module PovTest open NUnit.Framework open Pov let x = "x" let leaf v = mkGraph v [] let singleton = mkGraph x [] let flat = mkGraph "root" ( leaf ["a"; "b"; x; "c"]) let nested = mkGraph "level-0" [mkGraph "level-1" [mkGraph "level-2" [mkGraph "level-3" [mkGraph x []]]]] let kids = mkGraph "root" [mkGraph x [mkGraph "kid-0" []; mkGraph "kid-1" []]] let cousins = mkGraph "grandparent" [ mkGraph "parent" [ mkGraph x [leaf "kid-a"; leaf "kid-b"]; (leaf "sibling-0"); (leaf "sibling-1")]; mkGraph "uncle" [ (leaf "cousin-0"); (leaf "cousin-1")]] let singleton' = singleton let flat' = mkGraph x [mkGraph "root" ( leaf ["a"; "b"; "c"])] let nested' = mkGraph x [mkGraph "level-3" [mkGraph "level-2" [mkGraph "level-1" [mkGraph "level-0" []]]]] let kids' = mkGraph x [mkGraph "kid-0" []; mkGraph "kid-1" []; mkGraph "root" []] let cousins' = mkGraph x [ leaf "kid-a"; leaf "kid-b"; mkGraph "parent" [ mkGraph "sibling-0" []; mkGraph "sibling-1" []; mkGraph "grandparent" [ mkGraph "uncle" [ mkGraph "cousin-0" []; mkGraph "cousin-1" []]]]] [] let ``Reparent singleton`` () = Assert.That(fromPOV x singleton, Is.EqualTo(Some singleton')) [] [] let ``Reparent flat`` () = Assert.That(fromPOV x flat, Is.EqualTo(Some flat')) [] [] let ``Reparent nested`` () = Assert.That(fromPOV x nested, Is.EqualTo(Some nested')) [] [] let ``Reparent kids`` () = Assert.That(fromPOV x kids, Is.EqualTo(Some kids')) [] [] let ``Reparent cousins`` () = Assert.That(fromPOV x cousins, Is.EqualTo(Some cousins')) [] [] let ``Reparent from POV of non-existent node`` () = Assert.That(fromPOV x (leaf "foo"), Is.EqualTo(None)) [] [] let ``Should not be able to find a missing node`` () = let nodes = [singleton; flat; kids; nested; cousins] |> (fromPOV "NOT THERE") Assert.That(nodes, Is.All.EqualTo(None)) [] [] let ``Cannot trace between un-connected nodes`` () = Assert.That(tracePathBetween x "NOT THERE" cousins, Is.EqualTo(None)) [] [] let ``Can trace a path from x to cousin`` () = Assert.That(tracePathBetween x "cousin-1" cousins, Is.EqualTo(Some ["x"; "parent"; "grandparent"; "uncle"; "cousin-1"])) [] [] let ``Can trace from a leaf to a leaf`` () = Assert.That(tracePathBetween "kid-a" "cousin-0" cousins, Is.EqualTo(Some ["kid-a"; "x"; "parent"; "grandparent"; "uncle"; "cousin-0"]))