// ========================================================================
// SproutCore
// copyright 2006-2008 Sprout Systems, Inc.
// ========================================================================
require('views/view') ;
require('views/label') ;
require('mixins/collection_view_delegate') ;
Special drag operation passed to delegate if the collection view proposes
to perform a reorder event.
SC.DRAG_REORDER = 0xfff0001 ;
/** Indicates that selection points should be selected using horizontal
/** Selection points should be selected using vertical orientation. */
/** Enables an optimization using zombie group views. This option is configurable for perf testing purposes. You should not change it. */
/** Enables an optimization that removes the root element from the DOM during
a render and then readds it when complete. This option is configurable for
perf testing purposes. You should not change it. */
Renders a collection of views from a source array of model objects.
The CollectionView is the root view class for rendering collections of
views based on a source array of objects. It can automatically create the
and layout the views, including displaying them in groups. It also
handles event input for the entire collection.
To use CollectionView, just create the view and set the 'content' property
to an array of objects. (Note that if you setup a binding, it will
always transform content to an array.) The view will create instances of
exampleView to render the array. You can also bind to the selection
property if you want to monitor selection. (be sure to set the isEnabled
property to allow selection.)
@extends SC.View
@extends SC.CollectionViewDelegate
SC.CollectionView = SC.View.extend(SC.CollectionViewDelegate,
/** @scope SC.CollectionView.prototype */
// ......................................
An array of content objects
This array should contain the content objects you want the collection view
to display. An item view (based on the exampleView view class) will be
created for each content object, in the order the content objects appear
in this array.
If you make the collection editable, the collection view will also modify
this array using the observable array methods of SC.Array.
Usually you will want to bind this property to a controller property
that actually contains the array of objects you to display.
@type Array
content: [],
/** @private */
contentBindingDefault: SC.Binding.MultipleNotEmpty,
The array of currently selected objects.
This array should contain the currently selected content objects. It is
modified automatically by the collection view when the user changes the
selection on the collection.
Any item views representing content objects in this array will have their
isSelected property set to YES automatically.
The CollectionView can deal with selection arrays that contain content
objects that do not belong to the content array itself. Sometimes this
will happen if you share the same selection across multiple collection
Usually you will want to bind this property to a controller property that
actually manages the selection for your display.
@type Array
selection: [],
/** @private */
selectionBindingDefault: SC.Binding.Multiple,
Delegate used to implement fine-grained control over collection view
You can assign a delegate object to this property that will be consulted
for various decisions regarding drag and drop, selection behavior, and
even rendering. The object you place here must implement some or all of
the SC.CollectionViewDelegate mixin.
delegate: null,
Allow user to select content using the mouse and keyboard
Set this property to NO to disallow the user from selecting items.
If you have items in your selection property, they will still be reflected
@type {Bool}
isSelectable: true,
/** @private */
isSelectableBindingDefault: SC.Binding.Bool,
Enable or disable the view.
The collection view will set the isEnabled property of its item views to
reflect the same view of this property. Whenever isEnabled is false,
the collection view will also be not selectable or editable, regardless of the
settings for isEditable & isSelectable.
@type {Bool}
isEnabled: true,
/** @private */
isEnabledBindingDefault: SC.Binding.Bool,
Allow user to edit content views.
The collection view will set the isEditable property on its item views to
reflect the same value of this property. Whenever isEditable is false,
the user will not be able to reorder, add, or delete items regardless of
the canReorderContent and canDeleteContent and isDropTarget properties.
isEditable: true,
/** @private */
isEditableBindingDefault: SC.Binding.Bool,
Allow user to reorder items using drag and drop.
If true, the user will can use drag and drop to reorder items in the list.
If you also accept drops, this will allow the user to drop items into
specific points in the list. Otherwise items will be added to the end.
canReorderContent: false,
/** @private */
canReorderContentBindingDefault: SC.Binding.Bool,
Allow the user to delete items using the delete key
If true the user will be allowed to delete selected items using the delete
key. Otherwise deletes will not be permitted.
canDeleteContent: NO,
/** @private */
canDeleteContentBindingDefault: SC.Binding.Bool,
Accept drops for data other than reordering.
Setting this property to return true when the view is instantiated will
cause it to be registered as a drop target, activating the other drop
isDropTarget: NO,
Use toggle selection instead of normal click behavior.
If set to true, then selection will use a toggle instead of the normal
click behavior. Command modifiers will be ignored and instead clicking
once will enable an item and clicking on it again will disable it.
@type Boolean
useToggleSelection: NO,
Trigger the action method on a single click.
Normally, clicking on an item view in a collection will select the content
object and double clicking will trigger the action method on the
collection view.
If you set this property to true, then clicking on a view will both select
it (if isSelected is true) and trigger the action method.
Use this if you are using the collection view as a menu of items.
@type {Boolean}
actOnSelect: false,
Select an item immediately on mouse down
Normally as soon as you begin a click the item will be selected.
In some UI scenarios, you might want to prevent selection until
the mouse is released, so you can perform, for instance, a drag operation
without actually selecting the target item.
@type {Boolean}
selectOnMouseDown: true,
Property key to use to group objects.
If groupBy is set to a non-null value, then the collection view will
automatically display item views in groups based on the value of the
passed property key. The exampleGroupView will be used to display the
items in groups.
If this property is set, you MUST ensure the items in the content array
are already sorted by the group key. Otherwise item view groups might
appear more than once.
@type {String}
groupBy: null,
The view class to use when creating new item views.
The collection view will automatically create an instance of the view
class you set here for each item in its content array. You should provide
your own subclass for this property to display the type of content you
For best results, the view you set here should understand the following
- *content* The content object from the content array your view should display
- *isEnabled* True if the view should appear enabled
- *isSelected* True if the view should appear selected
In general you do not want your child views to actually respond to mouse
and keyboard events themselves. It is better to let the collection view
do that.
If you do implement your own event handlers such as mouseDown or mouseUp,
you should be sure to actually call the same method on the collection view
to give it the chance to perform its own selection housekeeping.
@type {SC.View}
exampleView: SC.View,
The view class to use when displaying item views in groups.
If the groupBy property is not null, then the collection view will create
an instance of this view class with the item views that belong to the
group as child nodes for each distinct group value it encounters.
Your groupView should have two outlets:
labelView: The view to display the group label. The group value will be
set as the content property of this view.
itemView: This is the view the item views will be added to as children
to this view.
If groupBy is null, then this property will not be used. The default
class provided here simply displays the group value in an H1 tag.
@type {SC.View}
exampleGroupView: SC.View.extend({
emptyElement: '
outlets: ['labelView','itemView'],
labelView: SC.LabelView.outletFor('h1?'),
itemView: SC.View.outletFor('.well?')
Invoked when the user double clicks on an item (or single clicks of
actOnSelect is true)
Set this to the name of the action you want to send down the
responder chain when the user double clicks on an item (or single clicks
if actOnSelect is true). You can optionally specify a specific target as
well using the target property.
If you do not specify an action, then the collection view will also try to
invoke the action named on the target item view.
Older versions of SproutCore expected the action property to contain an
actual function that would be run. This format is still supported but is
deprecated for future use. You should generally use the responder chain
to handle your action for you.
@type {String}
action: null,
Optional target to send the action to when the user double clicks.
If you set the action property to the name of an action, you can
optionally specify the target object you want the action to be sent to.
This can be either an actual object or a property path that will resolve
to an object at the time that the action is invoked.
This property is ignored if you use the deprecated approach of making the
action property a function.
@type {String|Object}
target: null,
Set to true whenever the content changes and remains true until
the content has been rerendered.
You can also set this to true yourself to be notified when it is
isDirty: false,
The maximum time the collection view will spend updating its
views before it takes a break from the update.
This keeps your browser from freezing or displaying a slow script
warning while the render code works. Number is in msec.
Future versions of CollectionView may ignore this property as newer
rendering techniques make it no longer necessary.
maxRenderTime: 0,
Property to on content items to use for display.
Built-in item views such as the LabelViews and ImageViews will use the
value of this property as a key on the content object to determine the
value they should display.
For example, if you set contentValueKey to 'name' and set the
exampleView to an SC.LabelView, then the label views created by the
colleciton view will display the value of the content.name.
If you are writing your own custom item view for a collection, you can
get this behavior automatically by including the SC.Control mixin on your
view. You can also ignore this property if you like. The collection view
itself does not use this property to impact rendering.
contentValueKey: null,
Enables keyboard-based navigate if set to true.
acceptsFirstResponder: false,
If your layout uses a grid or horizontal-based layout, then make sure this
property is always up to date with the current number of items per row.
The CollectionView will use this property to support keyboard navigation
using the arrow keys.
If your collection view is simply a vertical list of items then you do not
need to edit this property.
itemsPerRow: 1,
Property returns all of the item views, regardless of group view.
