segments) outdir = ::File.dirname outfile end unless outdir if mkdirs ::FileUtils.mkdir_p outdir else # NOTE we intentionally refer to the directory as it was passed to the API raise ::IOError, %(target directory does not exist: #{to_dir}) end end else outfile = to_file outdir = nil end timings.start :convert if timings output = doc.convert timings.record :convert if timings if outfile timings.start :write if timings unless stream_output doc.attributes['outfile'] = outfile doc.attributes['outdir'] = outdir end doc.write output, outfile timings.record :write if timings # NOTE document cannot control this behavior if safe >= SafeMode::SERVER if !stream_output && < SafeMode::SECURE && (doc.attr? 'basebackend-html') && (doc.attr? 'linkcss') && (doc.attr? 'copycss') copy_asciidoctor_stylesheet = DEFAULT_STYLESHEET_KEYS.include?(stylesheet = (doc.attr 'stylesheet')) copy_user_stylesheet = !copy_asciidoctor_stylesheet && !stylesheet.nil_or_empty? copy_coderay_stylesheet = (doc.attr? 'source-highlighter', 'coderay') && (doc.attr 'coderay-css', 'class') == 'class' copy_pygments_stylesheet = (doc.attr? 'source-highlighter', 'pygments') && (doc.attr 'pygments-css', 'class') == 'class' if copy_asciidoctor_stylesheet || copy_user_stylesheet || copy_coderay_stylesheet || copy_pygments_stylesheet outdir = doc.attr('outdir') stylesoutdir = doc.normalize_system_path(doc.attr('stylesdir'), outdir, >= SafeMode::SAFE ? outdir : nil) Helpers.mkdir_p stylesoutdir if mkdirs if copy_asciidoctor_stylesheet Stylesheets.instance.write_primary_stylesheet stylesoutdir # FIXME should Stylesheets also handle the user stylesheet? elsif copy_user_stylesheet if (stylesheet_src = (doc.attr 'copycss')).empty? stylesheet_src = doc.normalize_system_path stylesheet else stylesheet_src = doc.normalize_system_path stylesheet_src end stylesheet_dst = doc.normalize_system_path stylesheet, stylesoutdir, ( >= SafeMode::SAFE ? outdir : nil) unless stylesheet_src == stylesheet_dst || (stylesheet_content = doc.read_asset stylesheet_src).nil?, 'w') {|f| f.write stylesheet_content } end end if copy_coderay_stylesheet Stylesheets.instance.write_coderay_stylesheet stylesoutdir elsif copy_pygments_stylesheet Stylesheets.instance.write_pygments_stylesheet stylesoutdir, (doc.attr 'pygments-style') end end end doc else output end end # Alias render to convert to maintain backwards compatibility alias :render :convert # Public: Parse the contents of the AsciiDoc source file into an # Asciidoctor::Document and convert it to the specified backend format. # # input - the String AsciiDoc source filename # options - a String, Array or Hash of options to control processing (default: {}) # String and Array values are converted into a Hash. # See Asciidoctor::Document#initialize for details about options. # # Returns the Document object if the converted String is written to a # file, otherwise the converted String def convert_file filename, options = {} self.convert || ''), options end # Alias render_file to convert_file to maintain backwards compatibility alias :render_file :convert_file end if RUBY_ENGINE == 'opal' require 'asciidoctor/debug' require 'asciidoctor/version' require 'asciidoctor/timings' else autoload :Debug, 'asciidoctor/debug' autoload :VERSION, 'asciidoctor/version' autoload :Timings, 'asciidoctor/timings' end end # core extensions require 'asciidoctor/core_ext' # modules require 'asciidoctor/helpers' require 'asciidoctor/substitutors' # abstract classes require 'asciidoctor/abstract_node' require 'asciidoctor/abstract_block' # concrete classes require 'asciidoctor/attribute_list' require 'asciidoctor/block' require 'asciidoctor/callouts' require 'asciidoctor/converter' require 'asciidoctor/converter/html5' if RUBY_ENGINE_OPAL require 'asciidoctor/document' require 'asciidoctor/inline' require 'asciidoctor/list' require 'asciidoctor/parser' require 'asciidoctor/path_resolver' require 'asciidoctor/reader' require 'asciidoctor/section' require 'asciidoctor/stylesheets' require 'asciidoctor/table'