module Capricorn module Actors # :nodoc: class BaseActor < Capricorn::Actor on_install_satellite :create_rails_app on_link_satellite :link_engines on_uninstall_satellite :destroy_rails_app # create a new rails app for the current satellite def create_rails_app system.as_user(system.web_user, system.web_group) do FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(system.satellite_root), :verbose => true) FileUtils.mkdir_p(system.shared_root, :verbose => true) end Dir.chdir(File.dirname(system.satellite_root)) do system.user_run system.web_user, "rails --force #{system.satellite_root}" end system.as_user(system.web_user, system.web_group) do Dir.chdir(File.dirname(system.satellite_root)) do link(File.join(system.shared_root, 'public'), File.join(system.satellite_root, 'public', 'system')) link(File.join(system.shared_root, 'private'), File.join(system.satellite_root, 'db', 'system')) link(File.join(system.shared_root, 'log'), File.join(system.satellite_root, 'log')) link(File.join(system.shared_root, 'settings'), File.join(system.satellite_root, 'config', 'settings')) end end end # destroy the rails app for the current satellite def destroy_rails_app FileUtils.rm_rf system.satellite_root, :verbose => true end # link the required engines for the current satellite def link_engines Dir.chdir(system.satellite_root) do system.as_user(system.web_user, system.web_group) do clean_index_html_file write_environment clean_links @dependecies.reverse_each do |spec| link_engine(spec) end FileUtils.symlink( File.join(system.satellite_root, "public"), File.join(system.satellite_root, "public/vendor", satellite.module_name), :verbose => true) rescue nil if File.exist? 'public/crossdomain.xml' File.unlink 'public/crossdomain.xml' end'public/crossdomain.xml', 'w+') do |f| f.write %{ } end end run_migrations end end private def clean_index_html_file index_html = File.join(system.satellite_root, 'public', 'index.html') if File.file?(index_html) FileUtils.rm_f(index_html, :verbose => true) rescue nil end end def link(src, dst) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(dst), :verbose => true) FileUtils.mkdir_p(src, :verbose => true) FileUtils.rm_rf dst, :verbose => true FileUtils.symlink(src, dst, :verbose => true) end def write_environment @dependecies = Capricorn::Satellite::DependencyLoader.load_for(satellite.engines) @dependecies.engines rails_header = " do |config|\n" gems_header = " # Gems added by engine_manager:\n \n" gsub_file('config/environment.rb') do |content| content.gsub!(/^\s*config.gem.+\n/, '') content.gsub! %r{#{Regexp.escape(rails_header)}(#{Regexp.escape(gems_header)})?}, "#{rails_header}#{gems_header}" @dependecies.reverse_each do |spec| gem_options = @dependecies.engines[] || {} content.gsub! "engine_manager:\n", "engine_manager:\n config.gem #{}, #{gem_options.inspect}\n" end end end def link_engine(spec) Capricorn.log "linking: #{}..." path = File.join(spec.full_gem_path, 'public') if FileUtils.mkdir_p('public/vendor', :verbose => true) FileUtils.ln_s(path, "public/vendor/#{}", :verbose => true) end path = File.join(spec.full_gem_path, 'tasks') if FileUtils.mkdir_p("lib/tasks/vendor/#{}", :verbose => true) Dir.glob("#{path}/*.rake").each do |rake_file| FileUtils.ln_s(rake_file, "lib/tasks/vendor/#{}/#{File.basename(rake_file)}", :verbose => true) end end path = File.join(spec.full_gem_path, 'config/locales') if FileUtils.mkdir_p("config/locales", :verbose => true) Dir.glob("#{path}/*.{rb,yml,yaml}").each do |locale_file| FileUtils.ln_s(locale_file, "config/locales/#{File.basename(locale_file)}", :verbose => true) rescue nil end end path = File.join(spec.full_gem_path, 'db', 'migrate') if FileUtils.mkdir_p("db/migrate", :verbose => true) unlinked_migrations.concat(Dir.glob("#{path}/*.rb")) linked_migrations.each do |migration, target| if target[0,spec.full_gem_path.size] == spec.full_gem_path unlinked_migrations.delete(target) unused_migrations.delete(migration) end end end end def clean_links Dir.glob("config/locales/*").each do |path| FileUtils.rm_rf(path) if File.symlink?