@returns {Array} the item views.
itemViews: function() {
if (!this._itemViews) {
var range = this.get('nowShowingRange') ;
var content = this.get('content') || [] ;
this._itemViews = [] ;
for(var idx=0;idx= 0) {
var cur = content.objectAt(min) ;
var curGroupValue = (cur) ? cur.get(groupBy) : null ;
if (curGroupValue !== groupValue) break ;
min++ ;
// find first item at top that does not match. keep value to calc range
while(++max < len) {
var cur = content.objectAt(max) ;
var curGroupValue = (cur) ? cur.get(groupBy) : null ;
if (curGroupValue !== groupValue) break ;
return { start: min, length: max-min } ;
// Determines the group value at a specified index.
groupValueAtContentIndex: function(contentIndex) {
var groupBy = this.get('groupBy') ;
var content = Array.from(this.get('content')).objectAt(contentIndex) ;
return (groupBy && content && content.get) ? content.get(groupBy) : null;
// ......................................
Update the itemViews in the receiver to match the currently visible
content objects. Normally this method assumes the content objects
themselves have not changed and only updates the views if the range of
visible content has changed. If you pass true to the fullUpdate property,
then the entire set of itemViews will be revalidated in case any content
objects have changed.
@param {Bool} fullUpdate (Optional) if set to true, assumes content has
changed and will perform a full update.
updateChildren: function(fullUpdate) {
var f ;
// if the collection is not presently visible in the window, then there is
// really nothing to do here. Just mark the view as dirty and return.
if (!this.get('isVisibleInWindow')) {
this.set('isDirty', true) ;
this._needsFullUpdate = this._needsFullUpdate || fullUpdate ;
var bkey = '%@.updateChildren(%@)'.fmt(this, (fullUpdate) ? 'FULL' : 'FAST') ;
this.beginPropertyChanges() ; // avoid sending notifications
// STEP 1: Update frame size if needed. Required to compute the
// clippingFrame.
var f ;
if ((f = this.computeFrame()) && !SC.rectsEqual(f, this.get('frame'))) {
var parent = this.get('parentNode') ;
if (parent) parent.viewFrameWillChange() ;
this.set('frame', f) ;
if (parent) parent.viewFrameDidChange() ;
if ((f = this.computeFrame()) && !SC.rectsEqual(f, this.get('frame'))) {
this.set('frame', f) ;
// Save the current clipping frame. If the frame methods are called again
// later but the frame has not actually changed, we don't want to run
// updateChildren again.
var clippingFrame = this._lastClippingFrame = this.get('clippingFrame') ;
// STEP 2: Calculate the new range of content to display in
// the clipping frame. Determine if we need to do a full update or
// not.
var range = this.contentRangeInFrame(clippingFrame) ;
var content = Array.from(this.get('content'));
//make sure the range isn't greater than the content length
//this will prevent trying to render items that aren't really there.
range.length = Math.min(SC.maxRange(range), content.get('length')) - range.start ;
var nowShowingRange = this.get('nowShowingRange') ;
fullUpdate = fullUpdate || (SC.intersectRanges(range, nowShowingRange).length <= 0) ;
this.set('nowShowingRange', range) ;
// STEP 3: Update item views.
var groupBy = this.get('groupBy') ;
var didChange = false ;
// If this is a fullUpdate, then rebuild the itemViewsByContent hash
// from scratch. This is necessary if the content or the visible range
// might have changed.
if (fullUpdate) {
var itemViewsByContent = {} ; // this will replace the current hash.
// iterate through all of the views and insert them. If the view
// already exists, it will simply be reused.
var idx = SC.maxRange(range) ;
while(--idx >= range.start) {
var c = content.objectAt(idx) ;
var key = SC.guidFor(c) ;
var itemView = this._insertItemViewFor(c, groupBy, idx) ;
// add item view to new hash and remove from old hash.
itemViewsByContent[key] = itemView;
delete this._itemViewsByContent[key];
// Now iterate through the old hash. Any left over item views should
// be removed.
for(var key in this._itemViewsByContent) {
if (!this._itemViewsByContent.hasOwnProperty(key)) continue ;
var itemView = this._itemViewsByContent[key] ;
this._removeItemView(itemView, groupBy) ;
} ;
// Swap out remaining content items.
this._itemViewsByContent = itemViewsByContent ;
didChange = true;
// If a fullUpdate is not required, then we assume no content has changed
// and we just need to add or remove some views to bring the ranges up
// to date.
} else {
// Find changed range at the top. Note that the length here may be
// negative. Negative means views should be removed.
var start = range.start ;
var length = (nowShowingRange.start - start) ;
if (length != 0) {
this._insertOrRemoveItemViewsInRange(start, length, groupBy) ;
didChange = true ;
// Find the changed range at the bottom. Note that the length here may
// also be negative. Negative means views should be removed.
var start = SC.maxRange(nowShowingRange) ;
var length = SC.maxRange(range) - start ;
if (length != 0) {
this._insertOrRemoveItemViewsInRange(start, length, groupBy) ;
didChange = true ;
// Recache frames just in case this changed the scroll height.
this.recacheFrames() ;
// Set this to true once children have been rendered. Whenever the
// content changes, we don't want resize or clipping frame changes to
// cause a refresh until the content has been rendered for the first time.
this._hasChildren = range.length>0 ;
// Clean out some cached items and notify their changes.
// NOTE: This must be called after _hasChildren has been set or
// updateSelectionStates() may not run.
if (didChange) {
this._flushZombieGroupViews() ;
this.updateSelectionStates() ;
this._itemViews = null ;
this.notifyPropertyChange('itemViews') ;
this._groupViews = null ;
this.notifyPropertyChange('groupViews') ;
this.endPropertyChanges() ;
if (SC.BENCHMARK_UPDATE_CHILDREN) SC.Benchmark.end(bkey);
Rebuild all the child item views in the collection view.
This will remove all the child views from the collection view and rebuild
them from scratch. This method is generally expensive, but if you have
made a substantial number of changes to the content array, this may be the
most efficient way to perform the update.
In general the collection view will automatically keep the item views in
sync with the content objects for you. You should not need to call this
method very often.
@returns {void}
rebuildChildren: function() {
this.beginPropertyChanges() ;
// iterate through itemViews and remove them
while(this._itemViewRoot) this._removeItemViewFromChain(this._itemViewRoot) ;
// iterate through groupViews and remove them .. if grouping is disabled,
// _groupViewRoot will be null anyway.
while(this._groupViewRoot) this._removeGroupView(this._groupViewRoot) ;
// now updateChildren.
this._hasChildren = false ;
this.updateChildren() ;
this.endPropertyChanges() ;
Update the selection state for the item views to reflect the selection
This will update the isSelected property of all item views so that only
those representing content objects found in the selection array are
This method is called automatically whenever your content or selection
properties changed. You should not need to call or override it often.
updateSelectionStates: function() {
if (!this._hasChildren) return ;
var selection = this.get('selection') || [];
// First, for efficiency, turn the selection into a hash by GUID. This
// way, we'll only have to perform a linear search over the children.
// This hash is cached and flushed each time the selection changes.
var selectionHash = this._selectionHash ;
if (!selectionHash) {
selectionHash = {} ;
var idx = selection.get('length') ;
while(--idx >= 0) {
var cur = selection.objectAt(idx) ;
var key = SC.guidFor(cur) ;
selectionHash[key] = true ;
this._selectionHash = selectionHash ;
// Iterate over the item views and set their selection property.
for(var key in this._itemViewsByContent) {
if (!this._itemViewsByContent.hasOwnProperty(key)) continue ;
var itemView = this._itemViewsByContent[key] ;
var isSelected = (key) ? selectionHash[key] : false ;
if (itemView.get('isSelected') != isSelected) {
itemView.set('isSelected', isSelected) ;
Calls updateChildren whenever the view is resized, unless you have not
implemented custom layout or incremental rendering.
-- add/remove any children as needed
-- update layout on all itemViews unless you have a more efficient
resizeChildrenWithOldSize: function(oldSize) {
if (!this._hasChildren) return ;
this.updateChildren() ; // add/remove any new views.
this.layoutResize() ; // perform layout on all of the views if needed.
Whenever your clipping frame changes, determine new range to display. If
new range is a change, then it will update the children and relayout.
-- add/remove any children as needed
-- update layout on added children only
clippingFrameDidChange: function() {
if (!this._hasChildren) return ;
SC.Benchmark.start('%@.clippingFrameDidChange'.fmt(this.toString())) ;
if (!SC.rectsEqual(this._lastClippingFrame, this.get('clippingFrame'))) {
if (this._hasChildren) this.updateChildren() ;
SC.Benchmark.end('%@.clippingFrameDidChange'.fmt(this.toString())) ;
Override to return the computed frame dimensions of the collection view.
These dimensions are automatically applied at the end of a call to
updateChildren() if they change at all. This method is critical for
support of incremental rendering.
@returns {Rect} width and/or height you want this collection view to have.
computeFrame: function() { return null; },
Override to return the range of items to render for a given frame.
You can override this method to implement support for incremenetal
rendering. The range you return here will be used to limit the number of
actual item views that are created by the collection view.
