# encoding: utf-8 module ToRegexp module Regexp def to_regexp self end end module String REGEXP_DELIMITERS = { '%r{' => '}', '/' => '/', } # Get a regexp back # # Without :literal or :detect, `"foo".to_regexp` will return nil. # # @param [optional, Hash] options # @option options [true,false] :literal Treat meta characters and other regexp codes as just text; always return a regexp # @option options [true,false] :detect If string starts and ends with valid regexp delimiters, treat it as a regexp; otherwise, interpret it literally # @option options [true,false] :ignore_case /foo/i # @option options [true,false] :multiline /foo/m # @option options [true,false] :extended /foo/x # @option options [true,false] :lang /foo/[nesu] def to_regexp(options = {}) if args = as_regexp(options) ::Regexp.new *args end end # Return arguments that can be passed to `Regexp.new` # @see to_regexp def as_regexp(options = {}) unless options.is_a?(::Hash) raise ::ArgumentError, "[to_regexp] Options must be a Hash" end str = self.strip if options[:literal] or (options[:detect] and REGEXP_DELIMITERS.none? { |k, v| str.start_with?(k) and str.end_with?(v) }) content = ::Regexp.escape str elsif delim_set = REGEXP_DELIMITERS.detect { |k, v| str.start_with?(k) } delim_start, delim_end = delim_set.map { |delim| ::Regexp.escape delim } /\A#{delim_start}(.*)#{delim_end}([^#{delim_end}]*)\z/u =~ str content = $1 inline_options = $2 return unless content.is_a?(::String) content.gsub! '\\/', '/' if inline_options options[:ignore_case] = true if inline_options.include?('i') options[:multiline] = true if inline_options.include?('m') options[:extended] = true if inline_options.include?('x') # 'n', 'N' = none, 'e', 'E' = EUC, 's', 'S' = SJIS, 'u', 'U' = UTF-8 options[:lang] = inline_options.scan(/[nesu]/i).join.downcase end else return end ignore_case = options[:ignore_case] ? ::Regexp::IGNORECASE : 0 multiline = options[:multiline] ? ::Regexp::MULTILINE : 0 extended = options[:extended] ? ::Regexp::EXTENDED : 0 lang = options[:lang] || '' if ::RUBY_VERSION > '1.9' and lang.include?('u') lang = lang.delete 'u' end if lang.empty? [ content, (ignore_case|multiline|extended) ] else [ content, (ignore_case|multiline|extended), lang ] end end end end ::String.send :include, ::ToRegexp::String ::Regexp.send :include, ::ToRegexp::Regexp