/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ #ifndef ARRAY_OF_DOUBLES_SKETCH_HPP_ #define ARRAY_OF_DOUBLES_SKETCH_HPP_ #include #include #include "serde.hpp" #include "tuple_sketch.hpp" namespace datasketches { // This sketch is equivalent of ArrayOfDoublesSketch in Java // This simple array of double is faster than std::vector and should be sufficient for this application template> class aod { public: explicit aod(uint8_t size, const Allocator& allocator = Allocator()): allocator_(allocator), size_(size), array_(allocator_.allocate(size_)) { std::fill(array_, array_ + size_, 0); } aod(const aod& other): allocator_(other.allocator_), size_(other.size_), array_(allocator_.allocate(size_)) { std::copy(other.array_, other.array_ + size_, array_); } aod(aod&& other) noexcept: allocator_(std::move(other.allocator_)), size_(other.size_), array_(other.array_) { other.array_ = nullptr; } ~aod() { if (array_ != nullptr) allocator_.deallocate(array_, size_); } aod& operator=(const aod& other) { aod copy(other); std::swap(allocator_, copy.allocator_); std::swap(size_, copy.size_); std::swap(array_, copy.array_); return *this; } aod& operator=(aod&& other) { std::swap(allocator_, other.allocator_); std::swap(size_, other.size_); std::swap(array_, other.array_); return *this; } double& operator[](size_t index) { return array_[index]; } double operator[](size_t index) const { return array_[index]; } uint8_t size() const { return size_; } double* data() { return array_; } const double* data() const { return array_; } bool operator==(const aod& other) const { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < size_; ++i) if (array_[i] != other.array_[i]) return false; return true; } private: Allocator allocator_; uint8_t size_; double* array_; }; template> class array_of_doubles_update_policy { public: array_of_doubles_update_policy(uint8_t num_values = 1, const A& allocator = A()): allocator_(allocator), num_values_(num_values) {} aod create() const { return aod(num_values_, allocator_); } template // to allow any type with indexed access (such as double*) void update(aod& summary, const InputVector& update) const { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < num_values_; ++i) summary[i] += update[i]; } uint8_t get_num_values() const { return num_values_; } private: A allocator_; uint8_t num_values_; }; // forward declaration template class compact_array_of_doubles_sketch_alloc; template using AllocAOD = typename std::allocator_traits::template rebind_alloc>; template> class update_array_of_doubles_sketch_alloc: public update_tuple_sketch, aod, array_of_doubles_update_policy, AllocAOD> { public: using Base = update_tuple_sketch, aod, array_of_doubles_update_policy, AllocAOD>; using resize_factor = typename Base::resize_factor; class builder; compact_array_of_doubles_sketch_alloc compact(bool ordered = true) const; uint8_t get_num_values() const; private: // for builder update_array_of_doubles_sketch_alloc(uint8_t lg_cur_size, uint8_t lg_nom_size, resize_factor rf, float p, uint64_t theta, uint64_t seed, const array_of_doubles_update_policy& policy, const A& allocator); }; // alias with the default allocator for convenience using update_array_of_doubles_sketch = update_array_of_doubles_sketch_alloc<>; template class update_array_of_doubles_sketch_alloc::builder: public tuple_base_builder, A> { public: builder(const array_of_doubles_update_policy& policy = array_of_doubles_update_policy(), const A& allocator = A()); update_array_of_doubles_sketch_alloc build() const; }; template> class compact_array_of_doubles_sketch_alloc: public compact_tuple_sketch, AllocAOD> { public: using Base = compact_tuple_sketch, AllocAOD>; using Entry = typename Base::Entry; using AllocEntry = typename Base::AllocEntry; using AllocU64 = typename Base::AllocU64; using vector_bytes = typename Base::vector_bytes; static const uint8_t SERIAL_VERSION = 1; static const uint8_t SKETCH_FAMILY = 9; static const uint8_t SKETCH_TYPE = 3; enum flags { UNUSED1, UNUSED2, IS_EMPTY, HAS_ENTRIES, IS_ORDERED }; template compact_array_of_doubles_sketch_alloc(const Sketch& other, bool ordered = true); uint8_t get_num_values() const; void serialize(std::ostream& os) const; vector_bytes serialize(unsigned header_size_bytes = 0) const; static compact_array_of_doubles_sketch_alloc deserialize(std::istream& is, uint64_t seed = DEFAULT_SEED, const A& allocator = A()); static compact_array_of_doubles_sketch_alloc deserialize(const void* bytes, size_t size, uint64_t seed = DEFAULT_SEED, const A& allocator = A()); // for internal use compact_array_of_doubles_sketch_alloc(bool is_empty, bool is_ordered, uint16_t seed_hash, uint64_t theta, std::vector&& entries, uint8_t num_values); compact_array_of_doubles_sketch_alloc(uint8_t num_values, Base&& base); private: uint8_t num_values_; }; // alias with the default allocator for convenience using compact_array_of_doubles_sketch = compact_array_of_doubles_sketch_alloc<>; } /* namespace datasketches */ #include "array_of_doubles_sketch_impl.hpp" #endif