@param {Rect} frame The frame you should use to determine the range.
@returns {Range} A hash that indicates the range of content objects to
render. ({ start: X, length: Y })
contentRangeInFrame: function(frame) {
var content = this.get('content') ;
var len = ((content && content.get) ? content.get('length') : 0) || 0 ;
return { start: 0, length: len };
This method is called whenever a group view is added or during the
layoutResize() method. You should use this method to size and position
the group view.
The included contentIndexHint can be used to help you determine the range
of content that should be included in the group. If you are renderings a
list of items 100 or less, you can get the range of content belonging to
the group using the contentRangeForGroup() method. If you are managing
a much larger set of content, you should probably implement your own
data model.
Your layout method should can optionally also use the firstLayout to
further optimize itself. Normally, you will want to only change a view's
actual frame if it does not match your calculated size. However, if
firstLayout is true, you can simply set the new layout without checking
@param {SC.View} groupView the view to size and position.
@param {Object} groupValue the value the groupView represents.
@param {Number} contentIndexHint the index of a content object.
@param {Bool} firstLayout True if this is the first the view has been laid out.
layoutGroupView: function(groupView, groupValue, contentIndexHint, firstLayout) {
This method is called whenever an itemView is added or during the
layoutResize() method. You should use this method to size and position
the itemView.
@param {SC.View} itemViewthe item view to layout
@param {Number} contentIndex the index of the content this layout represents.
@param {Bool} firstLayout true if this is the first time it has been laid out.
layoutItemView: function(itemView, contentIndex, firstLayout) {
This method is called whenever the view is resized. The default
implementation will simply iterate through the visible content range and
call layoutItemView() and layoutGroupView() on all the views.
If you would like to provide a more efficient method for updating the
layout on a resize, you could override this method and do the iterating
layoutResize: function() {
if (!this._hasChildren) return ; // ignore calls before first render
var nowShowingRange = this.get('nowShowingRange') ;
var groupBy = this.get('groupBy') ;
var groupValue = undefined ;
var content = this.get('content') || [] ;
var idx = SC.maxRange(nowShowingRange) ;
while(--idx >= nowShowingRange.start) {
var cur = content.objectAt(idx) ;
var itemView = this.itemViewForContent(cur) ;
// should never happen, but recover just in case.
if (!itemView) continue ;
// if grouping is enabled, get the group value and layout based on that.
if (groupBy && ((curGroupValue = (cur) ? cur.get(groupBy) : null) !== groupValue)) {
var groupView = this.groupViewForGroupValue(groupValue) ;
if (groupView) {
this.layoutGroupView(groupView, groupValue, idx, false) ;
// now layout the itemView itself.
this.layoutItemView(itemView, idx, false) ;
// Ordered array of item views currently on display. This array
// is reset whenever the item views are regenerated.
_itemViews: null,
// Ordered array of group views currently in the display. This array is
// reset whenever the group views are regenerated.
_groupViews: null,
// Most recent content range on display.
_visibleContentRange: null,
// Hash of itemViews to the content guids they current represent. This
// only matches views in currently in the _visibleContentRange.
_itemViewsByContent: null,
// Hash of groupViews to the group key they currently represent.
_groupViewsByValue: null,
// Hash of counts of item views contained in a group view. When the count
// of a group reaches zero, it will be removed.
_groupViewCounts: null,
// Array of unused itemViews. Push/pop only.
_itemViewPool: null,
// Array of unused groupViews. Push/pop only.
_groupViewPool: null,
// When a group view's item view count reaches zero, it is moved to this
// hash until updateChildren() completes. During that time, if the group
// is needed again, it can be reused. At the end of updateChildren() this
// hash will be flushed and its members returned to the groupView pool.
_zombieGroupViews: null,
/** @private
Finds or creates the itemView for the named content and inserts it into
view under the correct group if needed. Note that this method does not
take into account the actual ORDER of item views in the hierarchy. It
assumes that manual layout will ensure the items appear visually in the
proper order anyway.
@param {SC.View} itemView The item view to remove
@param {String} groupBy the value used for grouping or null if grouping is
@returns {SC.View} the new itemView.
_insertItemViewFor: function(content, groupBy, contentIndex) {
// first look for a matching record.
var key = SC.guidFor(content) ;
var ret = this._itemViewsByContent[key];
var firstLayout = false ;
// if no record was found, pull an item view from the pool or create one.
// set the content.
if (!ret) {
ret = this._itemViewPool.pop() || this.get('exampleView').create({
owner: this, displayDelegate: this
}) ;
ret.addClassName('sc-collection-item') ; // add class name for display
// set content and add to content hash
ret.set('content', content) ;
this._itemViewsByContent[key] = ret ;
this._itemViewsByGuid[SC.guidFor(ret)] = ret ;
firstLayout = true ;
if (!ret) throw "Could not create itemView for content: %@".fmt(content);
// Determine proper parent view and insert itemView if needed.
// Also update count of itemViews.
var canGroup = !!(groupBy && content) ;
var groupValue = (canGroup) ? content.get(groupBy) : null;
var parentView = (canGroup) ? this._insertGroupViewFor(groupValue, contentIndex) : this ;
var curParentView = ret.get('parentNode') ;
if (curParentView != parentView) {
// if the item is already inside of another group, then it is probably
// just being moved, so remove it from its parent group first...
if (groupBy && curParentView) {
// reduce the group view count. If this it the last item in the
// group view, the count will be <= 0 and we will need to remove t
// the group view itself.
if (--this._groupViewCounts[SC.guidFor(curParentView)] <= 0) {
this._removeGroupView(curParentView, groupValue) ;
parentView.appendChild(ret) ;
if (groupBy) this._groupViewCounts[SC.guidFor(parentView)]++ ;
// Layout itemView.
this.layoutItemView(ret, contentIndex, firstLayout) ;
return ret ;
/** @private
Removes the itemView from the receiver and returns it to the itemView pool
for later reuse.
If the itemView belongs to a groupView and this leaves the groupView empty
as well, then the groupView will be moved to the zombieGroupViews hash.
@param {SC.View} itemView The item view to remove
@param {String} groupBy the value used for grouping or null if grouping is
@returns {SC.View} The itemView that was removed.
_removeItemView: function(itemView, groupBy) {
// If we are grouping, then decrement the groupViewCount. If the new
// count is zero, save groupView for later removal.
var groupView = null ; var groupValue ;
if (groupBy && (groupView = itemView.get('parentNode'))) {
if (--this._groupViewCounts[SC.guidFor(groupView)] > 0) groupView = null ;
if (groupView) {
var content = itemView.get('content') ;
groupValue = (content) ? content.get(groupBy) : null ;
// Remove itemView from parent and remove from content hash.
var content = itemView.get('content') ;
var key = SC.guidFor(content) ;
delete this._itemViewsByContent[key] ;
delete this._itemViewsByGuid[SC.guidFor(itemView)] ;
itemView.removeFromParent() ;
// Clear content and return itemView to pool
itemView.set('content', null) ;
this._itemViewPool.push(itemView) ;
// if a groupView is set, then it also needs to be returned to the pool
if (groupView) this._removeGroupView(groupView, groupValue) ;
return itemView;
/** @private
Adds or removes itemViews for the content in the specified range.
Note that this is not passed as a formal range because the length
could be negative.
A negative length means views should be removed.
_insertOrRemoveItemViewsInRange: function(start, length, groupBy) {
// zero length means do nothing.
if (length == 0) return ;
var content = this.get('content') || [] ;
// negative length == remove item views
if (length < 0) {
while(++length < 0) {
var c = content.objectAt(start + length) ;
var itemView = this.itemViewForContent(c) ;
if (itemView) this._removeItemView(itemView, groupBy) ;
// positive length == add item views.
} else if (length > 0) {
while(--length >= 0) {
var idx = start + length ;
var c = content.objectAt(idx) ;
this._insertItemViewFor(c, groupBy, idx) ;
/** @private
Finds or creates a groupView for the named group value and inserts it into
the receiver. This method does not take into account the actual ORDER of
the groupViews in the hierarchy. It assumes that manual layout will
ensure the items appear visually in the proper order anyway.
@returns {SC.View} the new groupView.
