module Garage module PaginatingResponder def display(resource, *args) if @options[:paginate] resource = paginate resource end super(resource, *args) end def max_per_page=(count) @max_per_page = count end def reveal_total! @options.delete(:hard_limit) end private def distinct? !!@options[:distinct_by] end def hide_total? !!@options[:hard_limit] end def hard_limit @options[:hard_limit] end def max_per_page @options[:max_per_page] || @max_per_page || 100 end def set_total_count(rs, per_page) if hard_limit limit = hard_limit rs.instance_variable_set(:@total_count, limit) end end def total_count(rs) if distinct? rs.total_count(@options[:distinct_by], distinct: true) else rs.total_count end end def paginate(rs) @options[:hard_limit] ||= 1000 if @options[:hide_total] # backward compat for hide_total per_page = [ max_per_page, (controller.params[:per_page] || @options[:per_page] || 20).to_i ].min rs =[:page] || 1).per(per_page) set_total_count(rs, per_page) unless hide_total? controller.response.headers['X-List-TotalCount'] = total_count(rs).to_s end # FIXME construct_links must be called after calling rs.total_count to avoid invalid count cache construct_links(rs, per_page) if hide_total? if rs.offset_value > hard_limit rs = [] elsif rs.offset_value + per_page > hard_limit rs = rs.slice 0, (hard_limit - rs.offset_value) # becomes Array here, and hope it's ok end end rs end def construct_links(rs, per_page) build_link_hash(rs, links={}) add_link_header(links, per_page) unless links.empty? end def build_link_hash(rs, links) unless rs.first_page? links[:first] = 1 links[:prev] = rs.current_page - 1 end if rs.current_page < rs.total_pages links[:next] = rs.current_page + 1 end unless rs.last_page? || hide_total? || links[:last] = rs.total_pages end end def build_path_for(params) parameters = controller.request.query_parameters.merge(params).tap {|p| p.delete(:access_token) } "#{controller.request.path}?#{parameters.to_query}" end def add_link_header(links, per_page) headers = [] links.each do |rel, page| url = build_path_for(:page => page, :per_page => per_page) headers << "<#{url}>; rel=\"#{rel}\"; page=\"#{page}\"" end controller.response.headers['Link'] = headers.join ', ' end end end