require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/test_helper') module CollectiveIdea module Acts class AuditedTest < Test::Unit::TestCase should "include instance methods" do be_kind_of(CollectiveIdea::Acts::Audited::InstanceMethods) end should "extend singleton methods" do User.should be_kind_of(CollectiveIdea::Acts::Audited::SingletonMethods) end ['created_at', 'updated_at', 'created_on', 'updated_on', 'lock_version', 'id', 'password'].each do |column| should "not audit #{column}" do User.non_audited_columns.should include(column) end end should "not save non-audited columns" do create_user.audits.first.changes.keys.any?{|col| ['created_at', 'updated_at', 'password'].include? col}.should be(false) end context "on create" do setup { @user = create_user } should_change 'Audit.count', :by => 1 should 'create associated audit' do @user.audits.count.should == 1 end should "set the action to 'create'" do @user.audits.first.action.should == 'create' end should "store all the audited attributes" do @user.audits.first.changes.should == @user.audited_attributes end should "not audit an attribute which is excepted if specified on create and on destroy" do on_create_destroy_except_name = OnCreateDestroyExceptName.create(:name => 'Bart') on_create_destroy_except_name.audits.first.changes.keys.any?{|col| ['name'].include? col}.should be(false) end should "not save an audit if only specified on update and on destroy" do lambda { on_update_destroy = OnUpdateDestroy.create(:name => 'Bart') }.should_not change { Audit.count } end end context "on update" do setup do @user = create_user(:name => 'Brandon') end should "save an audit" do lambda { @user.update_attribute(:name, "Someone") }.should change { @user.audits.count }.by(1) lambda { @user.update_attribute(:name, "Someone else") }.should change { @user.audits.count }.by(1) end should "not save an audit if the record is not changed" do lambda {! }.should_not change { Audit.count } end should "set the action to 'update'" do @user.update_attributes :name => 'Changed' @user.audits.last.action.should == 'update' end should "store the changed attributes" do @user.update_attributes :name => 'Changed' @user.audits.last.changes.should == {'name' => ['Brandon', 'Changed']} end # Dirty tracking in Rails 2.0-2.2 had issues with type casting if ActiveRecord::VERSION::STRING >= '2.3' should "not save an audit if the value doesn't change after type casting" do @user.update_attributes! :logins => 0, :activated => true lambda { @user.update_attribute :logins, '0' }.should_not change { Audit.count } lambda { @user.update_attribute :activated, 1 }.should_not change { Audit.count } lambda { @user.update_attribute :activated, '1' }.should_not change { Audit.count } end end should "not save an audit if only specified on create and on destroy" do on_create_destroy = OnCreateDestroy.create(:name => 'Bart') lambda { on_create_destroy.update_attributes :name => 'Changed' }.should_not change { Audit.count } end end context "on destroy" do setup do @user = create_user end should "save an audit" do lambda { @user.destroy }.should change { Audit.count }.by(1) @user.audits.size.should == 2 end should "set the action to 'destroy'" do @user.destroy @user.audits.last.action.should == 'destroy' end should "store all of the audited attributes" do @user.destroy @user.audits.last.changes.should == @user.audited_attributes end should "be able to reconstruct destroyed record without history" do @user.audits.delete_all @user.destroy revision = @user.audits.first.revision == end should "not save an audit if only specified on create and on update" do on_create_update = OnCreateUpdate.create(:name => 'Bart') lambda { on_create_update.destroy }.should_not change { Audit.count } end end context "dirty tracking" do setup do @user = create_user end should "not be changed when the record is saved" do u = => 'Brandon') u.changed?.should be(true) u.changed?.should be(false) end should "be changed when an attribute has been changed" do = "Bobby" @user.changed?.should be(true) @user.name_changed?.should be(true) @user.username_changed?.should be(false) end # Dirty tracking in Rails 2.0-2.2 had issues with type casting if ActiveRecord::VERSION::STRING >= '2.3' should "not be changed if the value doesn't change after type casting" do @user.update_attributes! :logins => 0, :activated => true @user.logins = '0' @user.changed?.should be(false) end end end context "revisions" do setup do @user = create_versions end should "be an Array of Users" do @user.revisions.should be_kind_of(Array) @user.revisions.each {|version| version.should be_kind_of(User) } end should "have one revision for a new record" do create_user.revisions.size.should == 1 end should "have one revision for each audit" do @user.revisions.size.should == @user.audits.size end should "set the attributes for each revision" do u = User.create(:name => 'Brandon', :username => 'brandon') u.update_attributes :name => 'Foobar' u.update_attributes :name => 'Awesome', :username => 'keepers' u.revisions.size.should == 3 u.revisions[0].name.should == 'Brandon' u.revisions[0].username.should == 'brandon' u.revisions[1].name.should == 'Foobar' u.revisions[1].username.should == 'brandon' u.revisions[2].name.should == 'Awesome' u.revisions[2].username.should == 'keepers' end should "access to only recent revisions" do u = User.create(:name => 'Brandon', :username => 'brandon') u.update_attributes :name => 'Foobar' u.update_attributes :name => 'Awesome', :username => 'keepers' u.revisions(2).size.should == 2 u.revisions(2)[0].name.should == 'Foobar' u.revisions(2)[0].username.should == 'brandon' u.revisions(2)[1].name.should == 'Awesome' u.revisions(2)[1].username.should == 'keepers' end should "be empty if no audits exist" do @user.audits.delete_all @user.revisions.empty?.should be(true) end should "ignore attributes that have been deleted" do @user.audits.last.update_attributes :changes => {:old_attribute => 'old value'} lambda { @user.revisions }.should_not raise_error end end context "revision" do setup do @user = create_versions(5) end should "maintain identity" do @user.revision(1).should == @user end should "find the given revision" do revision = @user.revision(3) revision.should be_kind_of(User) revision.version.should == 3 == 'Foobar 3' end should "find the previous revision with :previous" do revision = @user.revision(:previous) revision.version.should == 4 revision.should == @user.revision(4) end should "be able to get the previous revision repeatedly" do previous = @user.revision(:previous) previous.version.should == 4 previous.revision(:previous).version.should == 3 end should "be able to set protected attributes" do u = User.create(:name => 'Brandon') u.update_attribute :logins, 1 u.update_attribute :logins, 2 u.revision(3).logins.should == 2 u.revision(2).logins.should == 1 u.revision(1).logins.should == 0 end should "set attributes directly" do u = User.create(:name => '') u.revision(1).name.should == '<Joe>' end should "set the attributes for each revision" do u = User.create(:name => 'Brandon', :username => 'brandon') u.update_attributes :name => 'Foobar' u.update_attributes :name => 'Awesome', :username => 'keepers' u.revision(3).name.should == 'Awesome' u.revision(3).username.should == 'keepers' u.revision(2).name.should == 'Foobar' u.revision(2).username.should == 'brandon' u.revision(1).name.should == 'Brandon' u.revision(1).username.should == 'brandon' end should "be able to get datetime for first revision" do suspended_at = u = User.create(:suspended_at => suspended_at) u.revision(1).suspended_at.should == suspended_at end should "not raise an error when no previous audits exist" do @user.audits.destroy_all lambda{ @user.revision(:previous) }.should_not raise_error end should "mark revision's attributes as changed" do @user.revision(1).name_changed?.should be(true) end should "record new audit when saving revision" do lambda { @user.revision(1).save! }.should change { @user.audits.count }.by(1) end end context "revision_at" do should "find the latest revision before the given time" do u = create_user Audit.update(, :created_at => 1.hour.ago) u.update_attributes :name => 'updated' u.revision_at(2.minutes.ago).version.should == 1 end should "be nil if given a time before audits" do create_user.revision_at(1.week.ago).should be(nil) end end context "without auditing" do should "not save an audit when calling #save_without_auditing" do lambda { u = => 'Brandon') u.save_without_auditing.should be(true) }.should_not change { Audit.count } end should "not save an audit inside of the #without_auditing block" do lambda do User.without_auditing { User.create(:name => 'Brandon') } end.should_not change { Audit.count } end end context "attr_protected and attr_accessible" do class UnprotectedUser < ActiveRecord::Base set_table_name :users acts_as_audited :protect => false attr_accessible :name, :username, :password end should "not raise error when attr_accessible is set and protected is false" do lambda{ => 'NO FAIL!') }.should_not raise_error(RuntimeError) end class AccessibleUser < ActiveRecord::Base set_table_name :users attr_accessible :name, :username, :password # declare attr_accessible before calling aaa acts_as_audited end should "not raise an error when attr_accessible is declared before acts_as_audited" do lambda{ => 'NO FAIL!') }.should_not raise_error end end context "audit as" do setup do @user = User.create :name => 'Testing' end should "record user objects" do Company.audit_as( @user ) do company = Company.create :name => 'The auditors' = 'The Auditors' company.audits.each do |audit| audit.user.should == @user end end end should "record usernames" do Company.audit_as( ) do company = Company.create :name => 'The auditors' = 'The Auditors, Inc' company.audits.each do |audit| audit.username.should == end end end end end end end