en: :true: "Yes" :false: "No" disable_with: save: Saving... new_record: link_title: Add page_title: New edit_record: link_title: Edit page_title: Edit links: view_all: View All modal: close: Close collection: blank_option: Please select blank_option_for_multiple: Please select one or more enums: letter: state: draft: Draft pending_review: Pending Review approved: Approved completed: Completed for_receptionists: state: draft: Draft pending_review: Pending Review approved: Approved (Ready to Print) completed: Completed (Printed) provider: gp: GP hospital: Hospital home_delivery: Home Delivery helpers: label: patient: paediatric_patient_indicator: "If under 18 years, is the recipient being treated in a paediatric unit?" select: prompt: Please select submit: create: Create submit: Save update: Save filter: Filter reset: Reset activerecord: attributes: renalware/event_type: name: Name renalware/peritonitis_episode/infection_organisms: organism_code: Organism renalware/exit_site_infection/infection_organisms: organism_code: Organism renalware/patient/medications: drug: Medication to be administered dose: Medication's dose medication_route_id: Medication's route frequency: "Medication's frequency & duration" prescribed_on: "Medication's prescribed date" provider: Medication's provider renalware/peritonitis_episode/medications: drug: Medication to be administered dose: Medication's dose medication_route_id: Medication's route frequency: "Medication's frequency & duration" start_date: "Medication's prescribed date" provider: Medication's provider renalware/exit_site_infection/medications: drug: Medication to be administered dose: Medication's dose medication_route_id: Medication's route frequency: "Medication's frequency & duration" start_date: "Medication's prescribed date" provider: Medication's provider renalware/pd_regime: treatment: PD regime treatment pd_regime_bags: PD regime renalware/pd_regime/pd_regime_bags: bag_type_id: PD bag type volume: "PD bag volume (ml)" days: PD bag errors: format: "%{attribute} %{message}" messages: accepted: must be accepted blank: can't be blank confirmation: doesn't match %{attribute} empty: can't be empty equal_to: must be equal to %{count} even: must be even exclusion: is reserved greater_than: must be greater than %{count} greater_than_or_equal_to: must be greater than or equal to %{count} inclusion: is not included in the list numeric_inclusion: "must be between %{from} and %{to}" invalid: is invalid less_than: must be less than %{count} less_than_or_equal_to: must be less than or equal to %{count} not_a_number: is not a number not_an_integer: must be an integer odd: must be odd record_invalid: 'Validation failed: %{errors}' taken: has already been taken too_long: one: is too long (maximum is 1 character) other: is too long (maximum is %{count} characters) too_short: one: is too short (minimum is 1 character) other: is too short (minimum is %{count} characters) wrong_length: one: is the wrong length (should be 1 character) other: is the wrong length (should be %{count} characters) template: body: 'There were problems with the following fields:' header: one: 1 error prohibited this %{model} from being saved other: "%{count} errors prohibited this %{model} from being saved"