{% from "./macros/attributes.njk" import govukAttributes -%} {% from "./components/skip-link/macro.njk" import govukSkipLink -%} {% from "./components/header/macro.njk" import govukHeader -%} {% from "./components/footer/macro.njk" import govukFooter -%} {% block pageTitle %}GOV.UK - The best place to find government services and information{% endblock %} {#- Hardcoded value of $govuk-black #} {% block headIcons %} {#- Hardcoded value of $govuk-black #} {% endblock %} {% block head %}{% endblock %} {#- OpenGraph images needs to be absolute, so we need either a URL for the image or for assetUrl to be set #} {% if opengraphImageUrl or assetUrl %} {% endif %} {% block bodyStart %}{% endblock %} {% block skipLink %} {{ govukSkipLink({ href: '#main-content', text: 'Skip to main content' }) }} {% endblock %} {% block header %} {{ govukHeader({}) }} {% endblock %} {% block main %}
{% block beforeContent %}{% endblock %}
{% block content %}{% endblock %}
{% endblock %} {% block footer %} {{ govukFooter({}) }} {% endblock %} {% block bodyEnd %}{% endblock %}