module PictureTag # This is a little module to hold logic that doesn't fit other places. If it # starts getting big, refactor. module Utils class << self # Configure Jekyll to keep our generated files def keep_files dest_dir = PictureTag.pconfig['output'] # Chop a slash off the end, if it's there. Doesn't work otherwise. dest_dir = dest_dir[0..-2] if dest_dir =~ %r{/\z} return if['keep_files'].include?(dest_dir)['keep_files'] << dest_dir end # Print a warning to the console def warning(message) return if PictureTag.pconfig['suppress_warnings'] warn 'Jekyll Picture Tag Warning: '.yellow + message end # Parse a liquid template; allows liquid variables to be included as tag # params. def liquid_lookup(params) Liquid::Template.parse(params).render(PictureTag.context) end # Used for auto markup configuration and such def count_srcsets PictureTag.formats.length * PictureTag.source_images.length end # Returns whether or not the current page is a markdown file. def markdown_page? page_name =['name'] page_ext =['ext'] ext = page_ext || File.extname(page_name) ext.casecmp('.md').zero? || ext.casecmp('.markdown').zero? end def titleize(input) input.split('_').map(&:capitalize).join end def snakeize(input) input.scan(/[A-Z][a-z]+/).map(&:downcase).join('_') end # Linear interpolator. Pass it 2 values in the x array, 2 values # in the y array, and an x value, returns a y value. def interpolate(xvals, yvals, xval)!(&:to_f)!(&:to_f) # Slope m = (yvals.last - yvals.first) / (xvals.last - xvals.first) # Value of y when x=0 b = yvals.first - (m * xvals.first) # y = mx + b (m * xval) + b end def aspect_float(width, height) width.to_f / height end end end end