require_relative 'spec_helper' describe Alephant::Broker::Application do include Rack::Test::Methods let(:config) do { aws_account_id: '12345', lookup_table_name: 'test_table', s3_bucket_id: 'test_bucket', s3_object_path: 'bucket_path', sqs_queue_name: 'test_queue' } end let(:app) do, config ) end let(:content) do { content: 'Test', content_type: 'test/content', meta: { :ttl => '35', :head_ETag => '123', :'head_Last-Modified' => 'Mon, 11 Apr 2016 10:39:57 GMT' } } end let(:lookup_location_double) { instance_double(Alephant::Lookup::LookupLocation, location: 'test/location') } let(:lookup_helper_double) { instance_double(Alephant::Lookup::LookupHelper, read: lookup_location_double) } let(:storage_double) { instance_double(Alephant::Storage, get: content) } let(:fake_client) { true) } before do allow_any_instance_of(Logger).to receive(:info) allow_any_instance_of(Logger).to receive(:debug) allow(Thread).to receive(:new).and_yield allow(Alephant::Lookup).to receive(:create).and_return(lookup_helper_double) allow(Alephant::Storage).to receive(:new).and_return(storage_double) allow_any_instance_of(Alephant::Broker::LoadStrategy::Revalidate::Refresher).to receive(:client).and_return(fake_client) fake_client.stub_responses(:get_queue_url, { queue_url: '' }) end describe 'GET `/status`' do before { get('/status') } specify { expect(last_response.status).to eql(200) } specify { expect(last_response.body).to eql('ok') } end describe 'GET an undefined endpoint' do before { get('/wotever') } specify { expect(last_response.status).to eql(404) } specify { expect(last_response.body).to eq('Not found') } specify { expect(last_response.headers).to include('Cache-Control') } specify { expect(last_response.headers).to include('Pragma') } specify { expect(last_response.headers).to include('Expires') } end describe 'GET `/component/....`' do context 'when the content IS available from S3/storage' do before { get('/component/test_component') } specify { expect(last_response.status).to eql(200) } specify { expect(last_response.body).to eql('Test') } specify { expect(last_response.headers).to_not include('Cache-Control') } specify { expect(last_response.headers).to_not include('Pragma') } specify { expect(last_response.headers).to_not include('Expires') } specify { expect(last_response.headers['ETag']).to eq('123') } specify { expect(last_response.headers['Last-Modified']).to eq('Mon, 11 Apr 2016 10:39:57 GMT') } specify { expect(last_response.headers['Content-Type']).to eq('test/content') } specify { expect(last_response.headers['Content-Length']).to eq('4') } end context 'when the content IS NOT available from S3/storage' do before do allow(storage_double) .to receive(:get) .and_raise(, nil)) get('/component/test_component') end specify { expect(last_response.status).to eql(202) } specify { expect(last_response.body).to eql('Accepted') } end end describe '`/components`' do let(:fixture_path) { "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../fixtures/json" } let(:batch_json) {"#{fixture_path}/batch.json").strip } let(:batch_compiled_json) {"#{fixture_path}/batch_compiled_no_sequence.json").strip } before do allow(storage_double) .to receive(:get) .and_return( content, { content: 'Test', content_type: 'test/content', meta: { :head_ETag => '"abc"', :'head_Last-Modified' => 'Mon, 11 Apr 2016 09:39:57 GMT' } } ) end describe 'POST' do let(:path) { '/components/batch' } let(:content_type) { 'application/json' } context 'when the content is available from S3/Storage' do before { post(path, batch_json, 'CONTENT_TYPE' => content_type) } specify { expect(last_response.status).to eql(200) } specify { expect(last_response.body).to eq(batch_compiled_json) } end context 'when the content IS NOT available from S3/storage' do before do allow(storage_double) .to receive(:get) .and_raise(, nil)) post(path, batch_json, 'CONTENT_TYPE' => content_type) end specify { expect(last_response.status).to eql(200) } specify do statuses = JSON.parse(last_response.body)['components'].map { |c| c['status'] } expect(statuses).to eq([202, 202]) end end end describe 'GET' do let(:path) { '/components/batch?batch_id=baz&components[ni_council_results_table][component]=ni_council_results_table&components[ni_council_results_table][options][foo]=bar&components[ni_council_results_table_no_options][component]=ni_council_results_table' } let(:content_type) { 'application/json' } context 'when the content is available from S3/Storage' do before { get(path, {}, 'CONTENT_TYPE' => content_type) } specify { expect(last_response.status).to eql(200) } specify { expect(last_response.body).to eq(batch_compiled_json) } end context 'when the content IS NOT available from S3/storage' do before do allow(storage_double) .to receive(:get) .and_raise(, nil)) get(path, {}, 'CONTENT_TYPE' => content_type) end specify { expect(last_response.status).to eql(200) } specify do statuses = JSON.parse(last_response.body)['components'].map { |c| c['status'] } expect(statuses).to eq([202, 202]) end end end end end