_insertGroupViewFor: function(groupValue, contentIndex) {
var ret = this._groupViewsByValue[groupValue] ;
// if (ret) return ret ; // nothing to do
var firstLayout = false ;
// if the group was not found, check the zombie pool. If found in zombie
// pool, restore it to the regular group view hash.
if (!ret && this._zombieGroupViews) {
ret = this._zombieGroupViews[groupValue] ;
if (ret) {
delete this._zombieGroupViews[groupValue] ;
this._groupViewsByValue[groupValue] = ret ;
this._groupViewCounts[SC.guidFor(ret)] = 0 ;
// If groupValue still not found, create one.
if (!ret) {
ret = this._groupViewPool.pop() || this.get('exampleGroupView').create({
owner: this, displayDelegate: this
ret.addClassName('sc-collection-group') ;
// set the groupValue on the groupView. Older groupViews expect us to
// set this directly on the labelView. Newer groupViews should have a
// groupValue property.
if (ret.groupValue !== undefined) {
ret.set('groupValue', groupValue) ;
} else ret.set('content', groupValue) ;
// save in cache
this._groupViewsByValue[groupValue] = ret ;
this._groupViewCounts[SC.guidFor(ret)] = 0 ;
firstLayout = true;
// If the group view does not already belong to the receiver, add it.
if (!ret) throw "Could not create a groupView for value: %@".fmt(groupValue) ;
if (ret.get('parentNode') != this) this.appendChild(ret) ;
// Layout the group View
this.layoutGroupView(ret, groupValue, contentIndex, firstLayout) ;
return ret ;
/** @private
Called whenever a groupView is no longer being used.
Theoretically, this method removes a group view from the receiver and
stores it in the pool for later use. In actuality, this will just moved
the view to the zombieGroupView pool. You must call
_flushZombieGroupViews() to actually remove them from the receiver.
_removeGroupView: function(groupView, groupValue) {
this._zombieGroupViews[groupValue] = groupView ;
} else {
this._finalRemoveGroupView(groupView) ;
delete this._groupViewsByValue[groupValue] ;
delete this._groupViewCounts[SC.guidFor(groupView)] ;
return groupView ;
/** @private
Flushes any zombie group views, removing them from their parent view and
returning them to the groupView pool for later consumption.
_flushZombieGroupViews: function() {
if (!SC.ZOMBIE_GROUPS_ENABLED) return ; // nothing to do
for(var key in this._zombieGroupViews) {
if (!this._zombieGroupViews.hasOwnProperty(key)) continue ;
var groupView = this._zombieGroupViews[key] ;
this._finalRemoveGroupView(groupView) ;
this._zombieGroupViews = {} ; // reset
/** @private
Final method to actually remove a groupView from its parent view and
return it to the groupView pool.
_finalRemoveGroupView: function(groupView) {
groupView.removeFromParent() ;
// set the groupValue on the groupView. Older groupViews expect us to set
// this directly on the labelView. Newer groupViews should have a
// groupValue property.
if (groupView.groupValue !== undefined) {
groupView.set('groupValue', null) ;
} else groupView.set('content', null) ;
this._groupViewPool.push(groupView) ;
return groupView ;
/** @private
Removes the rootElement from the DOM temporarily if needed to optimize performance.
_removeRootElementFromDom: function() {
if (this._cachedRootElementParent === undefined) {
var parent = this._cachedRootElementParent = this.rootElement.parentNode ;
this._cachedRootElementNextSibling = this.rootElement.nextSibling ;
if (parent) parent.removeChild(this.rootElement) ;
/** @private
Re-adds root element into DOM if necessary. Inverts _removeRootElementFromDom().
_restoreRootElementInDom: function() {
if (this._cachedRootElementParent) {
this._cachedRootElementParent.insertBefore(this.rootElement, this._cachedRootElementNextSibling);
this._cachedRootElementParent = this._cachedRootElementNextSibling = null ;
// ......................................
/** @private
Finds the smallest index of a content object in the selected array.
_indexOfSelectionTop: function() {
var content = this.get('content');
var sel = this.get('selection');
if (!content || !sel) return - 1;
// find the first item in the selection
var contentLength = content.get('length') ;
var indexOfSelected = contentLength ; var idx = sel.length ;
while(--idx >= 0) {
var curIndex = content.indexOf(sel[idx]) ;
if ((curIndex >= 0) && (curIndex < indexOfSelected)) indexOfSelected = curIndex ;
return (indexOfSelected >= contentLength) ? -1 : indexOfSelected ;
Finds the largest index of a content object in the selection array.
_indexOfSelectionBottom: function() {
var content = this.get('content');
var sel = this.get('selection');
if (!content || !sel) return - 1;
var indexOfSelected = -1 ; var idx = sel.length ;
while(--idx >= 0) {
var curIndex = content.indexOf(sel[idx]) ;
if (curIndex > indexOfSelected) indexOfSelected = curIndex ;
return (indexOfSelected < 0) ? -1 : indexOfSelected ;
Select one or more items before the current selection, optionally
extending the current selection. Also scrolls the selected item into
Selection does not wrap around.
@param extend {Boolean} (Optional) If true, the selection will be extended
instead of replaced. Defaults to false.
@param numberOfItems {Integer} (Optional) The number of previous to be
selected. Defaults to 1
@returns {void}
selectPreviousItem: function(extend, numberOfItems)
if (numberOfItems == null) numberOfItems = 1 ;
if (extend == null) extend = false ;
var content = this.get('content');
var contentLength = content.get('length') ;
// if extending, then we need to do some fun stuff to build the array
var selTop, selBottom, anchor ;
if (extend) {
selTop = this._indexOfSelectionTop() ;
selBottom = this._indexOfSelectionBottom() ;
anchor = (this._selectionAnchor == null) ? selTop : this._selectionAnchor ;
this._selectionAnchor = anchor ;
// If the selBottom is after the anchor, then reduce the selection
if (selBottom > anchor) {
selBottom = selBottom - numberOfItems ;
// otherwise, select the previous item from the top
} else {
selTop = selTop - numberOfItems ;
// Ensure we are not out of bounds
if (selTop < 0) selTop = 0 ;
if (selBottom < selTop) selBottom = selTop ;
// if not extending, just select the item previous to the selTop
} else {
selTop = this._indexOfSelectionTop() - numberOfItems;
if (selTop < 0) selTop = 0 ;
selBottom = selTop ;
anchor = null ;
// now build array of new items to select
var items = [] ;
while(selTop <= selBottom) {
items[items.length] = content.objectAt(selTop++) ;
// ensure that the item is visible and set the selection
if (items.length > 0) {
this._selectionAnchor = anchor ;
Select one or more items folling the current selection, optionally
extending the current selection. Also scrolls to selected item.
Selection does not wrap around.
@param extend {Boolean} (Optional) If true, the selection will be extended
instead of replaced. Defaults to false.
@param numberOfItems {Integer} (Optional) The number of items to be
selected. Defaults to 1.
@returns {void}
selectNextItem: function(extend, numberOfItems)
if (numberOfItems == null) numberOfItems = 1 ;
if (extend == null) extend = false ;
var content = this.get('content');
var contentLength = content.get('length') ;
// if extending, then we need to do some fun stuff to build the array
var selTop, selBottom, anchor ;
if (extend) {
selTop = this._indexOfSelectionTop() ;
selBottom = this._indexOfSelectionBottom() ;
anchor = (this._selectionAnchor == null) ? selTop : this._selectionAnchor ;
this._selectionAnchor = anchor ;
// If the selTop is before the anchor, then reduce the selection
if (selTop < anchor) {
selTop = selTop + numberOfItems ;
// otherwise, select the next item after the top
} else {
selBottom = selBottom + numberOfItems ;
// Ensure we are not out of bounds
if (selBottom >= contentLength) selBottom = contentLength-1;
if (selTop > selBottom) selTop = selBottom ;
// if not extending, just select the item next to the selBottom
} else {
selBottom = this._indexOfSelectionBottom() + numberOfItems;
if (selBottom >= contentLength) selBottom = contentLength-1;
selTop = selBottom ;
anchor = null ;
// now build array of new items to select
var items = [] ;
while(selTop <= selBottom) {
items[items.length] = content.objectAt(selTop++) ;
// ensure that the item is visible and set the selection
if (items.length > 0) {
this._selectionAnchor = anchor ;
Scroll the rootElement (if needed) to ensure that the item is visible.
@param {SC.Record} record The record to scroll to
@returns {void}
scrollToContent: function(record) {
// find the itemView. if not present, add one.
var itemView = this.itemViewForContent(record) ;
if (!itemView) {
var content = Array.from(this.get('content')) ;
var contentIndex = content.indexOf(record) ;
var groupBy = this.get('groupBy');
itemView = this._insertItemViewFor(itemView, groupBy, contentIndex);
if (itemView) this.scrollToItemView(itemView);
Scroll the rootElement (if needed) to ensure that the item is visible.
@param {SC.View} view The item view to scroll to
@returns {void}
scrollToItemView: function( view )
// find first scrollable view.
var scrollable = this ;
while(scrollable && (scrollable != SC.window) && (!scrollable.get('isScrollable'))) {
scrollable = scrollable.get('parentNode') ;
if (!scrollable || (scrollable == SC.window)) return ; // no scrollable!
scrollable.scrollToVisible(view) ;
Selects the passed array of items, optionally extending the
current selection.
@param items {Array} The item or items to select.
