/*! * Stylus - utils * Copyright(c) 2010 LearnBoost * MIT Licensed */ /** * Module dependencies. */ var nodes = require('./nodes') , basename = require('path').basename , relative = require('path').relative , join = require('path').join , resolve = require('path').resolve , glob = require('glob') , fs = require('fs'); /** * Check if `path` looks absolute. * * @param {String} path * @return {Boolean} * @api private */ exports.absolute = function(path){ // On Windows the path could start with a drive letter, i.e. a:\\ or two leading backslashes return path.substr(0, 2) == '\\\\' || '/' === path.charAt(0) || /^[a-z]:\\/i.test(path); }; /** * Attempt to lookup `path` within `paths` from tail to head. * Optionally a path to `ignore` may be passed. * * @param {String} path * @param {String} paths * @param {String} ignore * @param {Boolean} resolveURL * @return {String} * @api private */ exports.lookup = function(path, paths, ignore, resolveURL){ var lookup , method = resolveURL ? resolve : join , i = paths.length; // Absolute if (exports.absolute(path)) { try { fs.statSync(path); return path; } catch (err) { // Ignore, continue on // to trying relative lookup. // Needed for url(/images/foo.png) // for example } } // Relative while (i--) { try { lookup = method(paths[i], path); if (ignore == lookup) continue; fs.statSync(lookup); return lookup; } catch (err) { // Ignore } } }; /** * Like `utils.lookup` but uses `glob` to find files. * * @param {String} path * @param {String} paths * @param {String} ignore * @return {Array} * @api private */ exports.find = function(path, paths, ignore) { var lookup , found , i = paths.length; // Absolute if (exports.absolute(path)) { if ((found = glob.sync(path)).length) { return found; } } // Relative while (i--) { lookup = join(paths[i], path); if (ignore == lookup) continue; if ((found = glob.sync(lookup)).length) { return found; } } }; /** * Lookup index file inside dir with given `name`. * * @param {String} name * @return {Array} * @api private */ exports.lookupIndex = function(name, paths, filename){ // foo/index.styl var found = exports.find(join(name, 'index.styl'), paths, filename); if (!found) { // foo/foo.styl found = exports.find(join(name, basename(name).replace(/\.styl/i, '') + '.styl'), paths, filename); } if (!found && !~name.indexOf('node_modules')) { // node_modules/foo/.. or node_modules/foo.styl/.. found = lookupPackage(join('node_modules', name)); } return found; function lookupPackage(dir) { var package = exports.lookup(join(dir, 'package.json'), paths, filename); if (!package) { return /\.styl$/i.test(dir) ? exports.lookupIndex(dir, paths, filename) : lookupPackage(dir + '.styl'); } var main = require(relative(__dirname, package)).main; if (main) { found = exports.find(join(dir, main), paths, filename); } else { found = exports.lookupIndex(dir, paths, filename); } return found; } }; /** * Format the given `err` with the given `options`. * * Options: * * - `filename` context filename * - `context` context line count [8] * - `lineno` context line number * - `input` input string * * @param {Error} err * @param {Object} options * @return {Error} * @api private */ exports.formatException = function(err, options){ var lineno = options.lineno , filename = options.filename , str = options.input , context = options.context || 8 , context = context / 2 , lines = ('\n' + str).split('\n') , start = Math.max(lineno - context, 1) , end = Math.min(lines.length, lineno + context) , pad = end.toString().length; var context = lines.slice(start, end).map(function(line, i){ var curr = i + start; return (curr == lineno ? ' > ' : ' ') + Array(pad - curr.toString().length + 1).join(' ') + curr + '| ' + line; }).join('\n'); err.message = filename + ':' + lineno + '\n' + context + '\n\n' + err.message + '\n' + (err.stylusStack ? err.stylusStack + '\n' : ''); return err; }; /** * Assert that `node` is of the given `type`, or throw. * * @param {Node} node * @param {Function} type * @param {String} param * @api public */ exports.assertType = function(node, type, param){ exports.assertPresent(node, param); if (node.nodeName == type) return; var actual = node.nodeName , msg = 'expected "' + param + '" to be a ' + type + ', but got ' + actual + ':' + node; throw new Error('TypeError: ' + msg); }; /** * Assert that `node` is a `String` or `Ident`. * * @param {Node} node * @param {String} param * @api public */ exports.assertString = function(node, param){ exports.assertPresent(node, param); switch (node.nodeName) { case 'string': case 'ident': case 'literal': return; default: var actual = node.nodeName , msg = 'expected string, ident or literal, but got ' + actual + ':' + node; throw new Error('TypeError: ' + msg); } }; /** * Assert that `node` is a `RGBA` or `HSLA`. * * @param {Node} node * @param {String} param * @api public */ exports.assertColor = function(node, param){ exports.assertPresent(node, param); switch (node.nodeName) { case 'rgba': case 'hsla': return; default: var actual = node.nodeName , msg = 'expected rgba or hsla, but got ' + actual + ':' + node; throw new Error('TypeError: ' + msg); } }; /** * Assert that param `name` is given, aka the `node` is passed. * * @param {Node} node * @param {String} name * @api public */ exports.assertPresent = function(node, name){ if (node) return; if (name) throw new Error('"' + name + '" argument required'); throw new Error('argument missing'); }; /** * Unwrap `expr`. * * Takes an expressions with length of 1 * such as `((1 2 3))` and unwraps it to `(1 2 3)`. * * @param {Expression} expr * @return {Node} * @api public */ exports.unwrap = function(expr){ // explicitly preserve the expression if (expr.preserve) return expr; if ('arguments' != expr.nodeName && 'expression' != expr.nodeName) return expr; if (1 != expr.nodes.length) return expr; if ('arguments' != expr.nodes[0].nodeName && 'expression' != expr.nodes[0].nodeName) return expr; return exports.unwrap(expr.nodes[0]); }; /** * Coerce JavaScript values to their Stylus equivalents. * * @param {Mixed} val * @param {Boolean} [raw] * @return {Node} * @api public */ exports.coerce = function(val, raw){ switch (typeof val) { case 'function': return val; case 'string': return new nodes.String(val); case 'boolean': return new nodes.Boolean(val); case 'number': return new nodes.Unit(val); default: if (null == val) return nodes.null; if (Array.isArray(val)) return exports.coerceArray(val, raw); if (val.nodeName) return val; return exports.coerceObject(val, raw); } }; /** * Coerce a javascript `Array` to a Stylus `Expression`. * * @param {Array} val * @param {Boolean} [raw] * @return {Expression} * @api private */ exports.coerceArray = function(val, raw){ var expr = new nodes.Expression; val.forEach(function(val){ expr.push(exports.coerce(val, raw)); }); return expr; }; /** * Coerce a javascript object to a Stylus `Expression` or `Object`. * * For example `{ foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz' }` would become * the expression `(foo 'bar') (bar 'baz')`. If `raw` is true * given `obj` would become a Stylus hash object. * * @param {Object} obj * @param {Boolean} [raw] * @return {Expression|Object} * @api public */ exports.coerceObject = function(obj, raw){ var node = raw ? new nodes.Object : new nodes.Expression , val; for (var key in obj) { val = exports.coerce(obj[key], raw); key = new nodes.Ident(key); if (raw) { node.set(key, val); } else { node.push(exports.coerceArray([key, val])); } } return node; }; /** * Return param names for `fn`. * * @param {Function} fn * @return {Array} * @api private */ exports.params = function(fn){ return fn .toString() .match(/\(([^)]*)\)/)[1].split(/ *, */); }; /** * Merge object `b` with `a`. * * @param {Object} a * @param {Object} b * @return {Object} a * @api private */ exports.merge = function(a, b){ for (var k in b) a[k] = b[k]; return a; }; /** * Returns an array with unique values. * * @param {Array} arr * @return {Array} * @api private */ exports.uniq = function(arr){ var obj = {} , ret = []; for (var i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; ++i) { if (arr[i] in obj) continue; obj[arr[i]] = true; ret.push(arr[i]); } return ret; }; /** * Compile selector strings in `arr` from the bottom-up * to produce the selector combinations. For example * the following Stylus: * * ul * li * p * a * color: red * * Would return: * * [ 'ul li a', 'ul p a' ] * * @param {Array} arr * @param {Boolean} leaveHidden * @return {Array} * @api private */ var HIDDEN_SELECTOR_RX = /^\s*\/?\$/ , ROOT_SELECTOR_RX = /^\//g , PARENT_SELECTOR_RX = /^&|([^\\])&/g , ESCAPED_PARENT_SELECTOR_RX = /\\&/g; exports.compileSelectors = function(arr, leaveHidden){ var self = this , selectors = [] , buf = []; function interpolateParent(selector, buf) { var str = selector.val.replace(ROOT_SELECTOR_RX, '').trim(); if (buf.length) { for (var i = 0, len = buf.length; i < len; ++i) { if (~buf[i].indexOf('&') || '/' === buf[i].charAt(0)) { str = buf[i].replace(PARENT_SELECTOR_RX, '$1' + str).replace(ROOT_SELECTOR_RX, '').trim(); } else { str += ' ' + buf[i].trim(); } } } return str.trim(); } function compile(arr, i) { if (i) { arr[i].forEach(function(selector){ if (!leaveHidden && selector.val.match(HIDDEN_SELECTOR_RX)) return; if (selector.inherits) { buf.unshift(selector.val); compile(arr, i - 1); buf.shift(); } else { selectors.push(interpolateParent(selector, buf)); } }); } else { arr[0].forEach(function(selector){ if (!leaveHidden && selector.val.match(HIDDEN_SELECTOR_RX)) return; var str = interpolateParent(selector, buf); if (~str.indexOf('&')) str = str.replace(PARENT_SELECTOR_RX, '$1').replace(ESCAPED_PARENT_SELECTOR_RX, '&').trim(); if (!str.length) return; selectors.push((self.indent || '') + str.trimRight()); }); } } compile(arr, arr.length - 1); // Return the list with unique selectors only return exports.uniq(selectors); };