# Vagrant oVirt v4 Provider This is a [Vagrant](http://www.vagrantup.com) 1.1+ plugin that adds an [oVirt v4](http://ovirt.org) and allowing Vagrant to control and provision machines in oVirt. ## Installation ``` $ vagrant plugin install vagrant-ovirt4 $ vagrant up --provider=ovirt4 ``` ## Usage ### Prerequisites #### Configuration 1. [ovirt-guest-agent](https://github.com/oVirt/ovirt-guest-agent) 1. [cloud-init](https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) 1. User 'vagrant' 1. password 'vagrant' 1. Public key [from here](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mitchellh/vagrant/master/keys/vagrant.pub) 1. add to group with sudo no password 1. set `!requiretty` in sudoers 1. firewall off and ssh enabled #### Example creation steps 1. Create a base template 1. Centos Example 1. Spin up a virtual machine using the Centos 7 Generic Cloud Image from the ovirt Glance provider 1. Once it is up and running, run [the example script](tools/prepare_redhat_for_box.sh) from inside the VM 1. Power down the virtual machine 1. Remove all Network Interfaces from the VM (so that the template does not have it) 1. Right click the virtual machine and click 'Make Template' ### Supported Commands (tested) 1. `vagrant up` 1. `vagrant destroy` 1. `vagrant ssh [-c '#command']` 1. `vagrant ssh-config` 1. `vagrant halt` 1. `vagrant reload` 1. `vagrant status` 1. `vagrant suspend` 1. `vagrant resume` ### Configuration example ``` Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| config.vm.box = 'ovirt4' config.vm.hostname = "foo" config.vm.box_url = 'https://github.com/myoung34/vagrant-ovirt4/blob/master/example_box/dummy.box?raw=true' config.vm.network :private_network, :ip => '', :nictype => 'virtio', :netmask => '', #normal network configuration :ovirt__ip => '', :ovirt__network_name => 'ovirtmgmt', :ovirt__gateway => '' # oVirt specific information, overwrites previous on oVirt provider config.vm.provider :ovirt4 do |ovirt| ovirt.url = 'https://server/ovirt-engine/api' ovirt.username = "admin@internal" ovirt.password = "password" ovirt.insecure = true ovirt.debug = true ovirt.cluster = 'Default' ovirt.template = 'Vagrant-Centos7-test' ovirt.console = 'vnc' end end ``` ### Configuration options 1. Vagrant specific 1. `config.vm.hostname` => Sets the hostname of the VM a. Is the 'name' in the Virtual Machine tab of the UI a. Is the 'hostname' of the VM configured by `cloud-init` 1. `config.vm.network` => Sets the network information of the VM. a. Note: `:ip` => is ignored, but `:ovirt__ip` is used and merged with `:ip` 1. Provider specific 1. `config.vm.network` => Sets the network information of the VM. a. Note: Only `:private_network` is currently supported. a. If `:ovirt__ip` is provided, then the network type is assumed 'STATIC' and `gateway` is also used. 1. `url` => The URL for the API. Required. String. No default value. 1. `username` => The username for the API. Required. String. No default value. 1. `password` => The password for the API. Required. String. No default value. 1. `insecure` => Allow connecting to SSL sites without certificates. Optional. Bool. Default is `false` 1. `debug` => Turn on additional log statements. Optional. Bool. Default is `false`. 1. `cpus` => Number of CPUs to use for the VM. Optional. Integer. Default is `1`. a. Note: (TODO) [Unknown usage](https://github.com/myoung34/vagrant-ovirt4/issues/26) 1. `datacenter` => The name of the ovirt datacenter to create within. Required. String. No Default value. a. Note: (TODO) [Unknown usage](https://github.com/myoung34/vagrant-ovirt4/issues/26) 1. `template` => The name of the template to use for creation. Required. String. No Default value. 1. `memory` => The amount of RAM to use. a. Note: (TODO) [Unknown usage/defaults](https://github.com/myoung34/vagrant-ovirt4/issues/26) 1. `cluster` => The name of the ovirt cluster to create within. Required. String. No Default value. 1. `console` => The type of remote viewing protocol to use. Required. String. No Default value. a. Note: (TODO) Enforce this to be Spice, VNC, and RDP ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request