@param extendSelection {Boolean} If true, extends the selection instead of
replacing it.
selectItems: function(items, extendSelection) {
var base = (extendSelection) ? this.get('selection') : [] ;
var sel = [items].concat(base).flatten().uniq() ;
// if you are not extending the selection, then clear the selection
// anchor.
this._selectionAnchor = null ;
this.set('selection',sel) ;
Removes the items from the selection.
deselectItems: function(items) {
items = [items].flatten() ;
var base = this.get('selection') || [] ;
var sel = base.map(function(i) { return (items.include(i)) ? null : i; });
sel = sel.compact() ;
this.set('selection',sel) ;
Deletes the selected content if canDeleteContent is YES.
This will invoke delegate methods to provide fine-grained control.
@returns {Boolean} YES if deletion is possible, even if none actually occurred.
deleteSelection: function() {
// perform some basic checks...
if (!this.get('canDeleteContent')) return NO;
var sel = Array.from(this.get('selection'));
if (!sel || sel.get('length') === 0) return NO ;
// let the delegate decide what to actually delete. If this returns an
// empty array or null, just do nothing.
sel = this.invokeDelegateMethod(this.delegate, 'collectionViewShouldDeleteContent', this, sel) ;
sel = Array.from(sel) ; // ensure this is an array
if (!sel || sel.get('length') === 0) return YES ;
// now have the delegate (or us) perform the deletion. The collection
// view implements a default version of this method.
this.invokeDelegateMethod(this.delegate, 'collectionViewDeleteContent', this, sel) ;
return YES ;
Default implementation of the delegate method.
This method will delete the passed items from the content array using
standard array methods. This is often suitable if you are using an
array controller or a real array for your content.
@param view {SC.CollectionView} this
@param sel {Array} the items to delete
@returns {Boolean} YES if the deletion was a success.
collectionViewDeleteContent: function(view, sel) {
// get the content. Bail if this cannot be used as an array.
var content = this.get('content') ;
if (!content || !content.removeObject) return NO ;
// suspend property notifications and remove the objects...
if (content.beginPropertyChanges) content.beginPropertyChanges();
var idx = sel.get('length') ;
while(--idx >= 0) {
var item = sel.objectAt(idx) ;
content.removeObject(item) ;
// begin notifying again...
if (content.endPropertyChanges) content.endPropertyChanges() ;
return YES ; // done!
// ......................................
keyDown: function(evt) {
return this.interpretKeyEvents(evt) ;
keyUp: function() { return true; },
/** @private
Handle select all keyboard event.
selectAll: function(evt) {
var content = (this.get('content') || []).slice() ;
this.selectItems(content, NO) ;
return YES ;
/** @private
Handle delete keyboard event.
deleteBackward: function(evt) {
return this.deleteSelection() ;
/** @private
Handle delete keyboard event.
deleteForward: function(evt) {
return this.deleteSelection() ;
/** @private
Selects the same item on the next row or moves down one if
itemsPerRow = 1
moveDown: function(sender, evt) {
this.selectNextItem(false, this.get('itemsPerRow') || 1) ;
return true ;
/** @private
Selects the same item on the next row or moves up one if
itemsPerRow = 1
moveUp: function(sender, evt) {
this.selectPreviousItem(false, this.get('itemsPerRow') || 1) ;
return true ;
/** @private
Selects the previous item if itemsPerRow > 1. Otherwise does nothing.
moveLeft: function(sender, evt) {
if ((this.get('itemsPerRow') || 1) > 1) this.selectPreviousItem(false, 1) ;
return true ;
/** @private
Selects the next item if itemsPerRow > 1. Otherwise does nothing.
moveRight: function(sender, evt) {
if ((this.get('itemsPerRow') || 1) > 1) this.selectNextItem(false, 1) ;
return true ;
moveDownAndModifySelection: function(sender, evt) {
this.selectNextItem(true, this.get('itemsPerRow') || 1) ;
return true ;
moveUpAndModifySelection: function(sender, evt) {
this.selectPreviousItem(true, this.get('itemsPerRow') || 1) ;
return true ;
/** @private
Selects the previous item if itemsPerRow > 1. Otherwise does nothing.
moveLeftAndModifySelection: function(sender, evt) {
if ((this.get('itemsPerRow') || 1) > 1) this.selectPreviousItem(true, 1) ;
return true ;
/** @private
Selects the next item if itemsPerRow > 1. Otherwise does nothing.
moveRightAndModifySelection: function(sender, evt) {
if ((this.get('itemsPerRow') || 1) > 1) this.selectNextItem(true, 1) ;
return true ;
Handles mouse down events on the collection view or on any of its
The default implementation of this method can handle a wide variety
of user behaviors depending on how you have configured the various
options for the collection view.
@param ev {Event} the mouse down event
@returns {Boolean} Usually YES.
mouseDown: function(ev) {
// When the user presses the mouse down, we don't do much just yet.
// Instead, we just need to save a bunch of state about the mouse down
// so we can choose the right thing to do later.
// save the original mouse down event for use in dragging.
this._mouseDownEvent = ev ;
// Toggle selection only triggers on mouse up. Do nothing.
if (this.useToggleSelection) return true;
// Make sure that saved mouseDown state is always reset in case we do
// not get a paired mouseUp. (Only happens if subclass does not call us
// like it should)
this._mouseDownAt = this._shouldDeselect =
this._shouldReselect = this._refreshSelection = false;
// find the actual view the mouse was pressed down on. This will call
// hitTest() on item views so they can implement non-square detection
// modes. -- once we have an item view, get its content object as well.
var mouseDownView = this._mouseDownView = this.itemViewForEvent(ev);
var mouseDownContent =
this._mouseDownContent = (mouseDownView) ? mouseDownView.get('content') : null;
// become first responder if possible.
this.becomeFirstResponder() ;
// recieved a mouseDown on the collection element, but not on one of the
// childItems... unless we do not allow empty selections, set it to empty.
if (!mouseDownView) {
if (this.get('allowDeselectAll')) this.selectItems([], false);
return true ;
// collection some basic setup info
var selection = this.get('selection') || [];
var isSelected = selection.include(mouseDownContent);
var modifierKeyPressed = ev.ctrlKey || ev.altKey || ev.metaKey;
if (mouseDownView.checkboxView && (Event.element(ev) == el.checkboxView.rootElement)) {
modifierKeyPressed = true ;
this._mouseDownAt = Date.now();
// holding down a modifier key while clicking a selected item should deselect that item...
// deselect and bail.
if (modifierKeyPressed && isSelected) {
this._shouldDeselect = mouseDownContent;
// if the shiftKey was pressed, then we want to extend the selection
// from the last selected item
} else if (ev.shiftKey && selection.get('length') > 0) {
selection = this._findSelectionExtendedByShift(selection, mouseDownContent) ;
this.selectItems(selection) ;
// If no modifier key was pressed, then clicking on the selected item
// should clear the selection and reselect only the clicked on item.
} else if (!modifierKeyPressed && isSelected) {
this._shouldReselect = mouseDownContent;
// Otherwise, if selecting on mouse down, simply select the clicked on item,
// adding it to the current
// selection if a modifier key was pressed.
} else {
this.selectItems(mouseDownContent, modifierKeyPressed);
// saved for extend by shift ops.
this._previousMouseDownContent = mouseDownContent;
return true;
mouseUp: function(ev) {
var canAct = this.get('actOnSelect') ;
var view = this.itemViewForEvent(ev) ;
if (this.useToggleSelection) {
if (!view) return ; // do nothing when clicked outside of elements
// determine if item is selected. If so, then go on.
var selection = this.get('selection') || [] ;
var content = (view) ? view.get('content') : null ;
var isSelected = selection.include(content) ;
if (isSelected) {
this.deselectItems([content]) ;
} else this.selectItems([content],true) ;
} else {
var content = (view) ? view.get('content') : null ;
if(this._previousMouseDownContent == content) { this.selectItems(content); }
if (this._shouldDeselect) this.deselectItems(this._shouldDeselect);
// begin editing of an item view IF all of the following is true:
// otherwise, just reselect.
if (this._shouldReselect) {
// - contentValueIsEditable is true
var canEdit = this.get('contentValueIsEditable') ;
// - the user clicked on an item that was already selected
// - is the only item selected
if (canEdit) {
var sel = this.get('selection') ;
canEdit = sel && (sel.get('length') === 1) && (sel.objectAt(0) === this._shouldReselect) ;
// - the item view responds to contentHitTest() and returns YES.
// - the item view responds to beginEditing and returns YES.
if (canEdit) {
var itemView = this.itemViewForContent(this._shouldReselect) ;
canEdit = itemView && (!itemView.contentHitTest || itemView.contentHitTest(ev)) ;
canEdit = (canEdit && itemView.beginEditing) ? itemView.beginEditing() : NO ;
// if cannot edit, just reselect
if (!canEdit) this.selectItems(this._shouldReselect,false) ;
this._cleanupMouseDown() ;
this._mouseDownEvent = null ;
if (canAct) this._action(ev, view) ;
return false; // bubble event to allow didDoubleClick to be called...
