%a{annotate:rdoc:skip} class Array[unchecked out Elem] # # Calculates the set of unambiguous abbreviations for the strings in `self`. # # require 'abbrev' # %w{ car cone }.abbrev # #=> {"car"=>"car", "ca"=>"car", "cone"=>"cone", "con"=>"cone", "co"=>"cone"} # # The optional `pattern` parameter is a pattern or a string. Only input strings # that match the pattern or start with the string are included in the output # hash. # # %w{ fast boat day }.abbrev(/^.a/) # #=> {"fast"=>"fast", "fas"=>"fast", "fa"=>"fast", "day"=>"day", "da"=>"day"} # # Abbrev.abbrev(%w{car box cone}, "ca") # #=> {"car"=>"car", "ca"=>"car"} # # See also Abbrev.abbrev # def abbrev: (?String | Regexp | nil) -> Hash[String, String] end