Standard.class_eval do # A set of methods to run the OpenStudio model # Runs an annual simulation # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param run_dir [String] file path location for the annual run, defaults to 'Run' in the current directory # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not def model_run_simulation_and_log_errors(model, run_dir = "#{Dir.pwd}/Run") # Make the directory if it doesn't exist unless Dir.exist?(run_dir) FileUtils.mkdir_p(run_dir) end # Save the model to energyplus idf idf_name = 'in.idf' osm_name = 'in.osm' osw_name = 'in.osw' OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Starting simulation here: #{run_dir}.") OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Running simulation #{run_dir}.") forward_translator = idf = forward_translator.translateModel(model) idf_path ="#{run_dir}/#{idf_name}") osm_path ="#{run_dir}/#{osm_name}") osw_path ="#{run_dir}/#{osw_name}"), true), true) # Set up the simulation # Find the weather file epw_path = model_get_full_weather_file_path(model) if epw_path.empty? return false end epw_path = epw_path.get # close current sql file model.resetSqlFile # If running on a regular desktop, use RunManager. # If running on OpenStudio Server, use WorkFlowMananger # to avoid slowdown from the run. use_runmanager = true begin workflow = use_runmanager = false rescue NameError use_runmanager = true end sql_path = nil if use_runmanager OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.model.Model', 'Running with RunManager.') # Find EnergyPlus ep_dir = OpenStudio.getEnergyPlusDirectory ep_path = OpenStudio.getEnergyPlusExecutable ep_tool = idd_path = + '/Energy+.idd') output_path ="#{run_dir}/") # Make a run manager and queue up the run run_manager_db_path ="#{run_dir}/run.db") # HACK: workaround for Mac with Qt 5.4, need to address in the future. OpenStudio::Application.instance.application(false) run_manager =, true, false, false, false) job = OpenStudio::Runmanager::JobFactory.createEnergyPlusJob(ep_tool, idd_path, idf_path, epw_path, output_path) run_manager.enqueue(job, true) # Start the run and wait for it to finish. while run_manager.workPending sleep 1 OpenStudio::Application.instance.processEvents end sql_path ="#{run_dir}/EnergyPlus/eplusout.sql") OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', 'Finished run.') else # method to running simulation within measure using OpenStudio 2.x WorkflowJSON OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.model.Model', 'Running with OS 2.x WorkflowJSON.') # Copy the weather file to this directory epw_name = 'in.epw' begin FileUtils.copy(epw_path.to_s, "#{run_dir}/#{epw_name}") rescue StandardError OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Due to limitations on Windows file path lengths, this measure won't work unless your project is located in a directory whose filepath is less than 90 characters long, including slashes.") return false end workflow.setSeedFile(osm_name) workflow.setWeatherFile(epw_name) workflow.saveAs(File.absolute_path(osw_path.to_s)) # 'touch' the weather file - for some odd reason this fixes the simulation not running issue we had on openstudio-server. # Removed for until further investigation completed. # FileUtils.touch("#{run_dir}/#{epw_name}") cli_path = OpenStudio.getOpenStudioCLI cmd = "\"#{cli_path}\" run -w \"#{osw_path}\"" # cmd = "\"#{cli_path}\" --verbose run -w \"#{osw_path}\"" puts cmd # Run the sizing run OpenstudioStandards.run_command(cmd) OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', 'Finished run.') sql_path ="#{run_dir}/run/eplusout.sql") end # @todo Delete the eplustbl.htm and other files created by the run for cleanliness. if OpenStudio.exists(sql_path) sql = # Check to make sure the sql file is readable, # which won't be true if EnergyPlus crashed during simulation. unless sql.connectionOpen OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Model', "The run failed, cannot create model. Look at the eplusout.err file in #{File.dirname(sql_path.to_s)} to see the cause.") return false end # Attach the sql file from the run to the model model.setSqlFile(sql) else # If the sql file does not exist, it is likely that EnergyPlus crashed, # in which case the useful errors are inside the eplusout.err file. err_file_path_string = "#{run_dir}/run/eplusout.err" err_file_path = if OpenStudio.exists(err_file_path) if __dir__[0] == ':' # Running from OpenStudio CLI errs = EmbeddedScripting.getFileAsString(err_file_path_string) else errs = end OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Model', "The run did not finish because of the following errors: #{errs}") return false else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Results for the run couldn't be found here: #{sql_path}.") return false end end # Report severe or fatal errors in the run error_query = "SELECT ErrorMessage FROM Errors WHERE ErrorType in(1,2)" errs = model.sqlFile.get.execAndReturnVectorOfString(error_query) if errs.is_initialized errs = errs.get end # Check that the run completed successfully end_file_stringpath = "#{run_dir}/run/eplusout.end" end_file_path = if OpenStudio.exists(end_file_path) endstring = end if !endstring.include?