_cleanupMouseDown: function() {
this._mouseDownAt = this._shouldDeselect = this._shouldReselect = this._refreshSelection = false;
this._mouseDownEvent = this._mouseDownContent = this._mouseDownView = null ;
mouseMoved: function(ev) {
var view = this.itemViewForEvent(ev) ;
// handle hover events.
if(this._lastHoveredItem && ((view === null) || (view != this._lastHoveredItem)) && this._lastHoveredItem.mouseOut) {
this._lastHoveredItem = view ;
if (view && view.mouseOver) view.mouseOver(ev) ;
mouseOut: function(ev) {
var view = this._lastHoveredItem ;
this._lastHoveredItem = null ;
if (view && view.didMouseOut) view.didMouseOut(ev) ;
doubleClick: function(ev) {
var view = this.itemViewForEvent(ev) ;
if (view) {
this._action(view, ev) ;
return true ;
} else return false ;
_findSelectionExtendedByShift: function(selection, mouseDownContent) {
var collection = this.get('content');
// bounds of the collection...
var collectionLowerBounds = 0;
var collectionUpperBounds = (collection.get('length') - 1);
var selectionBeginIndex = collection.indexOf(selection.first());
var selectionEndIndex = collection.indexOf(selection.last());
var previousMouseDownIndex = collection.indexOf(this._previousMouseDownContent);
// _previousMouseDownContent couldn't be found... either it hasn't been set yet or the record has been deleted by the user
// fall back to the first selected item.
if (previousMouseDownIndex == -1) previousMouseDownIndex = selectionBeginIndex;
var currentMouseDownIndex = collection.indexOf(mouseDownContent);
// sanity check...
if (currentMouseDownIndex == -1) throw "Unable to extend selection to an item that's not in the collection!";
// clicked before the current selection set... extend it's beginning...
if (currentMouseDownIndex < selectionBeginIndex) selectionBeginIndex = currentMouseDownIndex;
// clicked after the current selection set... extend it's ending...
if (currentMouseDownIndex > selectionEndIndex) selectionEndIndex = currentMouseDownIndex;
// clicked inside the selection set... need to determine where the las
if ((currentMouseDownIndex > selectionBeginIndex) && (currentMouseDownIndex < selectionEndIndex))
if (currentMouseDownIndex == previousMouseDownIndex) {
selectionBeginIndex = currentMouseDownIndex;
selectionEndIndex = currentMouseDownIndex;
} else if (currentMouseDownIndex > previousMouseDownIndex) {
selectionBeginIndex = previousMouseDownIndex;
selectionEndIndex = currentMouseDownIndex;
} else if (currentMouseDownIndex < previousMouseDownIndex){
selectionBeginIndex = currentMouseDownIndex;
selectionEndIndex = previousMouseDownIndex;
// slice doesn't include the last index passed... silly..
// shouldn't need to sanity check that the selection is in bounds due to the indexOf checks above...
// I'll have faith that indexOf hasn't lied to me...
return collection.slice(selectionBeginIndex, selectionEndIndex);
// if content value is editable and we have one item selected, then edit.
// otherwise, invoke action.
insertNewline: function() {
if (this.get('contentValueIsEditable')) {
var sel = this.get('selection') ;
if (sel && sel.get('length') === 1) {
var itemView = this.itemViewForContent(sel.objectAt(0)) ;
if (itemView && itemView.beginEditing) {
this.scrollToItemView(itemView) ;
itemView.beginEditing() ;
// invoke action!
} else {
var sel = this.get('selection') ;
var itemView = (sel && sel.get('length') === 1) ? this.itemViewForContent(sel.objectAt(0)) : null ;
this._action(itemView, null) ;
return YES ; // always handle
// ......................................
Called whenever the collection becomes first responder.
Adds the focused class to the element.
didBecomeFirstResponder: function() {
this.addClassName('focus') ;
willLoseFirstResponder: function() {
// ......................................
_reorderDataType: function() {
if (!this._reorderDataTypeKey) {
this._reorderDataTypeKey = "SC.CollectionView.Reorder.%@".fmt(SC.guidFor(this)) ;
return this._reorderDataTypeKey ;
This property is set to the array of content objects that are the subject
of a drag whenever a drag is initiated on the collection view. You can
consult this property when implementing your collection view delegate
methods, but otherwise you should not use this property in your code.
Note that drag content will always appear in the same order the content
appears in the source content array.
@type {Array}
dragContent: null,
This property is set to the proposed insertion index during a call to
collectionViewValidateDrop(). Your delegate implementations can change
the value of this property to enforce a drop some in some other location.
@type {Number}
proposedInsertionIndex: null,
This property is set to the proposed drop operation during a call to
collectionViewValidateDrop(). Your delegate implementations can change
the value of this property to enforce a different type of drop operation.
@type {Number}
proposedDropOperation: null,
/** @private
mouseDragged event handler. Initiates a drag if the following conditions
are met:
- collectionViewShouldBeginDrag() returns YES *OR*
- the above method is not implemented and canReorderContent is true.
- the dragDataTypes property returns a non-empty array
- a mouse down event was saved by the mouseDown method.
mouseDragged: function(ev) {
// if the mouse down event was cleared, there is nothing to do; return.
if (this._mouseDownEvent === null) return YES ;
// Don't do anything unless the user has been dragging for 123msec
if ((Date.now() - this._mouseDownAt) < 123) return YES ;
// OK, they must be serious, decide if a drag will be allowed.
if (this.invokeDelegateMethod(this.delegate, 'collectionViewShouldBeginDrag', this)) {
// First, get the selection to drag. Drag an array of selected
// items appearing in this collection, in the order of the
// collection.
// Set this to the dragContent property.
var content = this.get('content') || [] ;
var dragContent;
if (this.get("selectOnMouseDown") == false) {
dragContent = [this._previousMouseDownContent];
} else {
dragContent = this.get('selection').sort(function(a,b) {
a = content.indexOf(a) ;
b = content.indexOf(b) ;
return (ab) ? 1 : 0) ;
this.set('dragContent', dragContent) ;
// Get the set of data types supported by the delegate. If this returns
// a null or empty array and reordering content is not also supported
// then do not start the drag.
if (this.get('dragDataTypes').get('length') > 0) {
// Build the drag view to use for the ghost drag. This
// should essentially contain any visible drag items.
var view = this.ghostViewFor(dragContent) ;
// Initiate the drag
event: this._mouseDownEvent,
source: this,
dragView: view,
ghost: NO,
slideBack: YES,
dataSource: this
}) ;
// Also use this opportunity to clean up since mouseUp won't
// get called.
this._cleanupMouseDown() ;
this._lastInsertionIndex = null ;
// Drag was not allowed by the delegate, so bail.
} else {
this.set('dragContent', null) ;
return YES ;
Implements the drag data source protocol for the collection view. This
property will consult the collection view delegate if one is provided. It
will also do the right thing if you have set canReorderContent to YES.
@type {Array}
dragDataTypes: function() {
// consult delegate.
var ret = this.invokeDelegateMethod(this.delegate, 'collectionViewDragDataTypes', this) ;
var canReorderContent = this.get('canReorderContent') ;
// bail if ret returned null or empty array and cannot reorder.
if ((!ret || ret.get('length')===0) && !canReorderContent) return [];
// add reorder type if needed.
if (canReorderContent) {
ret = (ret) ? ret.slice() : [] ;
var key = this._reorderDataType() ;
if (ret.indexOf(key) < 0) ret.push(key) ;
return ret ;
//data: { "_mouseDownContent": dragContent }
Implements the drag data source protocol method. The implementation of
this method will consult the collection view delegate if one has been
provided. It also respects the canReoderContent method.
dragDataForType: function(dataType, drag) {
// if this is a reorder, then return drag content.
if (this.get('canReorderContent')) {
if (dataType === this._reorderDataType()) return this.get('dragContent') ;
// otherwise, just pass along to the delegate.
return this.invokeDelegateMethod(this.delegate, 'collectionViewDragDataForType', this, dataType, drag) ;
Implements the SC.DropTarget interface. The default implementation will
consult the collection view delegate, if you implement those methods.
dragEntered: function(drag, evt) {
// the proposed drag operation is either DRAG_MOVE only if we can reorder
// content and the drag contains reorder content.
var op = SC.DRAG_NONE ;
if (this.get('canReorderContent')) {
var types = drag.get('dataTypes') ;
if (types.indexOf(this._reorderDataType()) >= 0) op = SC.DRAG_MOVE ;
// Now pass this onto the delegate.
op = this.invokeDelegateMethod(this.delegate, 'collectionViewValidateDrop', this, drag, SC.DROP_ANY, -1, op) ;
// return
return op ;
// Determines the allowed drop operation insertion point, operation type,
// and the drag operation to be performed. Used by dragUpdated() and
// performDragOperation().
_computeDropOperationState: function(drag, evt) {
// get the insertion index for this location. This can be computed
// by a subclass using whatever method. This method is not expected to
// do any data valdidation, just to map the location to an insertion
// index.
var loc = drag.get('location') ;
loc = this.convertFrameFromView(loc, null) ;
var dropOp = SC.DROP_BEFORE ;
var dragOp = SC.DRAG_NONE ;
// STEP 1: Try with a DROP_ON option -- send straight to delegate if
// supported by view.