(path) end FileUtils.rm_rf("lib/tasks/vendor", :verbose => true) FileUtils.rm_rf("public/vendor", :verbose => true) end def run_migrations Capricorn.log "running your migrations..." unless unlinked_migrations.empty? and unused_migrations.empty? unlinked_migration_targets = unlinked_migrations.collect{ |migration| File.basename(migration) } unused_migrations.each do |migration, target| unless unlinked_migration_targets.include? File.basename(migration) migration =~ /(\d+)_[^.]+\.rb/ system.user_run(system.web_user, "cd #{system.satellite_root} ; rake db:migrate:down RAILS_ENV=#{system.rails_environment} VERSION=#{$1}") end FileUtils.rm_rf(migration, :verbose => true) end system.as_user(system.web_user, system.web_group) do unlinked_migrations.each do |migration| begin FileUtils.ln_s(migration, "db/migrate/#{File.basename(migration)}", :verbose => true) rescue FileUtils.rm_rf("db/migrate/#{File.basename(migration)}", :verbose => true) retry end end end unless unlinked_migrations.empty? system.user_run(system.web_user, "cd #{system.satellite_root} ; rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=#{system.rails_environment}") end end def gsub_file(path, pattern=nil, replace=nil, &block) if File.exist? path content = if block else return false unless content.gsub!(pattern, replace) end, 'w+') { |f| f.write content } end end def linked_migrations @linked_migrations ||= Dir.glob('db/migrate/*.rb').select { |migration| File.symlink?(migration) }.inject({}) { |m, migration| m[migration] = File.readlink(migration) ; m } end def unused_migrations @unused_migrations ||= linked_migrations.dup end def unlinked_migrations @unlinked_migrations ||= [] end module Helper # install a gem. def gem_install(name, options={}) gem_cmd('install', name, options) gem_refresh end def gem_refresh original_paths = [Gem.path].flatten Gem.refresh Gem.send(:set_paths, original_paths.compact.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)) end # check if a gem is installed def gem_installed(name, options) version = options[:version] || '0.0.0' options = { :version => version, :installed => true } (gem_cmd('list', name, options).strip =~ /true/) end # update a gem def gem_update(name, options={}) output = if name == :all gem_cmd('update', nil, options) else gem_cmd('update', name, options) end if !(output =~ /Nothing to update/) gem_refresh true else false end end # ensure the presence of a gem def ensure_presence_of_gem(name, options={}) if !gem_installed(name, options) gem_install(name, options) end end private def gem_cmd(cmd, args, options={}) user = options.delete(:user) user ||= (install_gems_with_web_user ? web_user : system_user) args = [args].flatten.compact args.collect! { |a| (a and a.inspect) || '' } args += do |k,v| if TrueClass === v "--#{k}" else "--#{k}=#{v.inspect}" end end user_run(user, "#{gem_bin_path} #{cmd} #{args.join(' ')}") end end module Config # set the path to the ruby executable. def ruby_path(&block) option(:ruby_path, block) { |s, v| v or find_bin('ruby', 'ruby1.8', 'ruby18') } end # set the path to the gem executable. def gem_bin_path(&block) option(:gem_bin_path, block) { |s, v| v or find_bin('gem', 'gem1.8', 'gem18') } end # set the path to the rails executable. def rails_path(&block) option(:rails_path, block) do |v| user = (install_gems_with_web_user ? web_user : system_user) v or user_find_bin(user, 'rails') end end # set the owner group of the current satellite. def web_group(&block) satellite_option(:web_group, block) end # set the owner of the current satellite. def web_user(&block) satellite_option(:web_user, block) end # set the system user (the user which runs the capricorn server). def system_user(&block) option(:system_user, block) { |v| v or 'root' } end # set whether gems should be installed with the web user. def install_gems_with_web_user(&block) option(:install_gems_with_web_user, block) end # set the path to the satellite's root path def satellite_root(&block) satellite_option(:satellite_root, block) end # set the path to the satellite's shared path def shared_root(&block) satellite_option(:shared_root, block) end # set the rails environment. def rails_environment(&block) satellite_option(:rails_environment, block) { |s,v| v or 'development' } end end end end end