# frozen_string_literal: true require 'forwardable' module HTTP2 # Binary buffer wraps String. # class Buffer extend Forwardable def_delegators :@buffer, :ord, :encoding, :setbyte, :unpack, :unpack1, :size, :each_byte, :to_str, :to_s, :length, :inspect, :[], :[]=, :empty?, :bytesize, :include? UINT32 = 'N' private_constant :UINT32 # Forces binary encoding on the string def initialize(str = '') str = str.dup if str.frozen? @buffer = str.force_encoding(Encoding::BINARY) end # Emulate StringIO#read: slice first n bytes from the buffer. # # @param n [Integer] number of bytes to slice from the buffer def read(n) Buffer.new(@buffer.slice!(0, n)) end # Emulate StringIO#getbyte: slice first byte from buffer. def getbyte read(1).ord end def slice!(*args) Buffer.new(@buffer.slice!(*args)) end def slice(*args) Buffer.new(@buffer.slice(*args)) end def force_encoding(*args) @buffer = @buffer.force_encoding(*args) end def ==(other) @buffer == other end def +(other) @buffer += other end # Emulate String#getbyte: return nth byte from buffer. def readbyte(n) @buffer[n].ord end # Slice unsigned 32-bit integer from buffer. # @return [Integer] def read_uint32 read(4).unpack1(UINT32) end # Ensures that data that is added is binary encoded as well, # otherwise this could lead to the Buffer instance changing its encoding. %i[<< prepend].each do |mutating_method| define_method(mutating_method) do |string| string = string.dup if string.frozen? @buffer.send mutating_method, string.force_encoding(Encoding::BINARY) self end end end end