// get the computed insertion index and possibly drop operation.
// prefer to drop ON.
var idx = this.insertionIndexForLocation(loc, SC.DROP_ON) ;
if ($type(idx) === T_ARRAY) {
dropOp = idx[1] ;
idx = idx[0] ;
// if the return drop operation is DROP_ON, then just check it with the
// delegate method. If the delegate method does not support dropping on,
// then it will return DRAG_NONE, in which case we will try again with
// drop before.
if (dropOp === SC.DROP_ON) {
// Now save the insertion index and the dropOp. This may be changed by
// the collection delegate.
this.set('proposedInsertionIndex', idx) ;
this.set('proposedDropOperation', dropOp) ;
dragOp = this.invokeDelegateMethod(this.delegate, 'collectionViewValidateDrop', this, drag, dropOp, idx, dragOp) ;
idx = this.get('proposedInsertionIndex') ;
dropOp = this.get('proposedDropOperation') ;
this._dropInsertionIndex = this._dropOperation = null ;
// The delegate is OK with a drop on also, so just return.
if (dragOp !== SC.DRAG_NONE) {
return [idx, dropOp, dragOp] ;
// The delegate is NOT OK with a drop on, try to get the insertion
// index again, but this time prefer SC.DROP_BEFORE, then let the
// rest of the method run...
} else {
idx = this.insertionIndexForLocation(loc, SC.DROP_BEFORE) ;
if ($type(idx) === T_ARRAY) {
dropOp = idx[1] ;
idx = idx[0] ;
// if this is a reorder drag, set the proposed op to SC.DRAG_REORDER and
// validate the insertion point. This only works if the insertion point
// is DROP_BEFORE. DROP_ON is not handled by reordering content.
if ((idx >= 0) && this.get('canReorderContent') && (dropOp === SC.DROP_BEFORE)) {
var objects = drag.dataForType(this._reorderDataType()) || [];
var content = this.get('content') || [] ;
// if the insertion index is in between two items in the drag itself,
// then this is not allowed. Either use the last insertion index or
// find the first index that is not in between selections. Stop when
// we get to the beginning.
var previousContent = (idx > 0) ? content.objectAt(idx-1) : null ;
var nextContent = (idx < content.get('length')) ? content.objectAt(idx) : null;
var isPreviousInDrag = (previousContent) ? objects.indexOf(previousContent)>=0 : NO;
var isNextInDrag = (nextContent) ? objects.indexOf(nextContent)>=0 : NO;
if (isPreviousInDrag && isNextInDrag) {
if (this._lastInsertionIndex == null) {
while((idx >= 0) && (objects.indexOf(content.objectAt(idx)) >= 0)) {
idx-- ;
} else idx = this._lastInsertionIndex ;
// If we found a valid insertion point to reorder at, then set the op
// to custom DRAG_REORDER.
if (idx >= 0) dragOp = SC.DRAG_REORDER ;
// Now save the insertion index and the dropOp. This may be changed by
// the collection delegate.
this.set('proposedInsertionIndex', idx) ;
this.set('proposedDropOperation', dropOp) ;
dragOp = this.invokeDelegateMethod(this.delegate, 'collectionViewValidateDrop', this, drag, dropOp, idx, dragOp) ;
idx = this.get('proposedInsertionIndex') ;
dropOp = this.get('proposedDropOperation') ;
this._dropInsertionIndex = this._dropOperation = null ;
// return generated state
return [idx, dropOp, dragOp] ;
Implements the SC.DropTarget interface. The default implementation will
determine the drop location and then consult the collection view delegate
if you implement those methods. Otherwise it will handle reordering
content on its own.
dragUpdated: function(drag, evt) {
var state = this._computeDropOperationState(drag, evt) ;
var idx = state[0], dropOp = state[1], dragOp = state[2] ;
// if the insertion index or dropOp have changed, update the insertion
// point
if (dragOp !== SC.DRAG_NONE) {
if ((this._lastInsertionIndex !== idx) || (this._lastDropOperation !== dropOp)) {
var itemView = this.itemViewForContent(this.get('content').objectAt(idx));
this.showInsertionPoint(itemView, dropOp) ;
this._lastInsertionIndex = idx ;
this._lastDropOperation = dropOp ;
} else {
this.hideInsertionPoint() ;
this._lastInsertionIndex = this._lastDropOperation = null ;
// Normalize drag operation to the standard kinds accepted by the drag
// system.
return (dragOp === SC.DRAG_REORDER) ? SC.DRAG_MOVE : dragOp;
Implements the SC.DropTarget protocol. Hides any visible insertion
point and clears some cached values.
dragExited: function() {
this.hideInsertionPoint() ;
this._lastInsertionIndex = this._lastDropOperation = null ;
Implements the SC.DropTarget protocol. Hides any visible insertion
point and clears some cached values.
dragEnded: function() {
this.hideInsertionPoint() ;
this._lastInsertionIndex = this._lastDropOperation = null ;
Implements the SC.DropTarget protocol.
prepareForDragOperation: function(op, drag) { return YES; },
Implements the SC.DropTarget protocol. Consults the collection view
delegate to actually perform the operation unless the operation is
reordering content.
performDragOperation: function(op, drag) {
// Get the correct insertion point, drop operation, etc.
var state = this._computeDropOperationState(drag, null, op) ;
var idx = state[0], dropOp = state[1], dragOp = state[2] ;
// The dragOp is the kinds of ops allowed. The drag operation must
// be included in that set.
if (dragOp === SC.DRAG_REORDER) {
} else {
op = op & dragOp ;
// If no allowed drag operation could be found, just return.
if (op === SC.DRAG_NONE) return op;
// Some operation is allowed through, give the delegate a chance to
// handle it.
var performed = this.invokeDelegateMethod(this.delegate, 'collectionViewAcceptDrop', this, drag, dropOp, idx, op) ;
// If the delegate did not handle the drag (i.e. returned SC.DRAG_NONE),
// and the op type is REORDER, then do the reorder here.
if ((performed === SC.DRAG_NONE) && (op === SC.DRAG_REORDER)) {
var objects = drag.dataForType(this._reorderDataType()) ;
if (!objects) return SC.DRAG_NONE ;
var content = this.get('content') ;
content.beginPropertyChanges(); // suspend notifications
// find the old index and remove it.
var objectsIdx = objects.get('length') ;
while(--objectsIdx >= 0) {
var obj = objects.objectAt(objectsIdx) ;
var old = content.indexOf(obj) ;
if (old >= 0) content.removeAt(old) ;
if ((old >= 0) && (old < idx)) idx--; //adjust idx
// now insert objects at new location
content.replace(idx, 0, objects) ;
content.endPropertyChanges(); // restart notifications
// make the op into its actual value
return op;
Default delegate method implementation, returns YES if canReorderContent
is also true.
collectionViewShouldBeginDrag: function(view) {
return this.get('canReorderContent') ;
concludeDragOperation: function(op, drag) {
this.hideInsertionPoint() ;
this._lastInsertionIndex = null ;
The insertion orientation. This is used to determine which
dimension we should pay attention to when determining insertion point for
a mouse click.
SC.HORIZONTAL_ORIENTATION: look at the X dimension only
SC.VERTICAL_ORIENTATION: look at the Y dimension only
insertionOrientation: SC.HORIZONTAL_ORIENTATION,
Get the preferred insertion point for the given location, including
an insertion preference of before or after the named index.
You can implement this method in a subclass if you like to perform a
more efficient check. The default implementation will loop through the
item views looking for the first view to "switch sides" in the orientation
you specify.
This method should return an array with two values. The first value is
the insertion point index and the second value is the drop operation,
which should be one of SC.DROP_BEFORE or SC.DROP_ON.
The preferred drop operation passed in should be used as a hint as to
the type of operation the drag and drop could would prefer to receive.
If the dropOperaiton is SC.DROP_ON, then you should return a DROP_ON
mode if possible. Otherwise, you should never return DROP_ON.
For compatibility, you can also return just the insertion index. If you
do this, then the collction view will assume the drop operation is
If an insertion is NOT allowed, you should return -1 as the insertion
point. In this case, the drop operation will be ignored.
@param loc {Point} the mouse location.
@param dropOperation {DropOp} the preferred drop operation.
@returns {Array} [proposed drop index, drop operation]
insertionIndexForLocation: function(loc, dropOperation) {
var content = this.get('content') ;
var f, itemView, curSide, lastSide = null ;
var orient = this.get('insertionOrientation') ;
var ret= null ;
for(var idx=0; ((ret == null) && (idx loc.y) {
curSide = (SC.maxX(f) < loc.x) ? -1 : 1 ;
} else curSide = null ;
// if we are a vertical orientation, look for the first item that
// will "swithc sides" on the y path and the maxX is greater than X.
// This assumes you will flow LTR, but it should work if you flow
// bottom to top or top to bottom.
