module Foobara class DomainMapper class << self def call(value) end def from(*args) if args.empty? @from else if args.size > 1 # :nocov: raise ArgumentError, "only one argument allowed" # :nocov: end @from = args.first end end def to(*args) if args.empty? @to else if args.size > 1 # :nocov: raise ArgumentError, "only one argument allowed" # :nocov: end @to = args.first end end def from_type return @from_type if defined?(@from_type) @from_type = object_to_type(from) end def to_type return @to_type if defined?(@to_type) @to_type = object_to_type(to) end def instance @instance ||= new end def inherited(subclass) foobara_domain_mapper_to_process(subclass.instance) super end def foobara_domain_mapper_to_process(mapper) foobara_domain_mappers_to_process << mapper end def foobara_domain_mappers_to_process @foobara_domain_mappers_to_process ||= [] end def foobara_process_domain_mappers if defined?(@foobara_domain_mappers_to_process) @foobara_domain_mappers_to_process.each do |mapper| mapper.domain.foobara_domain_mapper(mapper) end remove_instance_variable(:@foobara_domain_mappers_to_process) end end def domain candidate = self loop do candidate = Util.module_for(candidate) if candidate.nil? # :nocov: raise "Domain mapper must be scoped within a domain but #{} is not in a domain" # :nocov: elsif candidate.foobara_domain? return candidate end end end def matches?(type_indicator, value) return true if type_indicator.nil? || value.nil? || type_indicator == value type = object_to_type(type_indicator) return true if type.nil? || type == value return true if type.applicable?(value) && type.process_value(value).success? if value.is_a?(Types::Type) if !value.registered? && !type.registered? value.declaration_data == type.declaration_data end else value_type = object_to_type(value) if value_type matches?(type, value_type) end end end def object_to_type(object) if object if object.is_a?(::Class) if object < Foobara::Model object.model_type elsif object < Foobara::Command object.inputs_type else domain.foobara_type_from_declaration(object) end else case object when Types::Type object when ::Symbol domain.foobara_lookup_type!(object) end end end end end def from_type self.class.from_type end def to_type self.class.to_type end def call(from_value) from_value = from_type.process_value!(from_value) mapped_value = map(from_value) to_type.process_value!(mapped_value) end # TODO: can we make _from_value passed to #initialize instead? That way it doesn't have to be passed around # between various helper methods def map(_from_value) # :nocov: raise "subclass repsonsibility" # :nocov: end def applicable?(from_value, to_value) self.class.matches?(from_type, from_value) && self.class.matches?(to_type, to_value) end def domain self.class.domain end end end