('EnergyPlus Completed Successfully') OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Model', "The run did not finish and had following errors: #{errs.join('\n')}") return false end # Log any severe errors that did not cause simulation to fail unless errs.empty? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.model.Model', "The run completed but had the following severe errors: #{errs.join('\n')}") end return true end # A helper method to run a sizing run and pull any values calculated during autosizing back into the model # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param sizing_run_dir [String] file path location for the sizing run, defaults to 'SR' in the current directory # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not def model_run_sizing_run(model, sizing_run_dir = "#{Dir.pwd}/SR") # Change the simulation to only run the sizing days sim_control = model.getSimulationControl sim_control.setRunSimulationforSizingPeriods(true) sim_control.setRunSimulationforWeatherFileRunPeriods(false) if model.version >='3.0.0') sim_control.setDoHVACSizingSimulationforSizingPeriods(true) sim_control.setMaximumNumberofHVACSizingSimulationPasses(1) end # check that all zones have surfaces. raise 'Error: Sizing Run Failed. Thermal Zones with no surfaces exist.' unless model_do_all_zones_have_surfaces?(model) # Run the sizing run success = model_run_simulation_and_log_errors(model, sizing_run_dir) # Change the model back to running the weather file sim_control.setRunSimulationforSizingPeriods(false) sim_control.setRunSimulationforWeatherFileRunPeriods(true) if model.version >='3.0.0') sim_control.setDoHVACSizingSimulationforSizingPeriods(false) end return success end # Method to check if all zones have surfaces. This is required to run a simulation. # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not def model_do_all_zones_have_surfaces?(model) # Check to see if all zones have surfaces. model.getThermalZones.each do |zone| if BTAP::Geometry::Surfaces.get_surfaces_from_thermal_zones([zone]).empty? error_string = "Error: Thermal zone #{} does not contain surfaces.\n" puts error_string OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.Siz.Model', error_string) return false end end return true end # A helper method to run a space sizing run and pull any values calculated during autosizing back into the model. # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param sizing_run_dir [String] file path location for the sizing run, defaults to 'SpaceSR' in the current directory # @return [OpenStudio::Model::Model] returns the model if successful def model_run_space_sizing_run(sizing_run_dir = "#{Dir.pwd}/SpaceSR") puts '*************Runing sizing space Run ***************************' # Make copy of model model = BTAP::FileIO.deep_copy(model, true) space_load_array = [] # Make sure the model is good to run. # 1. Ensure External surfaces are set to a construction ext_surfaces = BTAP::Geometry::Surfaces.filter_by_boundary_condition(model.getSurfaces, ['Outdoors', 'Ground', 'GroundFCfactorMethod', 'GroundSlabPreprocessorAverage', 'GroundSlabPreprocessorCore', 'GroundSlabPreprocessorPerimeter', 'GroundBasementPreprocessorAverageWall', 'GroundBasementPreprocessorAverageFloor', 'GroundBasementPreprocessorUpperWall', 'GroundBasementPreprocessorLowerWall']) fail = false ext_surfaces.each do |surface| if OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Ext Surface #{} does not have a construction.Cannot perform sizing.") fail = true end end puts "#{ext_surfaces.size} External Surfaces counted." raise "Can't run sizing since envelope is not set." if fail == true # remove any thermal zones. model.getThermalZones.each(&:remove) # assign a zone to each space. # Create a thermal zone for each space in the model model.getSpaces.each do |space| zone = zone.setName("#{} ZN") space.setThermalZone(zone) end # Add a thermostat BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011.set_zones_thermostat_schedule_based_on_space_type_schedules(model) OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', 'Finished creating thermal zones') # Add ideal loads to every zone/space and run # a sizing run to determine heating/cooling loads, # which will impact HVAC systems. model.getThermalZones.each do |zone| ideal_loads = ideal_loads.addToThermalZone(zone) end model_run_sizing_run(model, sizing_run_dir) model.getSpaces.each do |space| unless space.thermalZone.empty? space_load_array << { 'space_name' =>, 'CoolingDesignLoad' => space.thermalZone.get.coolingDesignLoad, 'HeatingDesignLoad' => space.thermalZone.get.heatingDesignLoad } end end puts space_load_array puts '*************Done Runing sizing space Run ***************************' return model end end