} else {
if (SC.minX(f) < loc.x) {
curSide = (SC.maxY(f) < loc.y) ? -1 : 1 ;
} else curSide = null ;
// if we "switched" sides then return this item view.
if (curSide !== null) {
// OK, we found an item view, while we have this data, decide if
// we should insert before or after the view
if ((lastSide !== null) && (curSide != lastSide)) {
ret = idx ;
if (SC.midX(f) < loc.x) ret++ ;
} else {
if (SC.midY(f) < loc.y) ret++ ;
lastSide =curSide ;
// Handle some edge cases
if ((ret == null) || (ret < 0)) ret = 0 ;
if (ret > content.length) ret = content.length ;
// Done. Phew. Return.
return ret;
Override to show the insertion point during a drag.
Called during a drag to show the insertion point. Passed value is the
item view that you should display the insertion point before. If the
passed value is null, then you should show the insertion point AFTER that
last item view returned by the itemViews property.
Once this method is called, you are guaranteed to also recieve a call to
hideInsertionPoint() at some point in the future.
The default implementation of this method does nothing.
@param itemView {SC.View} view the insertion point should appear directly before. If null, show insertion point at end.
@param dropOperation {Number} the drop operation. will be SC.DROP_BEFORE or SC.DROP_ON
@returns {void}
showInsertionPoint: function(itemView, dropOperation) {
return (dropOperation === SC.DROP_BEFORE) ? this.showInsertionPointBefore(itemView) : this.hideInsertionPoint() ;
Show the insertion point during a drag before the named item view.
This method has been deprecated in favor of the more generic
showInsertionPoint() which can be used to show drops occurring both on
and before an itemView. If you do not implement showInsertionPoint()
yourself, the default implementation will call this method whenever the
drop operation is SC.DROP_BEFORE.
@param itemView {SC.View} the item view to show before.
@returns {void}
showInsertionPointBefore: function(itemView) {},
Override to hide the insertion point when a drag ends.
Called during a drag to hide the insertion point. This will be called
when the user exits the view, cancels the drag or completes the drag. It
will not be called when the insertion point changes during a drag.
You should expect to receive one or more calls to
showInsertionPointBefore() during a drag followed by at least one call to
this method at the end. Your method should not raise an error if it is
called more than once.
@returns {void}
hideInsertionPoint: function() {},
Override this method to provide your own ghost image for a drag.
Note that the only purpose of this view is to render a visible drag
element. It is not critical that you make this element bindable, etc.
@param dragContent {Array} Array of content objects that will be used in
the drag.
ghostViewFor: function(dragContent) {
var view = SC.View.create() ;
view.setStyle({ position: 'absolute', overflow: 'hidden' });
var viewFrame = this.convertFrameToView(this.get('frame'), null) ;
view.set('frame', viewFrame) ;
var idx = dragContent.length ;
var maxX = 0; var maxY = 0 ; var minX =100000; var minY = 100000 ;
while(--idx >= 0) {
var itemView = this.itemViewForContent(dragContent[idx]) ;
if (!itemView) continue ;
var f = itemView.get('frame') ;
f = this.convertFrameFromView(f, itemView) ;
var dom = itemView.rootElement ;
if (!dom) continue ;
// save the maxX & maxY. This will be used to trim the size
// of the ghost view later.
if (SC.maxX(f) > maxX) maxX = SC.maxX(f) ;
if (SC.maxY(f) > maxY) maxY = SC.maxY(f) ;
if (SC.minX(f) < minX) minX = SC.minX(f) ;
if (SC.minY(f) < minY) minY = SC.minY(f) ;
// Clone the contents of this node. We should probably apply the
// computed style to the cloned nodes in order to make sure they match
// even if the CSS styles do not match. Make sure the items are
// properly positioned.
dom = dom.cloneNode(true) ;
Element.setStyle(dom, { position: "absolute", left: "%@px".fmt(f.x), top: "%@px".fmt(f.y), width: "%@px".fmt(f.width), height: "%@px".fmt(f.height) }) ;
view.rootElement.appendChild(dom) ;
// Now we have a view, create another view that will wrap the other view
// and position it inside.
var wrapper = SC.View.create() ;
wrapper.setStyle({ position: 'absolute', overflow: 'hidden' }) ;
wrapper.set('frame', {
x: viewFrame.x+minX, y: viewFrame.y+minY,
width: (maxX-minX+1), height: (maxY-minY+1)
}) ;
wrapper.appendChild(view) ;
view.set('frame', { x: 0-minX, y: 0-minY }) ;
return wrapper ;
// ......................................
init: function() {
// Initialize internal hashes and arrays. Normally the best approach to this
// is to initialize a property only when it is used. However, these properties
// are critical to layout and therefore will always be needed so it is faster
// to do it once here.
this._itemViewsByContent= {};
this._groupViewsByValue= {};
this._groupViewCounts= {};
this._zombieGroupViews= {};
this._itemViewsByGuid = {} ;
this._itemViewPool= [];
this._groupViewPool= [];
arguments.callee.base.apply(this, arguments) ;
// Perform the action. Supports legacy behavior as well as newer style
// action dispatch.
_action: function(view, evt) {
var action = this.get('action');
var target = this.get('target') || null;
if (action) {
// if the action is a function, just call it
if ($type(action) == T_FUNCTION) return this.action(view, evt) ;
// otherwise, use the new sendAction style
SC.app.sendAction(action, target, this) ;
// if no action is specified, then trigger the support action,
// if supported.
} else if (!view) {
return ; // nothing to do
// if the target view has its own internal action handler,
// trigger that.
} else if ($type(view._action) == T_FUNCTION) {
return view._action(evt) ;
// otherwise call the action method to support older styles.
} else if ($type(view.action) == T_FUNCTION) {
return view.action(evt) ;
/** Add/remove from drop targets as needed. */
_dropTargetObserver: function() {
var canDrop = this.get('canReorderContent') || this.get('isDropTarget') ;
if (canDrop) {
SC.Drag.addDropTarget(this) ;
} else {
SC.Drag.removeDropTarget(this) ;
}.observes('canReorderContent', 'isDropTarget'),
/** @private
Whenever content changes, update children and also start observing
new [] property.
_contentObserver: function() {
var content = this.get('content') ;
if (SC.isEqual(content, this._content)) return ; // nothing to do
if (!this._boundContentPropertyObserver) {
this._boundContentPropertyObserver = this._contentPropertyObserver.bind(this) ;
var func = this._boundContentPropertyObserver ;
// remove old observer, add new observer, and trigger content property change
if (this._content) this._content.removeObserver('[]', func) ;
if (content) content.addObserver('[]', func) ;
this._content = content; //cache
this._contentPropertyRevision = null ;
var rev = (content) ? content.propertyRevision : -1 ;
this._contentPropertyObserver(this, '[]', content, rev) ;
/** @private
Whenever the selection changes, update the itemViews.
_selectionObserver: function() {
var sel = this.get('selection') ;
if (SC.isEqual(sel, this._selection)) return ; // nothing to do
if (!this._boundSelectionPropertyObserver) {
this._boundSelectionPropertyObserver = this._selectionPropertyObserver.bind(this) ;
var func = this._boundSelectionPropertyObserver ;
if (this._selection) this._selection.removeObserver('[]', func) ;
if (sel) sel.addObserver('[]', func) ;
this._selection = sel ;
this._selectionPropertyRevision = null ;
var propertyRevision = (sel) ? sel.propertyRevision : null;
this._selectionPropertyObserver(this, '[]', sel, propertyRevision) ;
// called on content change *and* content.[] change...
// update children if this is a new propertyRevision
// -- recheck all item views, add/remove children as needed
// -- update layout on all item views.
// -- optional: determine the first item view that does not match.
_contentPropertyObserver: function(target, key, value, rev) {
if (!this._updatingContent && (!rev || (rev != this._contentPropertyRevision))) {
this._contentPropertyRevision = rev ;
this._updatingContent = true ;
this._hasChildren = false ;
this.updateChildren(true) ;
this._updatingContent = false ;
// called on selection change and selection.[] change...
// update selection states if this is a new propertyRevision
_selectionPropertyObserver: function(target, key, value, rev) {
if (!this._updatingSel && (!rev || (rev != this._selectionPropertyRevision))) {
this._selectionPropertyRevision = rev ;
this._updatingSel = true ;
this._selectionHash = null ; // flush cache
this.updateSelectionStates() ;
this._updatingSel = false ;
// If isVisibleInWindow status changes, updateChildren if we are dirty.
_isVisibleInWindowObserver: function() {
if (this.get('isDirty')) this.updateChildren() ;
// ======================================================================
// DEPRECATED APIS (Still available for compatibility)
/** @private
If set to false, this method will prevent you from deselecting all of
the items in your view. This is better implemented using a controller
that prohibits empty selection.
allowDeselectAll: true,
/** @private */
itemExistsInCollection: function( view ) { return this.hasItemView(view); },
/** @private */
viewForContentRecord: function(rec) { return this.itemViewForContent(rec); }
}) ;